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  • Diabetic Foot Ulcers : Prevention and Treatment
    Diabetic foot ulcers occur in approximately 15 percent of patients with diabetes, and is an open sore or wound that is located on the bottom of the foot. Infection of the wound and other ulcer-related complication can result in hospitalization. Learn to prevent and manage it.   What is diabetic foot ulcer? Diabetic patients are at a high risk of developing many foot problems. Even simple foot problems can become severe and cause complications. The root cause of…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
    What is it Prolonged diabetes mellitus damages the nerves. This malfunction of the nerves is called diabetic neuropathy. It can affect different parts of the body. High blood sugar can injure nerve fibers throughout your body, but diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in your legs and feet.  
  • Lung Cancer
    Lung cancer or carcinoma of the lung is uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining the air passages. It is the leading cause of death due to cancer worldwide. Lung cancer is strongly related to cigarette smoking. 90% of lung cancer is caused by smoking though non-smokers can also have lung cancer. Incidence of lung cancer varies greatly between countries depending on their smoking habits. While lung cancer cases are decreasing in developed countries thanks to…
  • Diabetic Skin Complications
    - With inputs from Dr. Anju Virmani, Endocrinologist, New Delhi What is it People with diabetes, due to high blood glucose, often have a loss of fluid in the body. This can cause dry skin on the legs, elbows, feet and other areas of the body. Dry skin is more likely to crack, allowing germs to get into these areas, causing infections that can have severe consequences. Diabetics are more prone to getting bacterial and fungal infections. Diabetics may also suffer from itchy skin…
  • Anatomical Image of Ovaries in human body
    Diabetic Complications: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    With inputs from Dr. Chandan Dubey What is it If you have 2 or more of the following symptoms, you should get yourself checked by a gynaecologist to confirm or rule out Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):  • Multiple small cysts in the ovaries • Infrequent (more than 35 days) or absent periods due to eggs not releasing every month  • High androgen features (facial and body hair, acne, abdominal fat, frontal balding) PCOS and its impact  PCOS may lead to acne,…
  • Diabetes
    Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which the body has difficulty regulating its blood glucose or blood sugar level. Blood glucose is the main source of energy for the body and we get it from the food we eat which is broken down into glucose. For glucose to get into the cells, insulin, a pancreatic hormone is required. In patients with diabetes, the pancreas produces less or no insulin or the cells don’t respond to the insulin produced. This leads to the…
  • Diabetic Retinopathy FAQ
    Diabetic retinopathy is an increasing cause of blindness in persons with diabetes. Senior Ophthalmologist Dr Charu Gupta answers your questions, clears misconceptions and separates the facts from the myths. What is diabetic retinopathy? Diabetes can cause changes to the blood vessels of the retina, leading to blindness. This is called diabetic retinopathy. I have good eyesight. I don’t have to worry about diabetic retinopathy. Unfortunately that is not true. Many patients with severe…
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
    What is it Diabetic retinopathy refers to all disorders of the retina caused by diabetes. There is a high incidence of blindness with diabetes. According to Diabetes Care Journal, American Diabetes Association, there are approximately 93 million people with diabetic retinopathy, 17 million with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, 21 million with diabetic macular edema, and 28 million with vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy (VTDR) worldwide. Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.…
  • Colorectal Cancer
    Colorectal cancer is a cancer that develops from uncontrolled cell division of the inner lining of the large intestine (colon and rectum). Globally, colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in men and 2nd most common cancer in women. Colorectal cancer is more common in developed nations such as the United States and less common in developing nations. However, incidences of colorectal cancer are increasing in Asian countries due to change in dietary habits and lifestyle. Most cases…