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  • Caregiver Community

    A place where Caregivers come together to share common experiences, challenges,and resources. 

    Caregivers are truly experts in patient management and can help each other because of their intensive experience in patient care at home. Caregivers can ask questions to others on this forum going through a similar caregiving experiences. They can start topics and discuss things like ways to manage daily tasks, where to find doctors, nurses, and other health services, how they manage stress, and any other topics related to caring for their loved one and for themselves. It is a great place for Caregivers to come and chat about the issues that affect them on a day to day basis and take time to focus on their own needs and health.

  • Brain Health Exercises for Seniors
    Amrita Patil Pimpale, dementia care consultant, gives some valuable tips and exercises for senior citizens to stimulate the brain and sharpen mental capacities. Older adults were considered to be vulnerable to Covid-19 infection. That is why they needed to follow stricter rule of physical distancing. These unusual changes in the lifestyle of a senior citizen means that they need more deliberate, disciplined activities to strengthen their physical and mental capacities. Use it or lose it - a…
  • Mother's Day Reflections On Covid-19 Challenges
    Parul Kala handles her home, children and a changed scenario under Covid-19 with as much positivity as one can muster. She talks about what Mother’s Day 2020 means for her. The year 2020 shall be a very special year as Mother’s Days go in our memories, for a number of reasons, the most important one being of course that the entire world is experiencing an unprecedented lockdown because of the Covid 19 pandemic. I’m blessed with two children - son Dev with Down’s Syndrome is14 years old and…
  • How Age Impacts Gut Health and Digestive Issues
    We often hear elderly people struggling with digestive issues like constipation, acid reflux, difficulty in swallowing, ulcers and more. Dr. Devendra Desai, Consultant in Gastroenterology at Hinduja Hospital, Khar explains how aging impacts gut health. An elderly person is defined as age of 65 years or above. The predicted global population above the age of 80 years is expected to be 17% by 2050. How does ageing affect our gut? Aging affects most of the gastrointestinal tract. Starting with…
  • शय्याग्रस्त रोगी के लिए 7 सामान्य स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी जोखिम
    शय्याग्रस्त रोगी लम्बे समय तक कोई गतिविधि नहीं कर पाते हैं। इस कारण उन्हें अनेक स्वास्थ्य जटिलताओं हो सकती हैं, जैसे कि दर्दनाक शय्या व्रण (बेडसोर), रक्त संचार  और सांस-संबंधी समस्याएँ, अवसाद और अवकुंचन (कॉनट्रैक्चर)। इसं लेख में उषा रवि ने आपके शैय्याग्रस्त प्रियजन की उचित नर्सिंग और देखभाल के लिए कुछ सुझाव दिए हैं: अगर कोई व्यक्ति बीमारी, विकलांगता या बड़ी उम्र की वजह से बिस्तर-बद्ध है तो इससे कई चुनौतियां उत्पन्न हो सकती हैं। यह बोझ पीड़ित के साथ-साथ देखभालकर्ताओं को भी महसूस होता है।…
  • कैंसर रोगी के इलाज में परिवार और दोस्तों की भूमिका
    एक प्रकाशित ओवेरियन (अंडाशयी) कैंसर की योद्धा, कामिनी प्रधान के शब्दों में कैंसर के रोगी के इलाज में परिवार और दोस्तों की प्रमुख भूमिका होती है। ऐसे रोगियों की सहायता निम्नलिखित तरीकों से की जा सकती है: - मानसिक / भावनात्मक समर्थन 1.   स्वीकृति - अस्वीकृति से बचें। बीमारी का व्यक्ति पर क्या असर हो रहा है, इस को जानें और समझें ताकि इलाज प्रक्रिया में आप रोगी के मददगार बन सकें। 2.   सकारात्मकता - याद रखें कि इस बीमारी में आपको को पूरी तरह से सकारात्मक रहना होगा और रोगी को भी…
  • A stock pic of a woman being supported by a caregiver
    "My World Has Fallen Into Silence"
    Manju, 64 from Vishakhapatnam met with a road accident 15 years ago and suffered a brain injury that left her bedridden and caused memory loss. Her husband shares the journey of their family and how they made changes in their lives to cope with the situation. My wife was involved in a road accident in 2005. She had no external injuries apart from loss of a few teeth due to the collision. But she became unconscious and was immediately taken to the nearest hospital, given first aid and put on…
