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  • Women health and pregnancy
    Women's Health and Pregnancy

    Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


  • What Should I Eat If I Have Anemia – Recipes and Tips
    Anemia affects more than 50% of women and children in India. This has significant consequences on their health. Dietitian Shruti Hirlekar suggests a couple of easy recipes and other diet tips to prevent and address Anemia. Anaemia is the deficiency in the number of red blood cells or the amount of haemoglobin they contain. This deficiency limits the exchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide between the blood and tissue cells. Haemoglobin is a conjugated protein containing four heme group and globin…
  • Stock pic of a young women running on the beach with an overlay of a heart and ECG
    महिलाओं में साइलेंट हार्ट अटैक के लक्षण और जोखिम
    हिंदुजा हेल्थकेयर सर्जिकल हॉस्पिटल की इंटर्वेंशनॉल कंसल्टेंट कार्डियोलॉजिस्ट डॉ. स्नेहिल मिश्रा  इस भ्रम को दूर कर रहे हैं कि हृदय रोग केवल पुरुषों का रोग है। सच इसके विपरीत है। महिलाओं में मृत्यु का सबसे बड़ा कारण हृदय रोग  ही है, परन्तु इसके लक्षण महिलाओं में फरक हैं। क्या हृदय रोग पुरुषों की तुलना में महिलाओं के लिए ज्यादा खतरनाक है? जागरूकता की कमी के कारण और केस की सही पहचान और रिपोर्टिंग में कमी के कारण महिलाओं में हृदय रोग का जोखिम सच्चाई से काफी कम आंका गया है। ज्यादातर…
  • मैं कैंसर के उपचार के दौरान डायरी लिखा करती थी और गणित की पहेलियाँ सुलझाया करती थी
    कैंसर मौत की सजा नहीं है। ऐसा कहीं नहीं लिखा है कि जिसे कैंसर है उसकी मौत दूसरों से पहले होगी। नंदिता मुरलीधर, जिन्हें स्तन कैंसर था, बताती हैं कि कैसे उनके हंसमुख और सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण ने उनकी निराशा को कम किया। “कैंसर” एक ऐसा शब्द है जो सुनने वाले को सुन्न कर देता है, कंपकंपा देता है। आपको कैंसर संबंधी हर मायूस फिल्म की याद आने लगती है - है… क्योंकि इन में कैंसर को हमेशा ज़िंदगी का एक अंत (या कम से कम अंत की शुरुआत) के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है. उदास संगीत, जबरदस्त बहते आँसू या एक निश्चित…
  • A poster that says Congenital Heart Disease
    My Baby Had A 11 Hour Surgery For Congenital Heart Disease
    A diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease can be earth-shattering for a new mom. A mother shares the series of corrective surgeries her young baby has to go through, the effect this diagnosis had on her and the family and how she has dealt with it. Initial Symptoms 2 days after my son was born, I turned to my husband and said “ I have never been happier in my life!” Little did I know my joy was going to hit a major speed bump less than 24 hours later. The paediatrician who was part of my labour…
  • Maternal Health Factors That Cause Childhood Obesity
    What is the impact of maternal obesity and gestational diabetes on neonatal adiposity and childhood obesity? Dr. Giridhara R Babu, the lead investigator of the study from the Public Health Foundation of India, Bangalore, helps explain the key findings of this study. In India alone, 4.3 million pregnant women are found to be overweight or obese. Obesity is a public health concern for pregnant women. Obesity leads to complications during pregnancy and birth, including a high rate of C-sections,…
  • What to Eat and Drink To Prevent Painful Bladder Syndrome
    A book on Indian Diet for Interstitial Cystitis (IC), the first of its kind, hopes to serve as an easy-to-understand guide for patients and caregivers to help manage IC or Painful Bladder Syndrome. Here is an interview with the co-author Neelanjana Singh who is a Nutrition Therapist & Wellness Consultant. Your book ‘Indian Diet for Interstitial Cystitis (Eat Healthy and Protect Your Bladder)’ was released last month. Could you tell us a little about it? Interstitial Cystitis (IC), now known…
  • Give Yourself Time To Heal
    Prachi*, 43 from Mumbai, India talks of her journey of pain due to adenomyosis, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, the treatment and complications. Initial symptoms and Diagnosis I’ve always had painful periods since menarche. During school days, my grandmother would apply hot cloth compresses on my back for relief. At times, I would leave it on for long, failing to notice that my skin had become red hot from it. Later on, I came to rely on an electric heating pads and painkillers for…
  • Cancer Screening Guidelines For Indian Women
    Screening for Cancer is a crucial part of Cancer Prevention and Control for women. In the second part of this guide on screening, Dr Gauravi Mishra  focusses on the screening strategies for women related cancers like Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer.  Can you explain the difference between the various screening tools used for Breast cancer i.e. ultrasound vs BSE vs mammography vs thermography? Breast Self-Examination BSEs first started 1930s; gained more recognition in 1950s-1960s…
  • Just Five Minutes Every Month Can Save Your Life
    Deaths due to Breast Cancer are preventable. Just do the Breast Self Exam once a month to catch any abnormalities early. Download this shower card to reduce breast cancer mortality Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers for women. It can also affect a small percentage of men. If detected early, it is also a cancer with one of the higher survival rates. So it is important that we take the necessary steps to detect lumps in the breast and other abnormalities early to improve our chances.…
  • A young woman's profile pic
    Helping My Premature Baby Get Stronger
    Jassu Sekhon. 40 from Mumbai delivered a pre-term baby of 1.1Kg at 30 weeks. She shares her experience of what her baby had to go through and what she as a mother did to make her prematurely born baby stronger. Please tell us about your delivery and birth of your baby? I delivered my baby 2.5 years ago via caesarean section in a room full of doctors, with my partner by my side and listening to FM radio. Our daughter was pulled out and handed to me. One of the doctors pulled down the green…
i wnt to loose weight... plz help me
hello sir/mam, i am sathya.27 years old.marriage date is sep 4.completed 6 months of marriage life.we are planning to get baby...not yet conceived...pls suggest me ..what are the DO'S AND DONT'S  to be pregnant,..thank u in advance.............
when I do exercise , the sweat causes sinus infection. what can I do for this? will sweat band reduce this?
hi everyone, im 27 .gradually my weight is increasing from 50 to 60 with in 3 years. and my hemoglobin is 10.And i also have acidity. would this be a reason to weight gain ??please help me on this
Losse weight tummy for pregnancy
due to pcos i am uable to i need to loose weight.please suggest a easy diet chart with exercise as i have a 10-6 job scedule.
am trying for a pregnency but i have pcos can u suggest anything i am using tablets since 8months for pcos but no use of that and periods is not regular
i want to loss my weight. i have a problem of pcos.... plz help me

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