Sarpa means snake. Sarpasana mimics the posture of a snake.
Benefits of Sarpasana
1. It strengthens the back and makes the spine supple.
2. The posture helps to stretch the abdominal cavity and the chest.
3. It stimulates and directly exercises internal organs such as the pancreas, intestines, liver and kidneys. Thus Sarpasana is believed to help manage diabetes.
4. It massages the pelvis and the reproductive organs, helps in menstrual and other gynaecological disorders.
5. It deepens and improves breathing.
6. The posture aligns the spine and corrects a hunch, if present.
7. It stimulates the appetite and alleviates constipation.
People with severe back pain should avoid this asana.
This asana should not be practiced during periods.
The Posture
1. Lie on the stomach with legs stretched straight and together. Arms are stretched close to the side of the body.
2. Place the forehead relaxed on the ground.
3. Place the palms of the hand on the ground below the shoulders and on either side of the chest. Keep the elbows close to the side of the body (See Stage 2).
4. Stretch the chin forward and lift it. Then gradually raise the chest, pressing the palms of the hand to the ground and bend backwards. Use the arm muscles to keep the upper body raised and curved, raising the chest, upper abdomen and lower abdomen without lifting the thighs from the ground.
5. Ensure the proper curvature of the spine (Stage 3, the final pose)
6. Do not spread your elbows, but keep them along the body. Keep them slightly bent. Ensure your position is comfortable.
7. Open up your chest and push your shoulders back. Stretch your neck back and look upward.
8. At all times ensure that your heels remain together and that the feet are not separated.
9. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly.
10. Hold the posture for 3 to 5 breaths and then come down slowly, gradually placing lower abdomen, upper abdomen, chest, chin and forehead, in that order, on the ground.
This complete cycle could be repeated twice.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
- This posture is beneficial for improving breathing and one’s breathing capacity. Remain aware of your breathing during the practice.
- Contributed By Divyayog
Yoga practice is a physical activity; kindly consult your physician before you take it up. You are solely responsible for your health while performing the practice.