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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 25 May 2019

Neetu,43 has struggled with various symptoms of Hypothyroidism, be it weight gain, fatigue, lethargy over the years. She has tried to manage it with a combination of medications and lifestyle changes. But its not been easy. She candidly shares her challenges here. #YouAreNotAlone

There was a steady pattern of unwanted weight loss and instead of feeling energetic; I was becoming more lethargic and listless. Thinking it was a hormonal issue because of heavy period flow that month, I went to see my Gynaecologist. She sent my blood for a regular Complete Blood Count ( CBC) along with thyroid and glucose testing. My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels came back high. I wasn’t quite convinced so I went to my trusted family GP for a second opinion.

After confirmation of hypothyroidism, a 100mg Eltroxin pill was started. Eltroxin is a levothyroxine drug that acts as a thyroid replacement therapy. I had to take the pill on an empty stomach every morning at the same time every day. I was told to check my thyroid levels via a blood test every 3-4 months.

My Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

My list of symptoms (experienced at one time or other over the years since diagnosis) include:

  • Dry skin
  • Constipation
  • Intolerance to cold
  • Lethargy
  • Muscle aches
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Insomnia
  • Puffiness on the face
  • Easy bruising
  • Frequent colds & coughs (every 4 months)
  • Change in appetite


Fatigue and Stress 

About 6 years ago, there was my sibling’s wedding and I would find myself feel drained by the end of the day during wedding preparations. When we would go out shopping, I would just look for a chair so I could sit down. I had to be quite patient because all I wanted was to finish it off and go home. It would be so tiring at times, that I even ended up missing a few events like family dinners etc. Skipping meals and not taking my medication on time eventually took its toll on me. After the wedding festivities, I noticed I had gained weight.

A few years later during a particularly stressful time in life (due to loss of a close family member), my thyroid did act up again. It was a very difficult period for me. I spoke to my doctor who put me on anti-depressants for about 2 months. I also joined a local Buddhist group and started chanting with them regularly. This did and continues to help me till today.

PCOS and High Cholesterol

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I have recently got high cholesterol in my blood reports. I have been prescribed yoga and walking but am not too regular with any of them. I do try to go for a walk once in a while. My work does keep me quite active and on my toes. After the family tragedy, I did take a break from work for a few years because it was taking an emotional and physical toll on me. My office has also moved and the commute was taking significant time and effort. I’m not sure if thyroid played a role in all this but I was happy to take the break and focus on my health.

Challenges with weight gain

Since the past 5 years, I have steadily been gaining weight! My first big jump was going from 55 to 65 kilos; I fluctuate between 65 to 70 now. My biggest challenge now is to lose these extra kilos that I have put on. I have been to a Dietician who suggested keeping a food diary and follow a charted meal plan.

I have also tried the 7 day diet a few times and that has helped me lose weight but I do regain that lost weight after a few months. Avoiding fried and gluten products has been helpful in feeling lighter and energetic. I try to avoid heavy lunches during work and have lots of fluids. Sticking to a specific and regular workout routine has been difficult but I have started jogging 3 times a week now.

In addition to my Eltroxin (my dose has now reduced to 25mg), I do take a multivitamin prescribed by my doctor and a Homeopathic pill that I started 6 years ago. My advice to other patients with Hypothyroidism would be to get regular with exercising and try meditation.

Sat, 05/25/2019 - 10:39