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  • Asthma - will childhood asthma recur?
    Dr. Kavita Chowdhary talks about childhood asthma and shares tips on how to stay healthy  Some children with asthma appear to shake off their condition in their teenage years. But there’s a 50 per cent chance of asthma making a re-appearance once they hit their 30s. Boys are at greater risk than girls. The reason behind this is still unclear.  However, asthma is a chronic condition. Once a person's airways become sensitive in asthma they remain that way for life.…
  • Asthma
    is a long-term (chronic) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. The airways are tubes (bronchial) that carry air in and out of the lungs. For people with asthma, the airways are sensitive and react to various substances. If they react, the airways become inflamed and narrow, so less air reaches the lungs.  Around 200 to 250 million people are affected worldwide and nearly 250,000 people die per year from asthma. In Asia the rate of asthma is lower when…
  • Breathing Easy
    Dubai-resident Indu, 48, tells us how she managed her asthma and is now medication-free. When were you diagnosed with asthma?  I was first diagnosed when I was around 11-years of age. Then, for the second time around age 44. Until it resurfaced, I had nearly forgotten I had asthma as a kid. I understand that it is common for it to go away around age 12 and sometimes resurface after one crosses 40 years of age.  Find out more on recurrence of childhood…
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    is a condition where the patient is unable to breathe out fully. There is limited airflow, which is the result of breakdown of lung tissue. This condition is commonly referred to as “smoker’s lung” as tobacco smoke is the most common cause of COPD. It is also known as Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COLD). The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates COPD to be at 4th place in the list of diseases causing death. It affects 9-10% of adults aged above 40. …
Importance of having a certified N95/N99 filter in face mask! We would like to give you a better idea about what kind of pollution masks you should buy. And whether the mask will be fit for the purpose. For that, I will give a short introduction…
Question from a member. Need your inputs please i need help for my 2 year boy child. since he was born pre mature and his immune system is very weak. his lungs were developed artificially by medication. he is a suffering from strong bronchitis and…
Respected Sir/Maam, i am suffering from asthama by birth how can i recovered from asthama permaments.
Respected Sir/Maam, i am suffering from asthama by birth how can i recovered from asthama permaments.
weight gain, weight lose
I'm detected of asthma, I'm aged-55, male, architect - resident of solapur-mah', its getting slowly-steadily & had a serious attack of it due to several symptoms, all at once & so got admitted twice within 1-month, so now on active…
I am suffering from obstructive sleep apnea pl advise 
how to overcome

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