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  • Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder PDMDS
    Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder PDMDS

    The Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorder (PDMDS) community is a congregation of people from far and wide who come together for a common cause close to our heart- Parkinson's Disease. Whether you are someone living with and fighting powerfully against the condition, or someone dedicating their life toward the care of a loved one with Parkinson's, or just someone who wants to learn more about Parkinson’s- you can become a part of our community. . . Because everything we do expresses our motto "Together we move better" To find out more about the support we can provide to people with Parkinson’s please visit:

  • Parkinsons and Talent
    Creative Ways of Expression for Persons with Parkinsons
    Tejali Kunte, Head of Psychology, PDMDS (Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society), talks about their unique initiative ‘PDMDS Encourages Talent’ which provided a platform for Persons with Parkinson’s to showcase their talents and also boost their confidence in a big way. What was the main vision behind the initiative? Was it just motivational? -Creative arts like dance, music, poetry, art and craft have tremendous therapeutic effects on the symptoms of Parkinson’s. At PDMDS, we…
  • घर में बुजुर्गों के गिरने से बचाव के लिए बदलाव करें
    बुजुर्गों में चोट लगने का प्रमुख कारण शायद उनका गिरना है। गिरने की वजह से चिकित्सा के और रीहैब (पुनर्वास) के खर्च भी बहुत ऊंचे होते हैं। इस लेख में  पोरसेलवी ए.पी., एक संज्ञानात्मक और मनोसामाजिक हस्तक्षेप विशेषज्ञ, साझा करती हैं कि घर में बुजुर्गों के गिरने से बचाव (फॉल प्रिवेंशन) के लिए कैसे बदलाव संभव हैं - जैसे कि हैण्ड-रेल लगवाना, एंटीस्किड (फिसलन विरोधी) मैट का इस्तेमाल, घर में अत्याधिक और अव्यवस्थित सामान को हटा कर घर व्यवस्थित करना, संतुलित रखने वाले मजबूत जूते पहनना, इत्यादि।…
  • A woman in bed being tended to by a person in green scrubs with a stethoscope
    We Need More Palliative Care Centres For Neurological Disorders
    With growing occurrences of neurological disorders, an increased collaboration between neurology and palliative care or neuropalliative care services has become imperative, stresses Dr.Kaustubh Mahajan, neurologist at Hinduja Hospital, Khar. Also an extract from a paper presented by neurologist Dr Roopkumar Gursahani. What is the role of palliative care in patients with neurological diseases? There's a definite and very important role of palliative care in neurological diseases. There are so…
  • A partially visible counsellor sitting with a person with outstretched hands
    Can Counselling Help Persons With Parkinson's?
    Persons with Parkinson's are not just affected by motor and cognitive behaviour symptoms but also emotional difficulties. Clinical Psychologist Shanaya D’souza and Health Psychologist Shibani Khanna explain the need and benefits of seeking counselling help for the mental health issues.  Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder which develops when the brain cells which produce the neurotransmitter dopamine begin to degenerate. Apart from the visible motor symptoms that make everyday…
  • A young woman in the foreground in a white t-shirt talking into a mic
    I Rediscovered Myself When I Publicly Accepted My Parkinsons
    Dr Shanthipriya, 45 is a YOPD warrior and consultant ophthalmologist. Devastated when diagnosed with early Parkinson’s, she talks about how she picked up the pieces, moved forward and started the SAAR Foundation to reach out to other people with neurological issues. Introduction to Parkinson’s My journey with Parkinson’s began 8 years ago with the diagnosis of YOPD (Young Onset Parkinson Disease) and the question Why Me? In early 2011 my husband and son noticed the abnormal positioning of my…
  • Webinar recording of panel discussion on Living Better with Parkinsons focussed on early stages
    Webinar Recording: Living Better With Parkinson's Disease: The Early Stages
    An insightful panel discussion with persons with Parkinson's Disease and the Head of therapy and research at PDMDS on the early stages of Parkinson;s Disease with in our ‘Living Better’ series. In partnership with PDMDS. This session focussed how patients dealt with their diagnosis, the various activities they engage in, the challenges posed due to their symptoms, changes in lifestyle, how it affects relationships, and perspectives in life. We spoke with persons with Parkinsons and Head of…
