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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 18 April 2016

Forlorn and aching I write...

Of a lost heart waiting to belong...

Waiting to Belong

I wake up thanking God for another day,
Another day to look out at the dancing trees to the hum of the breeze,
To raise my face to the warm kiss of the Sun,
To share an unspelled love with the flowers the bees and my dog
Another day to respect my temple I neglected for many years,
Another day to tell the world , how beautiful is life,

I knock at a door , see a frown and turn around,
To knock at another door, and see loving smiles,
I search the eyes for some understanding
...but find  it submerged under the noise,

Noise of voices. Of opinions. Of judgements. Of Egos. Of discrimination.

I slowly turn around, dejected and lost

The spring in my footsteps turning into a shuffle,
The shine in my eyes taken over by the sheen of moisture,
The joy in my heart covered by a dull ache,
I retreat. Retreat into the solace of the cocoon of my soul....

Searching searching to see the understanding,
the silence of acceptance in the eyes that follow me  some distance with puzzlement,

till they find something more engaging more noisy more worldly...

By Vedika, ongoing survivor of depression

Image credits: Sketch by Vedika

Mon, 04/18/2016 - 19:48