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  • Innovative Mobility Devices for Differently Abled
    The Rehabilitation Research and Device Development (R2D2) lab at IIT Madras, headed by Dr. Sujatha Srinivasan, is involved in research related to design and development of mechanisms, products and assistive devices for people with impairments. Let’s take a look at some of their pioneering products. Dr. Sujatha Srinivasan has established the Rehabilitation Research and Device Development (R2D2) lab (now the TTK Center for R2D2) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras with a…
  • Stanford Medicine: Arts and Humanities in Medicine
    The world of medicine is beginning to increasingly acknowledge the potential of expressive arts therapies such as art, music, drama, dance/movement, poetry/creative writing and play in the context of healing, treatment, psychotherapy, counselling and rehabilitation. Activities such as drawing, drumming, creative movement and play acting allow individuals of all ages to express deep-seated thoughts and feelings, improve physical, mental and emotional well-being and boost self-esteem and…
  • Anxiety, Stress and the Special Needs Parent
    The parents and families of children with special needs go through a lot of stress and anxiety in bringing up their children. Dr Roma Kumar, a Senior Consultant in Clinical Psychology, discusses various issues that these parents have to tackle on an almost everyday basis and possible solutions. Q1. Different research and surveys across the world show that more than 50% of the parents of children with disabilities suffer from anxiety, stress and depression. In your experience in India what are…
  • New starter AAC App in Hindi and English for Kids with Autism
    Jellow Communicator, a free app compatible with Android tablets and mobiles has been developed by an interdisciplinary team of therapists, graphic designers, software programmers and animators at the IDC School of Design in IIT Bombay. This app aids communication and learning in children on the autism spectrum and speech impairments. An interview with Sudha Srinivasan, post-doctoral fellow, IDC, and paediatric speech therapist, who provided clinical content for the app. You and your team…
  • Help children with cancer develop skills to cope with stress and anxiety
    On International Childhood Cancer Day, Poonam Bagai, Founder Chairman of Cankids...Kidscan, a family support group for children suffering from cancer and their families, talks at length about how hard it is to tackle the medical and emotional wellbeing of a child who learns to grapple with reality through various stages of his treatment.  1. What are the objectives of Cankids? CanKids...KidsCan is a National Society for Change for Childhood Cancer in India & YANA (You are not Alone) -…
  • FDA approval is great news for DMD community
    says RS Anand, parent of a child with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy on the FDA approval of Emflaza (deflazacort). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Emflaza (deflazacort) tablets and oral suspension to treat patients age 5 years and older with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive muscle deterioration and weakness. Emflaza is a corticosteroid that works by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system.…
  • Hypnosis for Pain Relief and Anxiety Management
    Worldwide, medical hypnosis is being increasingly accepted to ease acute and chronic pain arising from burns, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis and reduction of anxiety associated with surgery. What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a state of increased suggestibility with constriction of peripheral awareness and increased focal concentration on task at hand. Heightened suggestibility is an essential characteristic in hypnosis. Hypnosis is like a meditative technique that encourages inner search and the…
  • English Lifestyle magazine in Braille opens window to the world
    Did you know White Print is a lifestyle magazine in Braille? It was launched by Upasana Makati exclusively for the visually impaired to help them get a taste of life and experiences they are otherwise deprived of. Four years down the line, Upasana feels it was one of the best decisions of her life to launch this magazine. Why do you think Braille Literacy is important? Just as reading and writing are crucial to most aspects of a sighted person's life, knowing Braille is a symbol of empowerment…
  • Should Parents of Children with Autism Prepare a Will?
    Without a proper plan, your child with autism may face an uncertain future after you are gone. Chitra Iyer, Treasurer and Trustee, Forum for Autism, spells out reasons why it is absolutely necessary for parents to prepare a Will. While this may apply to various disabilities, the focus for this article is mainly on children with autism and keeps in mind the legal requirements in India. What if something were to happen to me tomorrow, how can I ensure that my child with Autism who is now an…