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  • Yoga for managing Diabetes - E-book
    Exercise is a key element in managing Diabetes. While some prefer walking or running, others prefer yoga and weight training. You can read how they included Yoga in their regimen. So we hand picked simple asanas for our members and put it together in this E-book.  You can download it from here: For more…
  • 20 tips on managing Arthritis - an E-book
    Did you know that even 30-40 year olds are getting diagnosed with Arthritis and that women are 2-3 times more prone to Rheumatoid Arthritis. So we have compiled all that you need to know about arthritis in a single e-book  What is arthritis? Types of arthritis How to avoid arthritis? How to manage arthritis To download the book, click here: Join our community on arthritis:…
  • Image text says Superfoods
    5 budget superfoods
    Nutritious foods that give you the most bang for your buck. By Dietitian and Diabetes educator Ujjwala Baxi When we hear ‘superfoods’, we think quinoa, blueberries, salmon, chia seeds etc thanks to clever marketing and hype. These are not only expensive, but can be hard to get hold of, especially in India. The good news is that there are ‘superfoods’ that are readily available and affordable, but are often ignored. They pack as much punch as the much-touted superfoods but are overlooked as…
  • Control Acid Reflux With These Foods
    Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju suggests easy recipes and lifestyle changes to manage heartburn or acid reflux. For those suffering from acid reflux, the pleasure of eating often turns into pain. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acid and digestive enzymes flow backwards into the oesophagus (food pipe), irritating its lining. This is usually caused by the dysfunction of the lower esophageal muscle, which works to keep the stomach acids in the stomach. The result is a burning sensation in…
  • 8 fashion hazards to avoid
    Are your heels sky-high and your bags oversized? You need to read this now. Don’t let your inner fashionista sabotage your health, says Dr Shital Raval. Skinny Jeans: Skinny jeans can compress the nerves and muscle of the groin area, aggravate acidity/reflux, abdominal discomfort and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). The Compartment syndrome, which is caused when the muscles become swollen and bruised, was recently seen in a case where a woman collapsed after squatting in…
  • Low salt Minestrone Soup
    By Poshan Cure Thru Diet This healthy and filling soup is rich in antioxidants, protein, fibre and potassium. It is a meal in itself. But patients on dialysis or those with heart and kidney problems with high level of potassium need to check with the dietitian before eating this. Ingredients: (Serves 2 – 3) 1 tbsp olive 0il  I cup pasta (optional) 2 bay leaves  1/2 cabbage  ¼ bunch celery                    …
  • 6 Health Hazards of Fasting To Avoid During Ramadan
    During the fasting month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world fast for more than 15 hours a day. Here, 6 possible side effects and how to counter them. It is best to have a check-up before you start fasting for Ramadan. This is particularly important if you have any chronic conditions, like diabetes or migraine. Do remember that the Qur’an exempts the sick from fasting. If your doctor advises against your fasting, speak to your Imam about your situation. Even if you are…
  • How to stop smoking (article in Hindi)
    There are lot of benefits from quitting smoking. Swapna Kishore explains in Hindi the benefits and the steps you can take: For another article in Hindi on how to stop smoking, you can also read
  • How To Boost Immunity Against Air Pollution Through Diet?
    Struggling with air pollution, smog, haze? Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju recommends how you can load up on antioxidants and water to boost immunity and protect yourself. Whether it is air pollution in North India or haze and rising PSI levels in Singapore, air pollution increases the level of free radicals in the body that attack and damage healthy cells.  Here is how you can load up on antioxidants and water to boost immunity and protect yourself. Think of what our immune…
  • Eating right for those living with relapsing MS
    There’s not a special diet plan for those living with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). But maintaining a healthy diet is a good idea for anyone. Of course, changing eating habits can be difficult, so try setting small, easily attainable goals. Try a new recipe once a month. Cut out dessert once or twice a week. You get the idea. Just make sure to talk to your doctor before starting any diet or nutritional program. Start Slow Plan Ahead Stay hydrated Control portions Make low fat…