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  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation And Meditation Get Me Through Each Day
    Rahul**, 58 was diagnosed with Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis which progressed to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. He spoke of his daily challenges and his coping methods and the pulmonary rehabilitation exercises. His wife Mukta shares her thoughts on his courageous journey. #DayInTheLifeSeries In 2004, I started experiencing cough, but I was highly stressed at work and ignored it. I went to the doctor one time and she gave me an inhaler but I didn’t use it regularly. Soon there was…
  • शय्याग्रस्त रोगी के लिए 7 सामान्य स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी जोखिम
    शय्याग्रस्त रोगी लम्बे समय तक कोई गतिविधि नहीं कर पाते हैं। इस कारण उन्हें अनेक स्वास्थ्य जटिलताओं हो सकती हैं, जैसे कि दर्दनाक शय्या व्रण (बेडसोर), रक्त संचार  और सांस-संबंधी समस्याएँ, अवसाद और अवकुंचन (कॉनट्रैक्चर)। इसं लेख में उषा रवि ने आपके शैय्याग्रस्त प्रियजन की उचित नर्सिंग और देखभाल के लिए कुछ सुझाव दिए हैं: अगर कोई व्यक्ति बीमारी, विकलांगता या बड़ी उम्र की वजह से बिस्तर-बद्ध है तो इससे कई चुनौतियां उत्पन्न हो सकती हैं। यह बोझ पीड़ित के साथ-साथ देखभालकर्ताओं को भी महसूस होता है।…
  • COPD Has Lead To Breathlessness And Loneliness
    Ramesh**, 58 from Mumbai on the challenges of living with COPD for the last 16 years and the effect it had on his lifestyle and his mental health and wellbeing and how he has came to terms with it.  Please tell us a bit about your condition  I have COPD which is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder. I was diagnosed nearly 16 years ago in June 2004. What were the early symptoms? What made you go see a doctor? It was May 2004 and I was travelling to Israel for the summer. Suddenly one…
  • How To Manage Asthma Effectively
    Simple lifestyle changes that any one can follow to help you deal with asthma. Check the tips in slide show format and download the e-book on Asthma Management  For more details read advice from nutitionist Kohila Govindaraju on Foods That Fight Asthma and Allergies  And don't forget to download our comprehensive ebook on Asthma Management here. If you have registered before, please make sure you are logged in. If you have not registered before, you will need to register. Join…
  • "I Was Worried About The Impact of Pollution On my Baby"
    Richa Agarwal, was pregnant with her child and excited about becoming a mother when pollution levels reached severe and emergency levels. She had to make choices that would protect both herself and her child 's health. SPONSORED CONTENT   On 6 November 2018 Delhi recorded its worst air quality of the season. The PM2.5 (particles in the air with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometres) and PM10 concentrations touched 365 and 503 respectively. According to Central Pollution Control…
  • Benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation
    Riddhi Shah, MPT , a Cardio-pulmonary physiotherapist in Ahmedabad, Gujarat helps us understand the basics of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and what it entails for patients with Chronic Lung Diseases. 1.   What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR)? Pulmonary rehabilitation is “the art of medical practice wherein an individually tailored, multidisciplinary program is formulated, which through accurate diagnosis, therapy, emotional support and education stabilizes or reverses both the physio-…
  • Rainy Season Precautions For Pulmonary Patients
    Mrs Usha Raval, who has Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis shares precautions that persons with chronic lung diseases should take to handle the monsoon/ rainy season.  Plus a homemade hack.  Seasonal variations can adversely affect people with chronic lung diseases such as Pulmonary Fibrosis. The change in humidity and temperature during the monsoon can aggravate symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing, weakness and susceptibility to common respiratory illnesses. For…
  • Running Sensibly With Asthma
    Mihir Kittur, 45 from Mumbai was diagnosed with Asthma when he was 8 years old. Read about his triggers and tips on managing asthma and preventing asthmatic attacks.  A persistent wheeze started during a dust storm in Libya. At the age of 8, I didn’t understand what was happening to me. Soon breathlessness ensued and I could see everyone at my house getting worried. When examined by the doctors at the local hospital, I learned it was an asthma attack! The chest X-ray showed signs of asthma…
  • Know everything about Asthma, Live Better- Ebook cover showing a mother and child
    How To Live Better With Asthma: Download E-Book Now
    Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood.  An estimated 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, with 250,000 annual deaths attributed to the disease1. About 70% of people with asthma also have allergies1.  Do you or your loved one have Asthma? Do you know the symptoms of Asthma, especially the symptoms for children? The quick relief options? Related: Is Pollution Affecting Your Lungs So we have compiled all that you need to know…
  • A park where people are walking and a sign on a tree that indicates not to feed birds
    Can Pigeons Cause Lung Diseases?
    Did you know that a common activity like pigeon feeding can lead to chronic and sometimes fatal lung diseases? Senior Pulmonologist Dr Prahlad Prabhudesai  answers our questions on health hazards caused by pigeons. Can you imagine going to the park to feed rats? But, we often see people readily feeding pigeons. Scientific evidence reveals that pigeons can be equally hazardous to our health as rodents are. Due to readily available food (provided by humans), there is a marked increase in the…
Importance of having a certified N95/N99 filter in face mask! We would like to give you a better idea about what kind of pollution masks you should buy. And whether the mask will be fit for the purpose. For that, I will give a short introduction…
Question from a member. Need your inputs please i need help for my 2 year boy child. since he was born pre mature and his immune system is very weak. his lungs were developed artificially by medication. he is a suffering from strong bronchitis and…
Respected Sir/Maam, i am suffering from asthama by birth how can i recovered from asthama permaments.
Respected Sir/Maam, i am suffering from asthama by birth how can i recovered from asthama permaments.
weight gain, weight lose
I'm detected of asthma, I'm aged-55, male, architect - resident of solapur-mah', its getting slowly-steadily & had a serious attack of it due to several symptoms, all at once & so got admitted twice within 1-month, so now on active…
I am suffering from obstructive sleep apnea pl advise 
how to overcome

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