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  • Caregiver Community

    A place where Caregivers come together to share common experiences, challenges,and resources. 

    Caregivers are truly experts in patient management and can help each other because of their intensive experience in patient care at home. Caregivers can ask questions to others on this forum going through a similar caregiving experiences. They can start topics and discuss things like ways to manage daily tasks, where to find doctors, nurses, and other health services, how they manage stress, and any other topics related to caring for their loved one and for themselves. It is a great place for Caregivers to come and chat about the issues that affect them on a day to day basis and take time to focus on their own needs and health.

  • What do Siblings of Children with a Condition Struggle With?
    Dr Roma Kumar, Clinical Psychologist and Senior Consultant at the Institute of Child Health at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, talks about how siblings of a child with a condition also need care and empathy and what may be the emotional turmoil for such a sibling, as a child and often even as an adult. What is the positive and negative impact of a child with disability or a serious health condition on the brothers and sisters? The quality of the life of family members, as well as of the…
  • Know Your Mental HealthCare Act
    In March this year, in a landmark move, the Indian Lok Sabha passed a resolution in favour of those with mental illness. Mr.Amrit Bakhshy, President of Schizophrenia Awareness Association and a caregiver himself lists down some salient points. The Indian Mental Healthcare Act 2017 strives to rectify years of wrongdoing against those who have a mental illness hallenged and also overturns, in the process, the archaic Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code (which criminalises attempted suicide).…
  • Physical Activity and Exercise Can Help Keep Mental Illness in Control
    Exercise and yoga can improve quality of life for people with mental illness and reduce risks of strokes, diabetes, auditory hallucinations and other health problems, informs Dr R Padmavati, Additional Director, Schizophrenia Research Foundation. World Health Organisation defines physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical activity is not just "exercise". Exercise, is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned,…
  • Son, Your Smile Means the World to Me
    Chitra Iyer, mother of 18-year-old Shravan with autism, feels all her challenges and hardships melt away and every moment of life becomes worth living when a beautiful smile radiates across her son’s face. Here she shares Shravan’s childhood and preparing a life plan for him for the next 20 years. When Shravan came into our lives we were overjoyed. The fact that he survived the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for 26 days and came home with us was itself a huge victory. When he would cry…
  • Together, We are Able to Overcome Rejections and Obstacles
    Preethi Srinivasan was a young and energetic achiever in every sense of the word, till an accident made her a quadriplegic overnight. On Mother’s Day, Preethi’s mother Vijayalakshmi Srinivasan talks about what it means to be a mother and a friend to her daughter and to ensure her daughter always feels loved and cared for. From being a mother of a super achiever child to suddenly having to cope with the child's disability, what were your first thoughts and feelings? On the day of her accident,…
  • Arthritis Friendly Kitchen E-Book
    Do you or a family member like to cook in the kitchen but struggle with the aches and pains due to Arthritis and other bone and joint conditions? Do you know that with some modifications and some simple tips, your kitchen can be made Elder Friendly or Arthritis Friendly? Here are some tips consolidated into the Arthritis Friendly Kitchen E-Book that you can download. And if you like the ebook, please share this page with your friends and family - so they can benefit from this as well.  And…
  • How to Prepare Your Home for Palliative Care
    Palliative care at home can be best executed if certain preemptive measures are taken in a disciplined manner to avoid pitfalls and also to ensure comfort and peace for the person with a condition, says Usha Ravi Palliative care at home can be custom-made for many seriously and terminally ill patients, which ensures tender loving care with comfort and dignity in their own familiar environment. Provision of such compassionate care doesn’t hasten death, but rather enables an individual to live…
  • Don’t let a Fall Ruin Your Life
    Falls are a common complication of advancing Parkinson's disease. So how can you minimise the risk of falls, be in good shape and lead an active life? Find out here: It is important that you do not allow a fear of falling to stop you doing things, provided that you are sensible. Keeping active is good for your mobility and independence, and doing the things you like is good for your morale. Try not to let falls curb your activities too much as this can have a negative impact on your quality of…
  • Preventing Falls in Parkinson’s
    People with Parkinson's are at high risk of falling due to problems with balance, rigidity, and slowness of movement. Here we bring key safety strategies to reduce incidence of falls that can cause bumps, bruises or even broken bones. Some people with Parkinson’s find their pattern of walking (gait) changes; you may walk more slowly, shuffle, or you may experience freezing of gait when you stop and are unable to move for a few seconds or minutes. These changes in walking pattern can affect your…
  • ‘Caring for my wife is my only job’
    Dr (Prof) Nandi, 83 is a full time caregiver for his wife, Dr Gita Nandi, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He shares his experience of a caregiver in this personal account. My wife is a doctor herself and she has been suffering from Alzheimer’s for the last six and a half years. The first symptoms were that she started having breathing trouble. I admitted her to the Railway Hospital. She used to be a senior doctor with the Railways and we also used to live in the Railway quarters in…
In the last couple of weeks, I have heard of two different cases in India where the hospital kept a patient in ICU on life support for weeks on end. In one case, even after the family asked for the patient to be transferred to a normal room, the…
Query from a caregiver Does anyone know a counsellor in Ahmedabad who can go to a patient's home. Patient has had a couple of strokes and even though there is no paralysis believes he is paralysed and does not use his limbs and keeps falling.…
Here is a question from one of our members: My father is 89. He used to walk regularly twice a day and used a simple walking cane. But now he has had a few falls. Doctor says he must use a cane with 4 legs(quad cane) but he refuses to do that. Now…
When treatment started failing 66 year old Siew Ching, the family became divided into different camps. Some wanted her to stay in hospital so that she could receive maximal supportive care. Others wanted her to be discharged so she could go…
My 95 year old father lives with my sister. She takes very good care of him. Normally he is fine. Can manage most daily activities with some help. But he is sometimes very paranoid about domestic helpers coming into his room and trying to harm him…
We found a great list of tips (in the link below) to help ease the challenges of being a caregiver and help caregivers with self-care - take a look at this list and share with us if you have ever used any of these and how! The tips include:…
A lack of sleep or feeling tired is one of the biggest challenges that Caregivers face. Often times we have to wake up at night to check on our loved one, or we have trouble falling asleep because our mind is preoccupied. What are some of your…
As Caregivers we often take on a lot and can get exhausted. It is important to learn how to ask for help - maybe other family members, friends, or neighbors can help take on some tasks and make life a little easier for the Caregiver. For many of us…
My MIL is a little bit over weight @ 94, and is able to walk only with a walker very slowly.She is addicted to watching TV whether she understands anything or not, but cannot sit for a long time. WE give her TV time, once a day for 2 hours. For…
I recently came across a great article that spoke about the importance of sharing caregiving duties among family or siblings. Often, the caregving duties falls upon one sibling or family member, and  this can cause resentment or…

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    A place where Caregivers come together to share common experiences, challenges,and resources.  Caregivers are…