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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 6 May 2019

Mihir Kittur, 45 from Mumbai was diagnosed with Asthma when he was 8 years old. Read about his triggers and tips on managing asthma and preventing asthmatic attacks. 

A persistent wheeze started during a dust storm in Libya. At the age of 8, I didn’t understand what was happening to me. Soon breathlessness ensued and I could see everyone at my house getting worried. When examined by the doctors at the local hospital, I learned it was an asthma attack!

The chest X-ray showed signs of asthma and bronchitis. I remember getting some injection for my acute attack and being sent home with instructions to drink hot water.

Effect of weather and location on Asthma

Due to my father’s job, we would move around every few years. We were in Delhi after 3 years and the wheezing started again in winter time. It happened every winter henceforth and also if we were travelling to hilly areas like Shimla or Nainital. I was given a capsule that you break and inhale for immediate relief. My sinuses would be congested ever so often.

When we moved to Chennai, an allergy test was done. Things I was tested allergic to  included milk, eggs, dust, wheat and 35 others things. The Chest specialist recommended I commence steroid injections on a weekly basis along with Asthalin. It caused a lot of pain and palpitations. In addition, my throat would feel sore all the time and my voice would go. I stopped all the meds and only took them on SOS basis.

Symptoms triggered again when I went to Belgam for Engineering College. The fine red dust, high humidity and constant rain through the year took my system for a toss. I continued using my meds as and when needed.

Taking to Running

Years later, after marriage, we were getting painting done at home. I came down with a severe attack, and my wife had to run me to the hospital. A week later, I got my Pulmonary/ lung function test done and I failed badly at it. I tried homeopathy too for a week then but there was no major improvement. I had a colleague at the time, who used to go running few times a week. I decided to join him. I took it slow initially because as a child, I was always told that running too fast would trigger my asthma. Growing up, I stuck to playing badminton or table tennis, and cricket occasionally.

I did my research on the internet to learn techniques of running etc.  In a few months, I could run for an hour every day. After about 4 years of running, I realized my asthma had subsided considerably. I have slowly built up on my mileage over the last 10-12 years. On average, I typically run 3-4 miles a day which is about 20 miles a week. I usually do not time myself but it comes to 9min 30 secs per mile. I have been running the Mumbai marathon for a few years; I do the Half-run which is approximately 21.1 miles.

I feel great; I think my last asthmatic attack was 10 years ago.  I believe that running has significantly improved my lung capacity and tolerance for allergens. My advice to all asthma patients would be to firstly know your triggers and avoid them, and secondly to get some form of exercise regularly.

PatientsEngage Note: Please note strenuous exercise is not recommended for persons with Asthma. So please build up slowly and discuss with your doctor.

Family history of Asthma

My father and my sister got diagnosed after I did. They continue to be affected by seasonal and specific allergens. My uncle and his children too have asthma.

Diet considerations for Asthma 

I don’t really diet! I don’t binge like I used to and avoid over-eating at nighttime. I was found to be allergic to several food items, but I don’t observe those restrictions.

Lifestyle modifications:

I stay away from certain things that I think I am really allergic to such as dust, mold, cigarette smell or smoke, strong perfume smells, and air draft.

I now know my triggers are aeroplanes, specific weather that leads to mold formation, and unclean bedsheets or pillows. Since I travel frequently for work, as a preventive measure, I take Allegra-M before getting on the aircraft and gargle with hot water + dispirin. If I have been out in a polluted or dusty area, I always come home and take steam as a preventive measure.




Sun, 01/05/2020 - 18:41