My ma-in-law is a cardiac patient and sometimes gets atrial fibrillation which worries us. She is in her late 80s, and has had a stent put around 20 years ago. We are wondering whether there is some suitable heart health monitoing device that would be reliable. We are based in India. Someone mentioned Dozee in this context. Looking for any suggestions and user experience for any suitable device, pros and cons (including any data on Doze). Thanks in advance!!
Dear concernedlady, there
Dear concernedlady, there seems to be very little information on Dozee's website - especially in the FAQ section. They mention research done by NIMHANS but we could not find the links to this research. We would also suggest you ask her cardiologist about the use of such a device. We also could not find any FDA or any other certification for safety and efficacy on their website