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  • An elderly woman exercising using resistance bands and text overlay that says exercise for osteoporosis
    ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस के लिए सही व्यायाम
    ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (कमजोर हड्डियाँ, अस्थिसुषिरता, अस्थिसुविरता) से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों के लिए सही व्यायाम गति की बहाली, कार्यात्मक गतिशीलता के रखरखाव, ताकत और चोट से बचाने में मदद करता है। इस लेख में फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट नेहा सेठिया व्यायाम के लिए विस्तार में इन मुद्दों को संबोधित करता है। इसे बुकमार्क करें। ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस के एक केस का वर्णन एक 62 वर्षीय महिला क्लिनिक एक महीने से कमर दर्द की शिकायत के साथ आई थीं। उसे बिस्तर पर करवट लेने में, एक घंटे से अधिक समय तक बैठने में और आधे घंटे से अधिक समय तक खड़े…
  • Framed picture of Maxwell Gomes a young man in a purple tshirt
    Ankylosing Spondylitis Tears You Up From Inside
    Maxwell Gomes, 34 is living with a debilitating condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis in Kolkata which is so painful that it can even paralyse a person. Delayed diagnosis just makes it worse. Maxwell talks about how he manages AS as well as a host of other related issues. How would you like to introduce yourself? I am Maxwell Gomes, 34yrs from Kolkata, suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis – HLA B27 positive. I’m suffering since 2013, but I was only diagnosed as late as in August 2015. I work…
  • Family Support And Faith Helped Me Through Ankylosing Spondylitis
    Despite a family history of Ankylosing Spondylitis, it took 2 years for Amit Choudhari to get a diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Luckily despite experiencing pain and attacks, the treatment and medication prevented joint fusions. He talks of how AS affects his social, employment and lifestyle choices and how faith and family support help him cope with the condition.  Please tell us a bit about your condition I have been suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis (HLA B-27 Positive.)…
  • Courage And A Positive Attitude Help Fight Back Ankylosing Spondylitis
    Ramesh B. Choudhari, 64 from Nagpur was not only afflicted with Ankylosing Spondylitis from a young age, but was diagnosed very late which led to fusion of his joints and consequent surgeries. But that did not stop him from working, and leading a normal life to the best of his abilities. Please tell us a bit about your condition I have been suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) since 1972 ( my age was 14 yrs then) , but I was only correctly diagnosed in as late as 1997. I have had multiple…
  • Headshot of a man in a purple shirt framed in blue background
    "Supporting Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients Is My Mission"
    Bhushan Ghate, 45 of Nagpur has been suffering from Ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory disease that can cause bones in the spine to fuse, from the early age of 12. Delayed diagnosis worsened the condition for which he is completely home bound now. He runs patient support groups and helps others with a similar condition in his own way. Challenges in Diagnosis I am a good example of delayed diagnosis. When I first felt the symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis, it was in 1988-89, when I was…
  • पैर में ऐंठन - कारण और बचाव के उपाय
    क्या आपको कभी-कभी अपनी पिंडली की मांसपेशियों में या पैर के अंगूठे में अचानक ऐंठन होती है? इस लेख में डॉ. शीतल रावल पैर की ऐंठन की समस्या के कारण बताती हैं और इस समस्या से छुटकारा पाने के लिए कुछ टिप्स देती हैं पैर में ऐंठन ज्यादातर व्यक्तियों द्वारा अनुभव की जाने वाली एक सामान्य लेकिन हानिरहित स्थिति है। (कनाडा और अमेरिका में मुख्य रूप से इस स्थिति को चार्ली हॉर्स कहते हैं)। यह समस्या अकसर पिंडली के क्षेत्र में मांसपेशियों के अचानक दर्दनाक संकुचन से होती हैं। ऐंठन कुछ सेकंड से लेकर कुछ मिनटों…
  • Ripples Of Music From A Wheelchair
    Jolene Dias, who was diagnosed with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, persevered her passion for music against adversities. From a celebrity singer, she began to teach music to children, including those with special needs, and challenge preconceived notions about people on wheelchairs. I was an extremely active child, good in sports and studies. I used to love to sing, dance, and perform. In school, I was at the center of all music shows, singing classes, and choir practices. I have been…
  • I Have Rolled Back My Age by Powerlifting
    From a Chartered Accountant to a Powerlifting athlete has been an exciting journey for 52-year-old Vinutha Raghunath. Here, she talks about her radical career change midlife, reversal of many symptoms and issues and a new found passion. You have been a powerlifting athlete for more a decade and successfully represented India at international competitions. Could you tell us what is powerlifting? Powerlifting is a type of strength sport. It involves lifting as much weight as possible in three…
  • An elderly woman exercising using resistance bands and text overlay that says exercise for osteoporosis
    The Right Exercise For Osteoporosis
    The right exercise for persons with osteoporosis helps in restoration of movement, maintenance of functional mobility, strength, and prevention of injury. Physiotherapist Neha Sethia shares a detailed approach to exercise that addresses these issues. Bookmark this. Case study A 62-year-old female came to the clinic with complain of nagging mid back pain for a month. She had difficulty while turning in the bed, sitting for more than an hour, and standing for more than half hour. On posture…
  • Rehabilitation Is Essential For Regaining Independence
    Spinal cord injury, stroke and osteoporosis are common causes of disability. The Chandigarh Spinal Rehab centre offers holistic rehabilitation to empower patients and enable independent living. For what conditions or disabilities does the Centre have Rehabilitation facilities? Spinal Cord Injury Traumatic brain injury Stroke Multiple Sclerosis Cerebral Palsy Children with special needs Geriatric Rehabilitation Post Joint Replacement Therapy Spina Bfida Pain Management Other Neuro Conditions…
I am suffering from Ankle and knee joint pain. My knee joint pain is right now ok but ankle joint pain is not going away. For this purpose I have taken Sazo DS for 2-3 years but still ankle joint pain is not going away.
she has no pain everytime. But suddenly some pain starts in any where and any part of the bodies.
Which are the safe yoga and other excercices to strengthen the knee, and also to lose body weight
Can Alternative therapies like Homeopathy treat arthritis?
I think joint pains occur due to wear and tear in joints,and this happens because of less or no lubricants in the joints This lubricants can be regain by some special diets I want to know more about this diets and foods
 I have ostrio artherities.What measers I should take?
Now a days I have lot of pain in my hands arms shoulders...legs n back.I am39 year old
I have a lot of pain in my fingers specially in the winter months
I have pain in my hip joints, which increases when I play golf and when standing bending forward and while sitting on the bed.
What are the reasons of artherites problem and what are the cures.

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