Meaning: Ardha is half. Pavan is air/wind/gas. Asana is posture.
This asana’s name reflects its benefits, that is, the release of unnecessary gases from the body, especially the stomach.
1. It strengthens the lower back and stretches the spinal cord. It is thus particularly good for treating back pain.
2. The posture helps to massage the abdomen and the digestive system thereby eliminating wind and preventing constipation.
3. It stimulates and directly exercises internal organs such as the pancreas, the intestines and other organs around the stomach. It is believed to help in the management, even prevention, of diabetes.
4. It massages the pelvis and the reproductive organs.
5. It helps reduce discomfort due to constipation, gas and other digestive disorders as well as during menstrual periods.
Modifications for high blood pressure: Those suffering from high blood pressure should not press their folded leg too much nor raise the head. Keep the head on the ground.
The Posture
1. Lie flat on the back, keeping hands straight and close to the body. Legs should be positioned straight together.
2. Raise the right leg to ninety degrees, keeping it straight.
3. Bend the right leg at the knee and bring it close to the abdomen
4. Interlock fingers of both hands around the bent right knee, press the right thigh against the abdomen and raise the head, placing the chin against the right knee. Initally, you may not able to achieve this. Just try your best to achieve the pose without overexertion. If it is not possible to interlock the fingers, hold the shin bone near the knee. Hold the posture for 5-7 breaths. Breathe normally.
5. Repeat procedure with the left leg.
As with all yogasanas, Ardha Pavanamuktasana also has a mental dimension apart from the physical. Take the following points into consideration during practice of this asana:
1. A positive attitude towards what is experienced physically while performing the asana.
2. Gratitude towards the digestive system and other organs located in the abdomen
3. Awareness during each phase of the posture
- Contributed By Divyayog
Yoga practice is a physical activity; kindly consult your physician before you take it up. You are solely responsible for your health while performing the practice.