  • The Dilemma of Palliative Sedation
    There is a lot of confusion on Palliative Sedation and there has also been a lot of debate on the ethical concerns around this. We unpack the concept of Palliative Sedation and when it is appropriate to consider.   One of the central goals of Palliative care is the relief of suffering and pain. Many terminal patients despite being on heavy medication for symptom control have intolerable pain possibly from their underlying disease or adverse effects of their treatment towards the end…
  • A young boy speaking into a mike in front of a race for rare event
    A Rare Disease Changes One's Life Completely
    Joseph Afreddy from Mumbai shares the challenges faced by his 10 year old son Neel who has the rare disease MPS II, also known as Hunter's syndrome, the benefits of an early diagnosis and what keeps him awake at night. Please tell us a bit about Neel’s condition.  Neel was born with mucopolysaccharidosis II (or MPS II or MPS 2), also known as Hunter’s syndrome, a very rare disease. It is a genetic disorder where the body has a deficiency of an enzyme called iduronate 2-sulfatase…
  • Book cover of the book Conquering Pain Dr Mary Abraham and Dr Vandana V Prakash
    Management of Pain in Stage 4 Cancer
    Pain is one of the most disturbing and feared complication of cancer. Therefore, it needs to be addressed at all costs. Excerpted from newly published book – ‘Conquering Pain’. During her last admission to hospital, three weeks before she finally succumbed to leukaemia, thirteen-year-old Ms M.A. was in severe pain due to multiple reasons: Ulcers in the mouth and painful inflammation of the face, as a result of the side-effects of chemotherapy Bone pain in the legs, due to the disease affecting…
  • Need for Holistic Management of Cancer Pain
    Cancer pain can be treated and quality of life in a cancer patient can be enhanced by appropriate medications, emphasise Dr Mary Abraham, Pain & Palliative Care Physician, and Dr Vandana V Prakash, Clinical Psychologist. Despite increased attention to cancer pain, it still continues to be a major issue with cancer patients and survivors. Why is it so? There are many reasons why cancer pain is still a major issue with cancer patients and survivors. Firstly, there is a misconception and fear…
I came upon this list of great advice from caregivers on what to do when you feel like you have reached your "breaking point" or a point of true exhaustion or frustration as a caregiver. What are some tips you would give others when they reach this…
Read the article here... Would something like this work in an Asian context ? I think its worth a few experiments for sure.      
I moved the Chennai 3.5 years ago to take care of my beloved grandma who developed breast cancer. Being a caregiver for her was a life changing experience for me. It showed me that even when we are caring for someone we love and even if we enjoy our…
We all experience many joys and many challenges as caregivers. Sometimes talking about the tough aspects of caregiving is a good way to make sure we are not keeping our frustrations and diffficulties bottled up. The more we internalize the stresses…
One of the most important things that Caregivers need to do for themselves and their loved ones is to take breaks. It is so vital to take time to focus on oneself, recharge, and get some rest. If a Caregiver does not take breaks, it can lead to…
How do you go about finding the right nurse for the patient or the elderly? What level of knowledge of English is important ? What are the top 3 things you look for ?    
Hello fellow Family Caregivers! It is exciting to have an online forum where Caregivers from India and around the world can come together to share and learn from each other. This is a space where you can pose questions, share your story, and just…
I came across recently. They have retail outlets in Chennai and ship to the southern states. Do you know of stores like these in other cities ?  We would like to add this information in our Resources centre  

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