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  • Home oxygen therapy tips
    Home Oxygen Therapy - Safety and Travel
    Pulmonary Phsyiotherapist Mrinmayee Koltharkar talks of the hygiene protocols, do’s and don’ts of home oxygen therapy and tips on managing travel with oxygen therapy.  In the previous article, she explained what is Oxygen therapy, when it is prescribed, symptoms of low oxygen to watch out for, how it is delivered and types of delivery systems and complications related to oxygen therapy.  What are the hygiene protocols one should follow when using oxygen systems at home ? To ensure…
  • Home Oxygen Therapy: Benefits, Risks and Delivery Systems
    Pulmonary Physiotherapist Mrinmayee Koltharkar explains what is Oxygen therapy, when it is prescribed, symptoms of low oxygen to watch out for, how it is delivered and types of delivery systems and complications related to oxygen therapy. Read the second part of the article on oxygen therapy here where she talks of the hygiene protocols, do’s and don’ts and tips on managing travel with oxygen therapy. People say you can’t live without love but I think oxygen is little more important! Many a…
  • Painting Comforted Him During COPD Hardships
    Filomina Pawar was a caregiver for 10 years to her Belgian artist partner, Eric Weets, who lived with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Here she narrates how till his death she helped him with oxygen cylinders, chicken soup and air purifier so he could create his art. Please could you tell us a little about yourself? I was born in 1968 in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. When I was almost 30, I was fortunate enough to get into the company of creative minds of artists, architects which…
  • World Health Day: Our Planet, Our Health
    The theme for World Health Day 2022 is Our Planet, Our Health. It is a time to understand how environmental issues and specifically air pollution is affecting our health and how we can be part of the solution. We spoke to doctors and local and global clean air advocates to understand the long term effects of pollution and the steps each one of us can take.   How is pollution affecting health of people, especially the vulnerable children and elderly? Jeffery K Smith, Clean air advocate…
  • Pic of words like wheezing coughing and Asthma with a focus on Asthma
    अस्थमा के बारे में जानकारी ।
    दुनिया भर में लगभग 200 से 250 मिलियन (20 से 25 करोड़) लोग अस्थमा (दमा) से प्रभावित हैं और हर साल लगभग 250,000 लोग अस्थमा के कारण मरते हैं। अस्थमा ज्यादातर बचपन में शुरू होता है। इस लेख में अस्थमा के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करें ।  अस्थमा एक दीर्घकालिक (क्रोनिक) फेफड़ों की बीमारी है जो वायुमार्ग में सूजन (इन्फ्लमेशन) पैदा करती है और जिसमें वायुमार्ग संकुचित होता है। वायुमार्ग वे  नलिकाएं (ब्रोन्कियल) होती हैं जो फेफड़ों में हवा को अंदर और बाहर करती हैं। अस्थमा वाले लोगों में…
  • Each One Of Us Is A Victim And A Perpetrator
    Jyoti Pande Lavakare has enough data to make us aware how harmful the air we breathe in is. She put it all together in a book, which is also driven by a personal loss. A relentless activist, she advocates mindful consumption and slow living and wants us to realise and act on air pollution, which is increasingly proving fatal. How far do you think spreading awareness about air pollution will help in stemming it? Awareness precedes action. Unless we know how harmful air pollution is to our health…
  • Collage of pictures of Hemalatha with her husband and her mother
    "My Organs Are Like My Babies"
    Hemalatha Rao was diagnosed with a hole in her heart at the age of three. Since then she has dealt with a slew of conditions and has even undergone a heart and double lung transplant in the midst of the Covid Pandemic. She shares her experience and her approach to building mental fortitude and resilience. At the age of 46, just before the 2nd Covid wave hit the country, I underwent a heart and double lung transplant. I have been waiting for this transplant since Aug 2019, when the world had not…
  • Living With COPD - Webinar Notes
    Living with COPD is tough but with interventions like pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity, self-management, and nutrition, it is possible to improve social and mental well-being. Understand the causes, complications, management options with our panelists: Dr. Pralhad P. Prabhudesai, Chest Physician and Bronchoscopist Poorvi Devani, Respiratory Physiotherapist Notes below mark the time stamps of the video reco (3:19)What is COPD? What are the main types? As the name itself suggests, it…
  • धूम्रपान छोड़ने के बाद मेरे सांस लेने में और सो पाने में सुधार हुआ है
    रमेश कोप्पिकर 35 वर्षों से भारी धूम्रपान करने वाले व्यक्ति थे और उन्होंने धूम्रपान छोड़ने के कई असफल प्रयास किए थे। आखिरकार उन्हें जब दिल का दौरा पड़ा तो उन्हें निकोटीन की लत और धूम्रपान की आदत से हमेशा के लिए छुटकारा पाने का हौसला मिला। पढ़िए उनके द्वारा शेयर की हुई उनकी कहानी। मैंने सिगरेट पीना 23 साल की उम्र में शुरू करा था- उन दिनों मैं बीएचयू वाराणसी में इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई कर रहा था । मैं कैंपस के हॉस्टल में रह रहा था और मैं और मेरे दोस्त रात के खाने के बाद टहलने जाया करते थे। बीएचयू का…
  • A park where people are walking and a sign on a tree that indicates not to feed birds
    क्या कबूतरों की वजह से फेफड़ों की बीमारियाँ (लंग डिज़ीज़) हो सकती हैं?
    क्या आप जानते हैं कि कबूतर को दाना डालने जैसी सामान्य गतिविधि से कभी-कभी फेफड़ों की बीमारियां हो सकती हैं? वरिष्ठ पल्मोनोलॉजिस्ट डॉ। प्रह्लाद प्रभुदेसाई कबूतरों के कारण होने वाले स्वास्थ्य खतरों पर हमारे सवालों का जवाब देते हैं। क्या आप चूहों को खाना देने के लिए पार्क जाने की कल्पना कर सकते हैं? नहीं! लेकिन हम अकसर लोगों को कबूतरों को दाना डालते हुए देखते हैं। वैज्ञानिक शोध से प्रमाण मिला है कि कबूतर हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए उतने ही खतरनाक हो सकते हैं जितने कि चूहे जैसे जानवर । मनुष्यों द्वारा…
Importance of having a certified N95/N99 filter in face mask! We would like to give you a better idea about what kind of pollution masks you should buy. And whether the mask will be fit for the purpose. For that, I will give a short introduction…
Question from a member. Need your inputs please i need help for my 2 year boy child. since he was born pre mature and his immune system is very weak. his lungs were developed artificially by medication. he is a suffering from strong bronchitis and…
Respected Sir/Maam, i am suffering from asthama by birth how can i recovered from asthama permaments.
Respected Sir/Maam, i am suffering from asthama by birth how can i recovered from asthama permaments.
weight gain, weight lose
I'm detected of asthma, I'm aged-55, male, architect - resident of solapur-mah', its getting slowly-steadily & had a serious attack of it due to several symptoms, all at once & so got admitted twice within 1-month, so now on active…
I am suffering from obstructive sleep apnea pl advise 
how to overcome

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