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Submitted by Santosh Tiwari 2 on 14 March 2017

Can Alternative therapies like Homeopathy treat arthritis?

As a doctor and as a caregiver of a parent with arthritis this is my experience:
Alternative therapies can be definitely tried. These can be homeopathy, ayurveda, siddha, unani, yoga, acupuncture. They are much less toxic and better tolerated .
But, in practice I find the pain returns after a few months and then patients revert back to allopathy for quick relief.
The best thing for chronic pain relief for arthritis is exercises ,specific to each joint and patient .
And getting enough sun exposure daily. " use it or lose it " ...
For acute pain ,acupuncture seems to work best ,of course apart from allopathic drugs.
Regular practice of yoga definitely delays / prevents arthritis
