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  • Medications that Increase or Decrease Blood Glucose Levels!
    In the second part of the series on drug interactions that persons with diabetes should watch out for, we talk of which medicines increase or decrease your blood glucose level and what you should watch out for. Often persons with diabetes are on medications other than the diabetes drugs (oral or injectable). They may be on some medications for life for chronic conditions (such as thyroid, mental disorders etc) or acute conditions (such as allergies, infections etc). Drug interactions are known…
  • Is Bariatric Surgery a Good Choice for Controlling Diabetes?
    Bariatric-surgery or weight-loss surgery has been shown to help improve or reverse many obesity-related conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more. Dr. Jaydeep Palep, Bariatric Surgeon at Nanavati Hospital, provides in-depth information on how it can have a positive effect on the health of obese individuals. Bariatric surgery has emerged as a treatment option for obesity and is increasingly recognized to have benefits for glycemic management in patients…
  • Diabetes Medications and their Interactions with Other Medicines
    Most people with chronic conditions take more than 1 drug. According to one study those over the age of 60 take 5 drugs on an average. These can cause unexpected reactions and drug-to-drug interactions. Here is what you need to know: What is drug-to-drug interaction? When a drug taken along with another drug causes an unwanted or counter-productive interaction, such that it affects the activity and efficacy of the other drug, it is term as a drug-to drug interaction. For diabetic patients, this…
  • Toolkit for Managing Arthritis at Home in English and Hindi
    There are different aspects of Arthritis Management. We have compiled multiple ebooks - ebooks that help in understanding the condition and managing it through medication, dietary changes, exercise,  yoga and home adaptations. 1. 20 Tips to Manage Arthritis Arthritis is affecting younger people - even 30-40 year olds. are getting diagnosed with Arthritis. So it is important to understand about Arthritis and manage it pro-actively. Download the ebook 20 Tips to Manage Arthritis …
  • How To Reduce Risk of Blindness and Falls due to Diabetic Retinopathy? (Video)
    A recent study in Singapore looked at the risk of falls for people with Diabetic Retinopathy. Given the increased risk, we share a useful video on Diabetic Retinopathy prepared by Public Health Foundation of India  People with Diabetic Retinopathy have an increased likelihood of falls as per a study in Singapore In a post hoc cross-sectional analysis of the Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Diseases study of 9481 participants from a multiethnic (Malay, Chinese, and Indian individuals)…
  • Does Cancer Cause Erectile Dysfunction and other Questions
    As part of our focus on men's health, we talk to urologist Dr. Vinit Shah about erectile dysfunction caused by cancer treatment and the strategies that may be employed to prevent and manage ED 1.    What are the most common pelvic cancer symptoms for men? Very often pelvic cancers are detected only in later stages as the organs they affect are deep seated and therefore the symptoms are often absent or silent. However one must have a high index of suspicion in all cases of…
  • Why do Women with PCOS have Depression
    Approximately 34% of women with PCOS have depression. Dr Madanki Srinavasan, Gynaecologist and women’s health counselor helps us understand lifestyle changes to manage PCOS. Along with weight gain, unwanted hair growth, acne, irregular periods etc, women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) also frequently suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.  Can stress be a risk factor for PCOS? Stress can be a risk factor for any medical ailment, including PCOS.…
  • Most Men are Unaware of Dangers of Prostate Cancer
    It is estimated that nearly 15 lakh prostate cancer cases among men are detected in India every year, of which 85 per cent are stage four cancers. We speak to Dr Ajay Mehta, Director & Oncosurgeon, HCG-NCHRI Cancer Centre, Nagpur, on prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and how to reduce risks with healthy diet and lifestyle. What is prostate cancer? Prostate is a walnut sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in men. Prostate…
  • How can I Help Someone Coping with Grief and Bereavement?
    Ever struggled to figure out what you can do or say to someone grieving the loss of a dear family member or friend. Here is a useful guide on how you can help someone coping with grief and bereavment. If you have other suggestions or experiences please do share by leaving a comment below