Here is a question from one of our members:
My father is 89. He used to walk regularly twice a day and used a simple walking cane. But now he has had a few falls. Doctor says he must use a cane with 4 legs(quad cane) but he refuses to do that. Now he only walks if he has someone accompanying him. How can I convince him to use the right cane? I am lost. Please help
Not sure whether he wants
Not sure whether he wants someone accompanying because he is scared the stick will not be enough for support, or because finds a quad stick uncomfortable to use (he may be scared he can trip over its legs). It takes time and practice to switch from an old habit, and as RamaCare3 says above, the presence of someone when he first tries the new stick may help. Also, he may be more confident if you get him a few practice and confidence building sessions of using the stick in the presence of a physiotherapist. He will be able to explain his fears and get answers, and the physiotherapist can make sure he knows the the right way to hold and use the stick, adjust it to the optimal height for his use, etc. .
I think it's important to
I think it's important to find out why he's refusing to use the new cane. Is it lack of confidence with using a new aid, or is it an emotional issue? Maybe a bit of both. Sometimes it helps to think of strategies used in the past to convert resistance to a willingness to try something.
Lakshmi a rehabilitation
I feel they should get a physiotherapist home for a visit. Let him assess and advice what kind of walking aid is needed. He will also train the person in the usage of walking aid. In this particular situation, a therapist is often more effective than a doctor.
Great responses RamaCare3,
Great responses RamaCare3, Swapna, Shikha and Lakshmi. I also understand in some cases the change in weight and usage of the quad cane or quadruped is a factor and training by a therapist and/or assistance for the first few times would definitely help. Thank you all for your suggestions
The risk of a fall has to be
The risk of a fall has to be addressed immediately on various levels. 1. The safety features at home have to be taken care of- railings, emergency call bells, decluttering, removal of sharp objects/corners, floors can be carpeted, raised chairs, toilet seat, dry bathrooms etc. 2. Gait training, balance training, stretching and mobility exercises by trained physiotherapists 3. Counselling and patient education by a trained rehabilitation professional 4. Medical advice/assistance if not already sought
This is a challenging
This is a challenging situation. Have you asked him why he is not comfortable with a quad cane? There may be some underlying fear of continued falls without someone there with him, which is why he may want to use the older cane because it means he will have the additional support and comfort of someone else there with him. If it has not already been purchased, I would purchase one and assure him that someone will be there with him as he gets used to the new cane. It will be an ongoing process to slowly convince him - but maybe addressing some of the underlying fears and concerns slowly will help guide him towards the new cane.