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  • Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder PDMDS
    Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder PDMDS

    The Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorder (PDMDS) community is a congregation of people from far and wide who come together for a common cause close to our heart- Parkinson's Disease. Whether you are someone living with and fighting powerfully against the condition, or someone dedicating their life toward the care of a loved one with Parkinson's, or just someone who wants to learn more about Parkinson’s- you can become a part of our community. . . Because everything we do expresses our motto "Together we move better" To find out more about the support we can provide to people with Parkinson’s please visit:

  • Your Health Care Team for Parkinsons
    It is important to be aware of the Multidisciplinary Team of Health Care Professionals who play an integral role in the care and treatment of people with Parkinson’s as well as their caregivers. These professionals offer support and practical tips in those areas which you as a caregiver find difficult to manage and this also aids in an improvement in quality of life. Neurologist- Is a medical practitioner, who is licensed to make a diagnosis of PD (and other neurological conditions) following a…
  • Fall Proofing the Home for Older Adults
    Falls are probably the number one cause of injuries in seniors resulting in high medical and rehabilitative costs. Porrselvi A.P. a cognitive and psychosocial interventions specialist, offers valuable tips and suggestions for preventing falls at home, from installing handrails and anti-skid mats to decluttering the house and wearing sturdy footwear. Falls can lead to avoidable hospital admissions and the associated complications for elderly with a good health status as well as those older…
  • Provisions for People with Parkinson’s
    There are several Government provisions/ benefits available for People with Parkinson’s, which could be related to public transport, income tax etc. These various benefits are offered by the Government under the appropriate legislation To avail of any of the concessions offered by the Government, the first step one needs to take is to get a ‘Disability Certificate’. What is a Disability Certificate? A Disability Certificate is a document issued to a person with some form of disability, which…
  • Do not confuse the caregiver with unscientific therapies
    From popping pills for Parkinson's Disease every 2 hours and dealing with various side effects of these pills, Hari has turned his life around and chose to focus on his passions for travel and spreading awareness on PD. Read on. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2008. Currently after the Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, I seem to have recovered almost 95%. Earlier I used to pop pills every two hours. My consumption of medicines has now come down to at the most one per day. What…
  • Is Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's recommended or not?
    Dr. Pettarusp Wadia Consultant Neurologist and Movement Disorder Specialist, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai weighs in on when Deep Brain Stimulation treatment for Parkinson's Disease is a recommended choice and what factors you should consider before making a decision.  Deep Brain Stimulation(DBS) in Parkinson's disease is recommended when  The patient has a confirmed diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease – fits UKPDS brain bank criteria The patient…
  • 7 Tips for Overcoming Caregiving Burden
    Being involved in the care of a loved one with Parkinson’s can have its own set of challenges. Often, during the course of taking care of a family member, one may forget to pay attention to one’s own health, needs and feelings. 7 tips for caregivers to look after their own health and overcome caregiver burden.  Your Emotional Heath During the course of care giving many caregivers experience a range of feelings such as anger, sadness, frustration, guilt and pain. Having all of these…
  • Challenges caregivers may face
    Due to Parkinson’s and its symptoms, PWPs may experience certain emotional and behavioural disturbances that can be difficult to manage. These are a few of them: Anger & Stubbornness  PWPs may feel angry due to the symptoms of Parkinson’s as well as a sense of dependency that it might generate. Take for example the difficulty in doing activities that were previously done with ease such as walking, cooking, bathing, and talking etc can bring about a lot of frustration in the person with…
  • Caregiving for Parkinson’s
    A caregiver is someone who lives with, regularly helps or looks after a person with Parkinson’s and is directly involved in his/her care and well being. The following section focuses on the various aspects of this role. Dealing with the Diagnosis and how you can help A diagnosis of Parkinson’s can be a life changing event not only for the person who is diagnosed but for family and friends as well. Initial reaction to the diagnosis can be of shock, denial, sadness, fear, anger and even guilt.…
  • Advanced Parkinson’s Stage
    As Parkinson’s progresses, your symptoms might also change. Your current symptoms might become more severe, and new symptoms might also develop. You may feel that the medication may not be as effective in controlling the symptoms as they were before as a result you may find that you require help from others to do your routine activities like dressing, eating, bathing etc. Certain symptoms like poor balance, difficulty walking and fear of falling may prevent you from being able to leave our…
  • Building Community Bridges for Parkinson’s
    There is much more to life for people affected with Parkinson’s disease than treatments and medications, believes Sudha Meiyappan, founder of Parivarthan, a community support group in Chennai that provides a safe platform to those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disorder. Shaik Mohideen Sahib returned to India couple of years ago after he retired as a Hindi teacher for 20 years in Muscat, Oman.  This was not his best time since his mother had recently passed away, he was …
Parkinson's pateints develop great difficulty in swallowing during later stageof their disease. These issues are sometimes ignored or given less importance by famiy and even doctor. My advise for caregiver/famiy of a parkinson's patient is to listen…
I am regulary taking medicine syndopa plus for Parkinson. I wants to know whether I can go for Ayurvedic massage to reduce mussle stiffness . Will it be helpfull ?  Please advice Thanks & Regards, Raju
Coping with the disease
I am suffering from early Parkinson's Disease. I am 49, working in IA&AD Department, Living in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, watch me on youtube channel  or  search early Parkinson's…
balance problem
Question from a community member: My father, who is 75years old has been living with Parkinsons Disease for over 10years now. It was well managed so far with medication and his very active lifestyle especially walking and swimming.  However in…
My friend's father has Parkinson's. He has hallucinations. Is that because of Parkinson's? Or is it due to any other reason    
  Early Stage Parkinson’s Taking Control of Parkinson’s: Make a decision today to take control of your life with Parkinson’s. The key to living an optimally healthy, happy and fulfilling life is in your hands. Here are some pointers to help you…
Welcome to our family! We are here to help you help yourself- with all the current up to date information on Parkinson’s, latest research & findings, some tips to tackle Parkinson's, discussions with experts , connect with people with Parkinson'…
Dopamine is a Brain Chemical that helps to control muscle movement. In Parkinson's Disease the brain cells that make dopamine slowly die. The resultant lack of dopamine in body leads to physical symptoms such as slowness of movement, unusual…

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