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  • Dietician Navnidhi Vyas playing the game with waiting families of the patient
    A Game Which Engages and Educates
    Have you wondered if the waiting time at a hospital can be used effectively? Navnidhi Vyas, Senior dietician at Sterling Hospital, Vadodara came up with an engaging twist to the Snakes and Ladders Game to explain a healthy diet structure. And three easy to follow healthy recipes. Diet Snakes and Ladders Game Purpose - To refresh and more importantly educate patient’s relatives about healthy dietary practices in their free time, specially when they are waiting in the hospital for their relatives…
  • Image of Ekta, in a black dress, short black hair journaling as part of her self care routine
    Self-Care: The Not-So-Selfish Action Plan
    Ekta Hattangady, a Clinical Social Worker with a specialization in Chronic Illness Management talks of the importance of making your own self a priority. Also seven steps to self care.    My cousin was in her late 20s when her mom, my aunt, was diagnosed with late stage cancer. It was a year of a lot of frantic activity and high stress. It was a year of loss. My cousin spent every minute caring for her mom. During one hospital stay for my aunt, my dad happened to be there. He took one…
  • Image: People in a team building exercise at work lying on the floor and laughing
    Are You Open to Learn, Laugh and Let it go?
    Laughter coach Santhanaram Jayaram talks of the benefits of laughter in the work place and how you can bring laughter into the work place to reduce stress and ease tensions. #WorldLaughterDay The climate of the work environment has certainly changed over time because it used to be that you checked your humor at the door. We use to associate laughter as a bad thing and would not take anyone serious if they laugh too much.Anyone who was caught cracking it up or laughing would most certainly have…
  • Jacqueline Colaco on a wheel chair, in white at the TCS 10K with some of the other participants
    Adding Abilities with Advancing Age
    Jacqueline Colaco, a feisty 68, does not permit the senior citizen tag to prevent her from pushing her boundaries, acquiring new skills, participating in a range of community activities. She is active on Facebook and has even shaved her head in empathy with her school classmate who was on chemo for cancer! Be ever young at heart. At sixty I thought I’d retire from life... Wanting to go into oblivion with a bang, I gathered about two hundred of my nearest and dearest and celebrated this diamond…
  • Image: Woman with black hair, in yoga leotards sitting in padmasana (lotus pose)
    Yogasanas for Beginners
    These yoga poses are good for beginners. They are easy to practice and stretch and get started with yoga at home. Contributed by Healers at Home Yoga exercises help in many ways. People do yoga exercises to stay fit and healthy, both physically and mentally. In the initial stage, we require some easy poses to relax and lose our muscles. Then gradually we can switch over to harder yoga poses. The yoga poses meant for beginners are calm and gentle, and beginners would like to do them. Here are…
  • Image: Employees working out next to their desks
    The Healthy Break for Desk Bound Employees
    With ‘Sitting is the new smoking’ belief gaining ground globally, offices are beginning to introduce the workout culture to beat the health risks of a 9-5 desk job. Siemens, a European conglomerate and one of the largest industrial manufacturing companies, has started The Healthy Break in all its offices across India. PatientsEngage talks to Mr. S Ramesh Shankar, Head, Human Resources, Siemens. Working out in office is still a new concept in India. Your company, Siemens, is one of the few…
  • A stock pic that reads PCOS Diet and shows grapefruits
    8 Dietary Guidelines for PCOS
    PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects millions of women.  As little as 5-10% weight loss can help make your cycle more regular. Meenu Agarwal, a clinical dietician based in Singapore shares dietary guidelines for managing PCOS. PCOS is a common endocrine system disorder among women of reproductive age. It is a condition in which a woman has enlarged ovaries that contain small fluid-filled cysts — called follicles — located in each ovary. According to the PCOS Foundation: PCOS is…
  • Cooking s a good brain exercise to prevent dementia
    Teach the Brain New Activities to Delay the Onset of Dementia
    Brain exercises are among the most effective non-medical approaches to delay the onset of dementia and can be enjoyable for the patient and more likely to be complied, emphasises Sabah Thaver, senior physical therapist (neurorehabilitation) at Nanavati Hospital. Mark Twain once famously said, “Out of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most.” This line at first sounds humorous, but it turns out to be the bitter truth of the lives of those living with conditions like Dementia. People…
  • a woman doing trikonasana, triangle pose in an outdoor setting
    Yoga To Help Improve Health and Performance of Deskbound Employees
    Yoga can be really effective for stressed out deskbound employees. Asha Sarella, movement therapist and counsellor, talks to Sundara Raj, exponent of Hatha yoga, to recommend simple asanas to relieve stress, head, neck and back strain and remain fit, energetic and focussed at work. Sitting in an air-conditioned cabin, sipping your favourite latte or green tea, labouring over spreadsheets / pivot / codes on the screen could be your monotonous work every day. There is so much pressure on closing…
  • Image of a person holding stomach. No face is visible
    Constipation: Relief and Prevention
    Healthy eating habits, high fibre, can quite easily take care of one of the most common and inconvenient trouble like Constipation, says nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju. And a high fibre, nutritious recipe. Constipation is the most common digestive complaint, that makes one feel bloated, irritated and makes life quite miserable. Generally, constipation is defined as infrequent or fewer than three bowel movements per week. Less than one bowel movement per week is considered severe constipation.…