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    Heart and Cardio-vascular

    Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Heart Failure, Heart Disease, Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, Obesity, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Hypertension and more

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  • A family of parents holding a young child with overlay text on blue background that says My Child Has Alagille Syndrome and Congenital Heart Defect
    Accept The Rare Disease Diagnosis And Educate yourself
    Suchismita Haldar is a full time caregiving mom to her 3 year old son who was diagnosed with Alagille Syndrome at birth. She talks about her journey as well as the awareness campaign she conducts. Modified on 28 Jul again At what age was your son diagnosed with Alagille Syndrome? What were the symptoms? My son was diagnosed with a critical congenital heart defect 2 days after he was born. He had pulmonary atresia with no native PA (pulmonary artery) and MAPCA (major aorto pulmonary collateral…
  • Big Heart - The Heart Failure Series
    There is still a lack of awareness on Heart Failure. People often confuse it with Heart attack. We are doing a series on public and patient awareness sessions on various aspects related to Heart Failure. Leave us a comment here if you have a question Join us as Dr. Jagdish Hiremath explains Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and its linkages with advancing age. Dr. Hiremath is Cardiologist, Director Cath Lab, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune When 10th September 4:30 PM IST   On Zoom…
  • Image: Stock pic with a definition of hypertension with a red underline
    उच्च रक्तचाप के बारे में जानकारी|
    रक्तचाप के सामान्य से अधिक होने की समस्या को उच्च रक्तचाप या हाइपरटेंशन कहते हैं। रक्तचाप वह बल है जिसके साथ हृदय द्वारा पंप किया गया रक्त धमनियों की दीवारों पर दबाव डालता है। रक्तचाप दिन भर बढ़ता और गिरता रहता है। जब रक्तचाप समय के साथ ऊंचा बना रहता है, तो इसे उच्च रक्तचाप कहा जाता है।  ब्लड प्रेशर को मापने के लिए जो रीडिंग लेते हैं उस में दो नंबर होते हैं। ऊपर वाली संख्या (सिस्टोलिक) उस बल को मापती है जिस से हृदय धड़कन द्वारा रक्त को धमनियों में पंप करता है। नीचे की संख्या (डायस्टोलिक)…
  • An image with a hand crushing cigarette butts on the left and hands holding a heart to indicate how quitting tobacco saves the heart
    How Quitting Tobacco Improves Heart Health
    Tobacco increases risk of multiple heart diseases. But people who quit tobacco reduce their risk of dying from a heart disease significantly. Read more to understand the consequences of tobacco consumption and the benefits of quitting tobacco. Tobacco can affect the heart and the entire cardiovascular system including the blood vessels. According to the WHO and World Heart Federation, 1.9 million people die from tobacco-related heart diseases every year. Even occasional intake of tobacco and…
  • How Can Menopausal Women Prevent Hypertension
    Symptoms of hypertension in women are different from men and often mistaken for menopausal symptoms. Dr. Shital Patel explains the connection between menopause and high blood pressure, and how menopausal women can prevent hypertension. Women approaching their middle-age may be living with undiagnosed hypertension (high blood pressure). Doctors warn that women may miss out on correct diagnosis because their symptoms are mistaken for menopause. Women may present with symptoms such as chest pain,…
  • How I Improved My Fitness Levels After 50
    An inspiring and heart rending account of a 58-year-old man's ongoing fitness journey, despite experiencing monumental setbacks such as a near fatal accident and the loss of his teenage son in successive years. GB Dutt, former research scientist shares learnings from his journey from being a couch potato to a fitness addict. During my adolescent years and in my 20s, I never bothered about my diet as I could eat whatever I wanted in large quantities and could still be lean or even underweight. I…
  • How Much Salt Does A Child Need?
    During #SaltAwarenessWeek, we put the spotlight on how much salt children need, the hidden sources of salt and why parents must be aware and pro-actively manage salt intake. Facts every parent must know. Did you know  - Children need less salt than adults  - Kidneys of children take time to develop  - Children have a normal BP of 120/80 only around the age of 15-16 Learn more about blood pressure readings in children and why salt in children must be regulated.  - WHO has…
  • Dangers Of Excess Salt, Sugar and Junk Food On Children's Health
    A panel discussion with Dr Rajan Ravichandran and Dr Arun Gupta highlighted the need for better product labeling and regulatory changes around advertising and marketing of processed foods. For parents to be aware of the link of salt, sugar and ultra processed foods with diabetes, hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease in children. (Video below) Participants: Aparna Mittal, Founder , PatientsEngage (AM) Dr Rajan Ravichandran – Senior Nephrologist (RR) Dr Arun Gupta – Pediatrician (AG) AM : Why…
  • A man sleeping with a CPAP machine attached to his face
    मैंने अपनी स्लीप एपनिया समस्या को कैसे ठीक किया
    दिल्ली के 42 वर्षीय रोहन कपूर पिछले पंद्रह वर्षों  से ऑब्सट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया विकार से जूझ रहे हैं, और बिना किसी बाधा के नींद लेने के लिए मशीन का उपयोग करते हैं। कृपया हमें अपनी स्थिति के बारे में कुछ बताएं मुझे 2004 से ऑब्सट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया (ओएसए, अश्वसन) है, और मेरा निदान स्लीप टेस्ट के माध्यम से किया गया था। मैं नींद के लिए एक सीपीएपी (CPAP) मशीन का उपयोग करता हूं और इस उपकरण की वजह से मेरी स्थिति का सफलतापूर्वक प्रबंधन हो पा रहा है। Read in English: How I fixed my sleep…
  • Stock pic that says heart failure and shows a stethoscope and some meds
    Prevention of Heart Failure
    Heart failure can be avoided by working on lifestyle changes and decreasing your risk factors if any: Regular exercise is a must. 5 days or 150 hours of cardiovascular exercises per week is the recommended goal to stay physically active. Maintain optimal body weight. If you are overweight or obese, lose the excess pounds. Eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish etc. Avoid processed, packaged and preserved foods. Stop smoking and use of other tobacco products to reduce…
Hello Doctor, I am 48 years old now. Since almost for the last 12 years i am having pain on my left arm, left shoulder, fingers on the left hand, chest. The pain is not constant at one particular place. It keeps changing ..sometimes on the shoulder…
My husband is alwz suffering from high bp..whenever he eats something fried..liver test report is also not satisfactory..moreover ecg report was also not in a proper rythem....plz help us out..he is of 35 yrs....
Abstract from a report from India where a young woman who consumed Herbalife had acute liver failure. Herbalife® is a global nutrition and weight management company selling and marketing nutritional and…
My ma-in-law is a cardiac patient and sometimes gets atrial fibrillation which worries us. She is in her late 80s, and has had a stent put around 20 years ago. We are wondering whether there is some suitable heart health monitoing device that would…
How To chk Bmi?  
I am 49 year old . My BMI is 29 and am looking forward to loosing weight . 
How to reduse by yoga and Ayurveda
I am suffering from mild chest pain since last 4-5 years...some time feel breathlessness...pls advise..
I am a female aged 25. Since last two years, I'm feeling pulsatile tinnitus. I can hear my heartbeat every time the heart pumps blood. I have had all tests done. There's also pain in the backside of my head spreading to the neck and shoulders and…

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