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  • Building Emotional Resilience For Persons With Chronic Conditions and Disabilities
    Emotional Resilience for Persons with Disabilities and persons with chronic conditions with Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychologist Divya Parashar. This was in the context of the COVID pandemic but there are lessons in there for all times. We talked about What is emotional resilience Anxieties faced by people with disabilities What is psychological resilience What makes people resilient How to build psychological resilience Effects of suspension of therapy due to covid How to overcome…
  • Are Sleep Disturbances Indicative of Mental Illness?
    Sleep disorders may make a person more vulnerable to psychiatric illnesses, intensify the severity of the symptoms points out Dr Nileena N.K.M, Specialist in Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine, and stresses the importance of better sleep for better life. Plus Tips For Good Sleep. What is the correlation between mental health and sleep? Sleep and mental health go very much hand in hand in our day to day life. Many of the psychiatric illnesses are seen to be associated with sleep complaints and…
  • 11 Common Myths And Misconceptions About Depression
    While there is a lot of talk on depression, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about it. Psychiatrist Dr. Sweta Sheth from Bengaluru sheds light on some of the common myths.  As a psychiatrist, depression is one of the most common illnesses I see and treat. I call it an illness, because it is one. A serious, sometimes debilitating illness, which often remains hidden and undiagnosed. It’s not just a state of being sad or low when things aren’t going right for you. We see it…
  • International Women's Day 2019 Poster showing a woman with her arms stretched and a text Celebrating women who are changing the face of health and personal care
    Women’s Day 2019: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate For Change
    For International Women's Day, in line with the UN Women’s theme for 2019 we highlight a few women innovators and social entrepreneurs who have contributed to "Think equal, Build smart & Innovate for a change." We asked these three women entrepreneurs and innovators what drove the innovation and how it benefits the community.  Aditi Gupta, Founder - Menstrupedia Making it cool for young girls to talk about menstruation We created Menstrupedia to fight the widespread unawareness…
  • Man in a black long sleeved shirt and khaki pants bending down demonstrating depression
    Why do Men Suffer Depression in Silence
    Males suffering from depression have an increased vulnerability to dying by suicide. Clinical psychologist Smriti Sawhney advices it is important to seek professional help and lists out tips to alleviate depression. Boys are not supposed to cry. And, if you cry you are weak. And, being emotional is so ‘girly’. Most boys tend to hear these and other similar statements during their growing up years. Internalising such statements can make it difficult later on for men to express or share their…
  • Head shot of the author Gayathri Prabhu wearing a yellow blouse, brown sari and a necklace around her neck. In the background are trees
    An Intensely Personal Memoir Of A Father’s Mental Illness
    Trveen Dhillon reviews Gayathri Prabhu’s intensely personal memoir of her conflicted relationship with her father who had depression ‘if i had to tell it again’ and relates to her own experience as a caregiver to her father. Gayathri Prabhu’s ‘if i had to tell it again’ is a memoir about two beings who greatly influenced her life and continue to do so even after their passing - her father, SGM Prabhu, who refused to accept or name his illness (clinical depression), and Chinna, a beautiful…
  • Image of a person seen partially in black dress and with bandaged wrist
    Why Does A Teenager Self Harm?
    And how you can help. Clinical Psychologist H'vovi Bhagwawar has put together a guide on teen self harm and how parents can help their children. This is based on her experience of counselling teenagers. #WorldMentalHealthDay Myra, a bright Std 11 student, had begun withdrawing from her parents and friends. When she insisted on wearing long-sleeved outfits in the humid heat of Mumbai, her mother suspected something. Myra then showed her mother the cuts on her wrists. Her mother was at first…
  • Being a Doctor, it was Not Easy to Make Public My Depression
    Dr Ankit Patel, a Pune based psychiatrist, who himself has dealt with depression, says his mission now is to educate people about mental illness and reduce the stigma associated with it. According to World Health Organization 56 million people suffer from depression and another 38 million people suffer from anxiety disorders in India. Which would you classify as the 5 most common psychiatric disorders? Depression Generalised Anxiety Disorder OCD Panic Disorder Schizophrenia/ Psychosis Are…
  • Image Description: Stock pic of a black haired woman on the left in a pink shirt supporting a young blond haired woman in a blue, red and white checked shirt on the right whose back is visible to us
    Sensitive Interventions To Prevent Youth Suicides Can Begin In Early Childhood
    Dr Neena David, a Clinical Psychologist, emphasises the importance of developing positive coping skills, a sense of resilience and a growth mindset among adolescents and teenagers as they have long term positive mental health outcomes and stave off suicidal tendencies. You have many years of experience in setting up processes for school mental health programmes. What changes did you need to bring about in your programmes over the years? I am not sure I understand this question- ‘your programmes…