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  • Stop Your Child Smoking
    Why your child is at risk and what to say to him or her. By Dr Shital Raval Patel. When you think of a smoker, you don’t think of a 10-year-old. But 67% of smokers in India start the tobacco habit between the ages of 9 and 15. According to the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2006), more than one third of students aged 13 to 15 years (36.8%) reported initiating tobacco use before the age of 10 (Sinha et al., 2008). This could be cigarettes, bidis (which have three times the amount of nicotine and…
  • Sugar vs Fat
    Which is the greater evil? How much fat is necessary in your diet? How to read food labels? Registered dietitian and diabetes educator Ujjwala Baxi has all the information.  The human diet is always evolving. And with each evolution comes strong and focused criticism of certain foods. Some decades ago, it was the fat in our diet that was demonised and 0% fat diets and recipes flourished on bookshelves and the dinner table. But very soon, it was realised that going nil…
  • What can you do to prevent dementia
    The longer we live, the more likely we are to develop dementia. And, it is the one that tends to terrify us most. Evidence suggests that changing your lifestyle can help to reduce your risk of dementia. What does the current evidence really tell us about prevention? 1. Watch your body mass index In general terms, it appears to be healthier to be neither underweight nor obese in middle age. 2. Take regular exercise The study found that regular exercise (30 minutes walking…
  • Making your kitchen bug-proof - Food safety tips
    Our food comes from all over the world. What can you do to ensure that the food on your table is safe to eat. Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju offers food safety tips on World Health Day.  Take a look at the food on your plate. It can lead to pleasure and health, or it can make you very ill. Every year, food- and water-borne diarrheal diseases kill 2.2 million people worldwide, many of them children (…
  • Foods that increase Cancer risk
    1. Processed and Red Meat: contribute to colorectal cancer, the most common cancer in Singapore and one of the top 5 cancers in India as well as to stomach, breast, endometrium, oesophagus cancer. Regular consumption, even in small quantities increase your risk because of presence of nitrates and nitrites. 2. Cured and Salted Fish: Preserved fish are high in nitrates and nitrites and increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.  Opt for oily fish like salmon, sardines and tuna which are…
  • Eat Right To Beat PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome)
    Chase away the monthly blues with food and lifestyle changes. By Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju. Infographic below. PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) is caused by hormonal fluctuations. It affects 85 per cent of menstruating women in varying degrees – from mild (just a bother) to severe (you have to take time off work or your relationships are affected).  PMS is associated with a host of symptoms. Among them are bloating, headaches, irritability, anxiety, depression, tiredness,…
  • 4 common sense take-aways from Bipasha Basu
    1. I believe in eating in moderation and eating at the right time. When you like food, it’s very important to like your body also. 2. I got into fitness in 2005 and it started with me having the handicap of osteo-arthiritis and because I got it at such an early age, it made me realise that your body is just a machine. You have to know your body type and work accordingly. 3. First thing fitness does to you is to give you a fit mind; your energies change. To handle that you need to be…
  • 8 tips to get out of bed earlier
    We keeping making resolutions to exercise more. If you are like me you have resolved to go for the morning walk, run, yoga session and never did get around to waking up earlier. Its not too late. Here are some tricks on how to get out of bed earlier.. My favourite is No. 3. It always works.. Which one is yours ? 1. Get up just one minute earlier (Each Day)  2. Motivate yourself by chasing small wins…
  • Top 10 meditation apps
    1. Buddhify This nicely-designed UK-created app is aimed at busy urbanites. You tell it whether you’re at the gym, walking, commuting or home.  2. Sleep Easily Meditation There’s a 25-minute guided meditation that combines soothing music with talking you through the relaxation process.  3. Calm – meditation and relaxation There are seven guided sessions running from 2-20 minutes with a range of background scenes and sounds to choose from Free for iOS and Android 4. Smiling Mind…
  • The longevity tips from the Blue Zone
    Dr. Sanjay Gupta explores the principles of longevity and better health in this video in this blue zone journey as he talks to Dan Buettner, the author of Blue Zone Solutions The 4 longevity takeaways capture the 9 tips very well: 1. Move Naturally - Without even thinking about it  2. Eat wisely- More plants, less red meat, a glass of wine with a social group of moderate drinkers 3. Belong - Volunteer, Gives a sense of purpose and makes you want to get out of bed 4. Connect with people -…