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  • Arthritis
    What is it  The word “arthritis” means joint inflammation, and it's used to describe different diseases and conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround joints, and other connective tissue. Arthritis is often seen as a disease that affects the elderly but it can affect people of all ages. According to the Arthritis Foundation, two-thirds of people with arthritis are under the age of 65. And more people in their late 30s and 40s are now being diagnosed with the condition. As…
  • Causes of Arthritis and Risk factors
    What causes arthritis Although the exact causes are unknown, it is believed to include the following: Genetics Injury Infection Lifestyle related factors, primarily, smoking, diet, use of oral contraceptives and excessive coffee intake Obesity  Environmental factors, like stress Autoimmune conditions (your body's own immune system attacking the joints, causing inflammation - warmth, swelling, tenderness - within the joints) Are you at risk Are you: 65 or above in age: The risk of…
  • Arthritis Treatment
    Medications: ​You may be prescribed the following medications depending on the cause of the arthritis: Topical pain-relieving creams, rubs, and sprays. These medications are applied directly to the skin over the joints to relieve pain. Pain killers (such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen) Medications that suppress the immune system such as prednisone (steroids).Biologics are lately being used to treat Rheumatoid arthritis that is not responding enough to traditional medication. These are…
  • Arthritis Symptoms and Signs
    Some signs and symptoms of arthritis require urgent medical care. If you have any of the following, you should seek medical care as soon as possible: One or more swollen joints Fever Weight loss Inability to function due to joint pain or swelling Overall sense of feeling ill, accompanied by fever, joint swelling and joint pain Sudden weakness of specific muscle groups Burning pain, numbness or a pins-and-needles sensation around joints. Symptoms depend on the type of arthritis you have:…
  • Arthritis Tests and Diagnosis
    The process of diagnosing arthritis involves several steps. The doctor will record your medical history and give you a physical examination. He/she may also recommend laboratory tests, imaging tests (such as x-rays), and other tests as required. Laboratory and imaging tests are sometimes, but not always, needed to determine the cause of arthritis. These tests may include: X-rays: To see a detailed picture of the bones. However, for many types of arthritis, changes in the joint are not visible…
  • Stock pic of a cancer patient with no hair looking out of a window for this article on managing side-effects of chemotherapy
    Managing The Side-effects Of Chemotherapy
    Chemotherapy saves lives but it is dreaded for its side effects. Dr Shital Raval tells you how to get relief on common side effects like mouth sores, nausea, dry skin, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss and more.  Here, how to manage some of the common side effects: Mouth sores:  Apply gylcerine ointment to the sores  Avoid sour or citrusy foods to help sores heal  Eat cold foods like ice-cream or yoghurt with honey to soothe the discomfort Dry mouth:  Suck on ice chips,…
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    Skin Allergies
    An allergy is an abnormal reaction or increased sensitivity to certain substances. The allergic individual produces symptoms when exposed to these substances, which are harmless to non-allergic people. Normally, the body's defence system fights against foreign bodies. In most allergic reactions, it is a false alarm which induces the body’s defence mechanism to fight against the substance. The prevalence of allergic diseases has been increasing and both genetic and environmental factors play a…
  • Manage High Blood Pressure With Our 10 Clear Tips
    Managing high blood pressure is an important aspect of health management since it can lead to many issues - kidney disease, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, etc. We address questions on - What to eat? How much salt is ok? Is it ok to drink? What does Vitamin D have to do with it? And more. 1. What is considered high blood pressure? A reading of 120/80 mmHg is considered normal. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher is considered high blood pressure. If your blood…
  • All You Need To Know About Managing Varicose Veins
    Varicose veins affects more than 1 in 5 persons. Dr Shital Raval explains what varicose veins are, the causes and risk factors, the tests for diagnosis, the treatment and self management for varicose veins.  What are varicose veins? The venous system of the leg consists of 3 types of veins: 1. Superficial: long and short saphenous veins. These are principal veins near the surface of the legs. 2. Deep: veins that supply the muscles of the leg 3. Perforators: veins that connect the deep…