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  • Women health and pregnancy
    Women's Health and Pregnancy

    Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


  • A vector image of a clock on woman's head and a question mark on man's head
    Health Risks Of Biological Clock for Men
    A recent study1 by the Women’s Health Institute at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA reviewed the effects of paternal age on fertility, pregnancy and the health of children. While women are known to have a ticking clock for reproduction, men are not subject to a similar timeline. Dr Ameya Sirsat, a leading Fertility Specialist from Mumbai guides us through these recent study results and what it means for men in relation to their reproductive health. Is there a “biological clock”…
  • My Struggles With Managing Hypothyroidism
    Neetu,43 has struggled with various symptoms of Hypothyroidism, be it weight gain, fatigue, lethargy over the years. She has tried to manage it with a combination of medications and lifestyle changes. But its not been easy. She candidly shares her challenges here. #YouAreNotAlone There was a steady pattern of unwanted weight loss and instead of feeling energetic; I was becoming more lethargic and listless. Thinking it was a hormonal issue because of heavy period flow that month, I went to see…
  • A selfie shot of a woman with black hair
    When My Periods Seem To Last Forever
    Nisha Suchak, 40, who is living with the von Willebrand Disease, which causes heavy menstrual bleeding and other bleeding problems, recounts some of the life threatening situation that she has had to battle. I have had a bleeding disorder since I was an infant. My knees and elbows would turn black and blue and would pain severely for several days every time I would get a bruise. Once, when I was 3-years-old, I fell on my face while running at home and my nose began to bleed. Most nosebleeds are…
  • A woman wearing a tank top and sitting on the bed clutching her side
    13 Symptoms Women Should Not Ignore
    Certain common day symptoms which last long may be signs of something serious. It is best to not ignore these. Dr. Shital Raval lists 13 such symptoms that women should not ignore. Women often tend to sideline their health over everything else going in their lives. After a long day it is common to have achy joints, tiredness, general feelings of malaise etc. all of which usually subside after a good night’s rest. However, if there are symptoms that are lasting, unexplained and do not subside…
  • International Women's Day 2019 Poster showing a woman with her arms stretched and a text Celebrating women who are changing the face of health and personal care
    Women’s Day 2019: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate For Change
    For International Women's Day, in line with the UN Women’s theme for 2019 we highlight a few women innovators and social entrepreneurs who have contributed to "Think equal, Build smart & Innovate for a change." We asked these three women entrepreneurs and innovators what drove the innovation and how it benefits the community.  Aditi Gupta, Founder - Menstrupedia Making it cool for young girls to talk about menstruation We created Menstrupedia to fight the widespread unawareness…
  • If you have Epilepsy, Plan your Pregnancy
    Dr. Jayanti Mani, Consultant – Neurology at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, addresses the concern that women with epilepsy cannot have children and breastfeed their baby. With the correct advice on medications, pre-planned pregnancy and proper monitoring most women with epilepsy can safely have normal children, she says. Is it safe for women with epilepsy to get pregnant? With advances in epilepsy therapies and comprehensive care by neurologists and obstetricians, it is now safer than ever…
  • Eating Disorder awareness
    When an Eating Disorder Wrecks a Young Mind and Body
    There is a significant increase in young people with eating disorders from developing countries who take concerns about food and body weight to dangerous extremes. Dr. Mangala of SCARF, Chennai shares how you can spot an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia and binging and seek timely assistance to save precious lives. Eating disorders are behavioural disorders characterized by abnormal eating habits, causing psychological and physiological disturbances. These persistent abnormal eating…
  • Pooja in a white dress with  her son and husband on the deck of a ship
    Don't Let Epilepsy Get The Better Of You
    Pooja Mehta Nandi, 40, reflects on how she never ever let epilepsy seizures overpower or crush her - through school, work, marriage or motherhood. Read her motivational account. I have been getting seizures since I was a child. Not random seizures, but those that had a fixed pattern of occurrence. Every time I had fever, I would get a fit. Right through my childhood, the two would invariably come together. As I had no other health problem, and my convulsions would stop as my fever subsided, my…
  • Pregnancy and Diabetes
    Dr Kanika Chaudhuri, practicing consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Singapore talks of the Risks of Gestational Diabetes and how to control diabetes before, during and after pregnancy As the age of childbirth goes up due to changing demographics, we are seeing more patients with pre-existing diabetes and the incidence of Gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes developing in pregnant women) is also on the rise. Both these conditions need multi-disciplinary management to…
  • Cervical Cancer
    Cervical cancer refers to cancer that originates in the cells lining the cervix, which is the organ connecting the uterus and the vagina. There are two main types of cervical cancers: The most common is squamous cell carcinoma, arising in the squamous (flattened) epithelial cells that line the cervix. The other is adenocarcinoma, which starts in the mucus-producing gland cells of the cervix.  The human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is the leading cause of cervical cancer.…
i wnt to loose weight... plz help me
hello sir/mam, i am sathya.27 years old.marriage date is sep 4.completed 6 months of marriage life.we are planning to get baby...not yet conceived...pls suggest me ..what are the DO'S AND DONT'S  to be pregnant,..thank u in advance.............
when I do exercise , the sweat causes sinus infection. what can I do for this? will sweat band reduce this?
hi everyone, im 27 .gradually my weight is increasing from 50 to 60 with in 3 years. and my hemoglobin is 10.And i also have acidity. would this be a reason to weight gain ??please help me on this
Losse weight tummy for pregnancy
due to pcos i am uable to i need to loose weight.please suggest a easy diet chart with exercise as i have a 10-6 job scedule.
am trying for a pregnency but i have pcos can u suggest anything i am using tablets since 8months for pcos but no use of that and periods is not regular
i want to loss my weight. i have a problem of pcos.... plz help me

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