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  • Women health and pregnancy
    Women's Health and Pregnancy

    Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


  • Diagram of a woman's reproductive system
    Could Your Symptoms Be Due To Fibroids?
    Fibroids are a common occurrence in women between 30 to 50 years of age and are mostly benign, but should be treated keeping in mind the symptoms present and the advice of the treating gynaecologist. Dr. Chandan Dubey, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist answers some of the common questions. What are fibroids and why do they occur? Fibroids are benign (not cancer) growths arising from the muscle cells of the uterus. They can range from very small (less than a centimetre) to very large in size. They…
  • Dr. Sarita Bhalerao speaking at the CPAA UICC Cervical Cancer symposium
    India has 1 in 4 of Global Cervical Cancer Cases
    On World Cancer Day, CPAA along with UICC held a mini symposium to address the 2nd most common cancer in India; Cervical Cancer. Keynote speaker, Dr Sarita Bhalerao (Gynaecologist & Obstetrician) provided a comprehensive view of Cervical Cancer. Dr Suresh Advani (Medical Oncologist) graced the occasion commencing the ceremony with good news about Cervical Cancer. Decreased incidence rates reported in India and globally. 60% survival rate with treatment. Increased screening and prevention…
  • Breast Self Examination (BSE) is a good tool for early detection for Breast Cancer
    Learn the right method for Breast Self Examination (BSE)
    says Dr Geeta Kadayaprath, a Surgical Oncologist and Head of Breast Surgery at Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi. She strongly recommends Breast Self Examination (BSE) as one of the methods for early detection. How do you spread awareness about breast cancer? Through lectures, videos and street plays mainly 1.   Would you say the awareness has improved over the years? It has, but in select pockets only, mainly urban. There is no comprehensive, concerted method of creating…
  • Pic shows a frazzled and hassled new mom with post partum depression with a young kid
    Post Partum Depression and How to Cope With It
    Around 20% of new mothers experience Post Partum Depression. In our #AskTheDoctor series Dr Madanki Srinivasan, Gynaecologist & Women’s Health Counselor addresses the difference between baby blues and PPD, the symptoms, treatment options and recovery tips. What are perinatal mental illnesses? Perinatal mental illness is a significant complication of pregnancy and the postpartum period. These disorders include postpartum blues, depression, anxiety disorders, and postpartum psychosis.…
  • a woman doing trikonasana, triangle pose in an outdoor setting
    Yoga To Help Improve Health and Performance of Deskbound Employees
    Yoga can be really effective for stressed out deskbound employees. Asha Sarella, movement therapist and counsellor, talks to Sundara Raj, exponent of Hatha yoga, to recommend simple asanas to relieve stress, head, neck and back strain and remain fit, energetic and focussed at work. Sitting in an air-conditioned cabin, sipping your favourite latte or green tea, labouring over spreadsheets / pivot / codes on the screen could be your monotonous work every day. There is so much pressure on closing…
  • partial image of a woman holding her neck indicating a thyroid problem
    My Medication Caused Bone Health Deterioration
    Parul, 48 from Mumbai talks about tackling hypothyroidism in her own way, accompanied by food cravings and a debilitating bone health. Please tell us a bit about your condition  I have hypothyroidism. I need to take Eltroxin every day When were you diagnosed? I was diagnosed in 1995, 3 months after the birth of my first child. I was around 25 years old at the time. What were the early symptoms? I noticed a small swelling around my neck area one day and decided to get it checked. Initially…
  • A stock image of a doctor examining the thyroid of a woman
    Don’t Let Thyroid Throw You off Balance
    Nearly 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid diseases. Thyroid dysfunction can play havoc with your life and normal functioning, if left uncontrolled. Dr. Manoj Chadha, Consultant Endocrinologist at Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, helps us understand the various complications of thyroid disorder and the importance of early detection and management. What are the 5 common thyroid problems and disorders? Hypothyroidism [Decreased function of thyroid gland] Hyperthyroidism [Overfunction of…
  • Image shows a strip of pills meant to be contraceptive pills
    Research Update: Do Contraceptive Pills Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer?
    One of the largest studies on women (1.8 million women) tracked the effect of the use of hormonal birth control pills on risk of breast cancer. Read on to know the findings:  The study: Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published a research conducted by a team of scientists in Denmark. They studied 1.8 million women between the ages of 15 and 49 over a stretch of approximately 11 years. They were looking for women who used hormonal birth control — usually a combination of…
  • Picture of indian sweet mysore pak in an article on sugar cravings
    How to Beat Sugar Cravings [INFOGRAPHIC]
    Many of us struggle with sugar cravings. It could be at a party, or when we are depressed, per-menopausal or just bored. Here are some tips in a useful infographic.  Also, see the discussion here  Read about PMS related cravings   
  • A man in pain and holding his head signifying a migraine flare up
    How to Manage your Migraine Effectively? (Video)
    Migraines are often confused with headaches. Its important to know the difference since it affects the prevention, treatment and management of it. Would you like to learn to manage your migraine? Here are some of our top tips. If you want to know more, check out some of our most bookmarked articles on migraine All about Migraine  Can Washing Hair Cause Migraines? Can Children Get Migraines? And other FAQs Triggers of Migraine and how to manage pro-actively  
how to reduce
hey everyone, I'm Heather, and I'm struggling a lot with endometriosis. it's new to me. the bloating/inflammation and severe pain are the worst. I just had to quit my job because I'm not physically well enough to do it, and I've been more or less…
what z solution for irregular menstrual
i had delivered a baby before 6 months from c section. now my weight is 90 kg pls suggest me how to loose weight
earlier miscarriage due to blightened ovum
Question from a member Is there any natural therapy to change the size of breast if it has changed due to breastfeeding, small other larger so what can be done to make it of same size?
Question from one of our members - I am peri-menopausal and often get a craving for something sweet. Even if I eat a fruit, the craving does not go away. What can I do ?    

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