Read the first person account of two suicide attempt survivors. We bring you these details especially to draw your attention to the fact that many suicides can be stopped and prevented by just a small quantum of compassion and consideration shown by…
Shubhrata Prakash, an officer with the Indian Revenue Service currently on sabbatical in Bangkok, went through a very long episode of depression. At the end, she was inspired to write a book The D Word: A Survivor’s Guide to Depression that not only…
World Suicide Prevention Week 2016
A suicide story has various dimensions: there are those who think of committing it all the time, there are those who have tried and survived, and then there are those who have gone ahead and taken their own lives,…
Five failed relationships and an elaborate suicide plan later, Thomas Heng finds out that life is worth living after all! Clinical Depression led him to almost jump off a building, further thoughts of which were thwarted by prolonged counselling…
World Suicide Prevention Day 2016
Yuna Angell realises, after several attempts at suicide, that life is too sacred to be lost like this. She advises people with suicidal tendencies to reach out for help in times of desperation, because everyone…
Happy Mother's Day 2016
This Mother's Day we asked a few of our contributors, to share a Mother's Day wish. They shared poems, beautiful thoughts for their mothers who have been their caregivers and their stength in their journey. We look forward to…
Forlorn and aching I write...
Of a lost heart waiting to belong...
Waiting to Belong
I wake up thanking God for another day,
Another day to look out at the dancing trees to the hum of the breeze,
To raise my face to the warm kiss of the Sun,
By Vedika Aum, an ongoing survivor of depression
Just let the light in...
Don't block it
Don't hide from it
Don't look through it with unseeing eyes
Don't shut it out
Don't run from it
Don't turn your back to it
Don't create illusions nor excuses to…
By Vedika Aum, an ongoing survivor of depression. The image is of a sketch by Vedika depicting bursting forth through the darkness
I live I laugh I create I think I learn
...and I question
I meet silence
I question again and am told to be…