  • Webinar: Living Better With Parkinson's Disease: The Early Stages
    Announcing the next webinar in our ‘Living Better’ series and focus at the early stages of Parkinson's Disease. In partnership with PDMDS. This session will cover how patients dealt with their diagnosis, the various activities they engage in, the challenges posed due to their symptoms, changes in lifestyle, how it affects relationships, and perspectives in life. We speak with persons with Parkinsons and Head of therapy & research at the PDMDS on strategies and activities that help manage…
  • Major Fonseca in a white tshirt and black and grey striped sweater and Mrs Fonseca in a purple and white top
    Parkinson's Changes The Life Of The Caregiver Too
    While Parkinson's Disease affects the person who has been affected by the condition, it also changes the role of the spouse who suddenly has to take on the role of a caregiver and support the patient in terms of their daily routine and activities. Mrs. Fonseca shares her experience.  Diagnosed in 2014, Major Fonseca has been a member of the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Society support group for a year now. He has an easy, commanding presence – his time in the army apparent in…
  • A young woman with short dark hair on the right supporting and looking at an elderly silver haired woman on the left
    Preventing Caregiver Burnout While Caring For Person With Parkinson's
    Taking care of a person with Parkinson’s is tough and it progressively gets tougher as the condition progresses. Samiksha Sivan, Clinical Psychologist, PDMDS talks about caregiver burnout and how a caregiver can take of herself/himself.  “It is extremely tough to see my husband, who was such a lively person become so dull and expressionless. I help him with most of his everyday tasks now and he seems to realise somewhere that he is dependent on me and he hates it! I worry a…
  • Two juxtaposed images of Parkinsons Patient Mr Zend Merwan Zend in a light shirt
    Humans Of Parkinsons story - Mr. Zend Merwan Zend
    A grandchild remembers grandpa Zend Merwan Zend and how the progression of  Parkinson's Disease affected the man, his activities of daily living but not his zest and will power for life. Zend The Boxer (1948) Zend The Baker (1950) Zend the Marathoner (2012-2013)  Zend The Conqueror (Afternoon newspaper 26-7-12) The above titles are what Zend Merwan Zend (Born :9-12-1935) is known by. I simply call him Grandpa!  At the age of 60, my grandfather (I hero worship him) had suddenly…
Parkinson's pateints develop great difficulty in swallowing during later stageof their disease. These issues are sometimes ignored or given less importance by famiy and even doctor. My advise for caregiver/famiy of a parkinson's patient is to listen…
I am regulary taking medicine syndopa plus for Parkinson. I wants to know whether I can go for Ayurvedic massage to reduce mussle stiffness . Will it be helpfull ?  Please advice Thanks & Regards, Raju
Coping with the disease
I am suffering from early Parkinson's Disease. I am 49, working in IA&AD Department, Living in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, watch me on youtube channel  or  search early Parkinson's…
balance problem
Question from a community member: My father, who is 75years old has been living with Parkinsons Disease for over 10years now. It was well managed so far with medication and his very active lifestyle especially walking and swimming.  However in…
My friend's father has Parkinson's. He has hallucinations. Is that because of Parkinson's? Or is it due to any other reason    
  Early Stage Parkinson’s Taking Control of Parkinson’s: Make a decision today to take control of your life with Parkinson’s. The key to living an optimally healthy, happy and fulfilling life is in your hands. Here are some pointers to help you…
Welcome to our family! We are here to help you help yourself- with all the current up to date information on Parkinson’s, latest research & findings, some tips to tackle Parkinson's, discussions with experts , connect with people with Parkinson'…
Dopamine is a Brain Chemical that helps to control muscle movement. In Parkinson's Disease the brain cells that make dopamine slowly die. The resultant lack of dopamine in body leads to physical symptoms such as slowness of movement, unusual…

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