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  • Heart and Cardio-vascular
    Heart and Cardio-vascular

    Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Heart Failure, Heart Disease, Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, Obesity, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Hypertension and more

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  • Arrhythmia Types
    Arrhythmias can be further classified based on their rhythm or speed - Tachycardia is when the heart rate is above 100 beats per minute. Bradycardia is when the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. Depending on the place of origin, arrhythmias can be classified as “Atrial, Junctional or Ventricular”.  Some of the more common abnormal heart rhythms are: Atrial fibrillation (AF) - the most common type of serious arrhythmia, it causes fast and irregular contraction…
  • Arrhythmia Symptoms and Signs
    Symptoms depend on the type and severity of the arrhythmia. Frequency of occurrence varies from daily to once or twice a year. With some types of arrhythmia you may not get any symptoms, but symptoms may include: Palpitations Dizziness Fainting or collapsing Breathlessness Chest pain Tiredness
  • From Athlete To Cardiac Patient - A Series Of Avoidable Events
    That’s how Rahul, 49, describes his journey. A journey from an athletic teenager to some one who is now a cardiovascular patient with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. All because he did not make his health a priority. “It’s changed my family’s life and landed me in a situation I would not wish on anyone.” I survived a heart attack two years ago. How did I get here? I was an athletic teenager. At the age of 20, I did a 200km trek and was regularly running half marathons. But today…
  • Manage High Blood Pressure With Our 10 Clear Tips
    Managing high blood pressure is an important aspect of health management since it can lead to many issues - kidney disease, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, etc. We address questions on - What to eat? How much salt is ok? Is it ok to drink? What does Vitamin D have to do with it? And more. 1. What is considered high blood pressure? A reading of 120/80 mmHg is considered normal. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher is considered high blood pressure. If your blood…
  • Low salt Minestrone Soup
    By Poshan Cure Thru Diet This healthy and filling soup is rich in antioxidants, protein, fibre and potassium. It is a meal in itself. But patients on dialysis or those with heart and kidney problems with high level of potassium need to check with the dietitian before eating this. Ingredients: (Serves 2 – 3) 1 tbsp olive 0il  I cup pasta (optional) 2 bay leaves  1/2 cabbage  ¼ bunch celery                    …
  • All You Need To Know About Managing Varicose Veins
    Varicose veins affects more than 1 in 5 persons. Dr Shital Raval explains what varicose veins are, the causes and risk factors, the tests for diagnosis, the treatment and self management for varicose veins.  What are varicose veins? The venous system of the leg consists of 3 types of veins: 1. Superficial: long and short saphenous veins. These are principal veins near the surface of the legs. 2. Deep: veins that supply the muscles of the leg 3. Perforators: veins that connect the deep…
  • 6 Health Hazards of Fasting To Avoid During Ramadan
    During the fasting month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world fast for more than 15 hours a day. Here, 6 possible side effects and how to counter them. It is best to have a check-up before you start fasting for Ramadan. This is particularly important if you have any chronic conditions, like diabetes or migraine. Do remember that the Qur’an exempts the sick from fasting. If your doctor advises against your fasting, speak to your Imam about your situation. Even if you are…
  • I'll stay off smoking come what may
    Asok Mitra, 80, used to smoke almost 100 cigarettes a day. He has been smoke-free for 40 years, but tobacco has taken its toll. He tells us why and how he quit.  1. Please tell us a bit about your condition. I am prone to chest infections and pneumonia. My lungs are impaired and do not work at optimum capacity. Years ago, I was told that my lungs were working at 70% of their capacity. 2. How long have you been suffering from this? This has been the situation for at…
  • Sugar vs Fat
    Which is the greater evil? How much fat is necessary in your diet? How to read food labels? Registered dietitian and diabetes educator Ujjwala Baxi has all the information.  The human diet is always evolving. And with each evolution comes strong and focused criticism of certain foods. Some decades ago, it was the fat in our diet that was demonised and 0% fat diets and recipes flourished on bookshelves and the dinner table. But very soon, it was realised that going nil…
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    Dental Health and its influence on Systemic Diseases
    Maintaining good oral health is more than just about keeping cavities at bay. Your dental health has far-reaching consequences on your body, with oral bacteria being linked to many life-threatening conditions, like cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, renal health and even brain abcess. Oral hygience and overall good health  Like many areas of the body, your mouth is teeming with bacteria, most of them harmless. Normally the body's natural defences and good oral health can keep these…
Question from one of our members: How to maintain weight after bariatric gastric bypass surgery..I hv reduced 40 kg with d help of excess skin is flaps looks is acute problem now
There are people in communities without access to health facilities. Can someone with undetected hypertension have a "normal" life i.e. no sign of any illness, or is cardiovascular event a certainty?
My friend has had bypass surgery and to lose weight, he is following a high-protein, no-carbs diet. He has lost a lot of weight but is this bad for his heart in the longterm? 
Is it safe to have a CT angiography in which a dye is injected in to the veins? Can it cause an allergic reaction? Should I get this done only in a hospital with a doctor on standby?
If you think you are having a heart attack, does it help to take an aspirin while waiting for the ambulance? I have heard that you should keep sorbitrate tablets at home and if you have chest pains, it helps to put one under the tongue. Is that true…
A question from one of my members: My mother just found out that her triglyceride levels are more than 500. What should she do?
The Delhi High Court has asked the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to create regulations to curb sale of junk food in and near schools and implement them within three months. The draft guidelines, which were submitted to the…
I read the news that DASH diet is best US diet. What is it ?
Fish is known to have immense benefits for people with Heart Diseases!(see link below) Are the vegetarians willing to consume Fish-oil supplements for the same benefits?…

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