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Submitted by RamaCare3 on 5 March 2015

We all experience many joys and many challenges as caregivers. Sometimes talking about the tough aspects of caregiving is a good way to make sure we are not keeping our frustrations and diffficulties bottled up. The more we internalize the stresses of caregiving, the more it can harm our own health. Let's take a moment here to share some of our biggest caregiving challenges. And if any of you have helpful suggestions to manage the challenges listed here, please share! What is your biggest caregiving challenge?


Based on my observation, I think the big challenge is that the caregiver's time is not his/her time any more. Its driven by the patient's needs completely and often follows the moods of the patient as well

Madhu Sinha Roy

Sun, 03/08/2015 - 08:18

I see that caregivers feel guilty about taking any time off. They are not comfortable leaving the patient with anyone else. They forget that they too need to look after their mental and physical health and if they are not well, everything could fall apart. Somehow, they choose not to think about that.


Sun, 03/08/2015 - 10:17

The guilt is definitely one of the hardest things to deal with. Even I have been a caregiver and working with caregivers for years, and I am always talking about how important it is for the caregiver to take care of his/herself, but I would feel guilt and worry as well in leaving my grandma. I think we just have to keep reminding ourselves that if we are not healthy and happy, then how can we give the love and care that will best help the patient? Easy to say, but hard to do.
