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  • Understanding The Maze of Cardiac Tests
    Do cardiac tests like CAT Scan, Angiogram, MRI and Thallium Scan confuse you?  What does each of them tell the Cardiologist? Dr. Shital Raval decodes this complex maze of tests so you can understand the purpose of each of these cardiac tests and why they have been prescribed. When it comes to the matters of the heart, you can never be too careful. Your doctor will assess your symptoms, ask about your medical and family history and perform a physical examination before prescribing any…
  • Leading Causes And Precautionary Interventions For Falls in Persons With Dementia
    Ms. Ayush Chandra and Ms. Sradha Madan Ray under the guidance of DEMCARES, SCARF India write about the leading causes for falls in persons with dementia and how caregivers can prevent these falls.  According to WHO risk of falls in old age increases due to several factors such as changes in physical function, sensory input, and cognition. For a patient with cognitive impairment the risk is doubled and can lead to more complications (Scala G & Kraemer, 2009). Being aware of the…
  • A pathologist with a mask covering his face holding a urine sample bottle
    What Does The Colour Of Your Urine Mean?
    Urinalyis or Urine Tests are often prescribed by doctors to detect certain conditions. Dr. Shital Raval explains what the results of a urine test mean, and the right way to collect a urine sample.   #KnowYourTest Series What is urinalysis? Urinalysis or Urine tests are a group of tests conducted on your urine that a doctor may prescribe. These tests are indicators of acute or chronic conditions or illnesses. It can also help detect insidious infections like urinary tract infections or…
  • Stock pic of a younger person in a white top and black pant supporting and holding hands with a seated silver haired elderly lady in a green top
    How To Support A Grieving Person With Dementia
    Caregivers of persons with dementia are often unsure how to talk about the loss of a family member or friend. Porrselvi A.P., a cognitive and psychosocial interventions specialist shares tips on how to break the news and how to help the person with dementia deal with the news. Supporting a person with dementia who is grieving the death of someone close to them cope with the loss is challenging for many caregivers. Often, in the daily grind of caring for a person with dementia we forget that…
  • Stock pic of the back of a man feeling rheumatic pain while working at his desk on a laptop
    I am Young, How can I get Arthritis?
    Rheumatic diseases are erroneously believed to be the disease of the elderly, but a large number of young people too are affected by them. Dr. Gurvinder Singh Sawhney – Senior Consultant, Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement at Nanavati Hospital, gives us a perspective and suggests aggressive treatment strategies to manage flare-ups. Rheumatic or musculoskeletal diseases are considered the aches and pains of the ageing, but there are several disorders prevalent even among young people. Which are…
  • Image Description: An elderly person with a walker and supported by a caregiver
    12 Confusing and Overlapping Symptoms in the Elderly
    Symptoms like weight loss, memory loss, weakness, and fatigue should not be mistaken as a sign of the"normal aging" process. Dr. Shital Patel explains 12 common but misleading symptoms in the elderly and why you should seek a doctor's opinion instead of ignoring them.  Symptoms in the elderly can have very different causes than they may have in a young person. Many symptoms in the geriatric population may be masked by concurrent chronic ailments, injuries, age-related physiological…
  • Vector Image of a woman breastfeeding her child
    Does Stress Affect Breastfeeding?
    First time mothers are often very stressed about many different things. In one study on Indian women, 70% felt breastfeeding was a challenging experience. We speak to Dr Zinal Unadkat Shah, a Pediatrician and Lactation Consultant from Mumbai on the effect of stress on lactation. How does stress affect lactation physiologically? Whenever a woman takes stress, it increases the hormone cortisol in the body. Cortisol levels in turn work on the pituitary gland thereby reducing the hormones prolactin…
  • Bad Death Avoidable with Palliative Care
    Specialty palliative care, in contrast to standard oncology care, can provide an extra layer of support for patients with lung cancer and their families. Dr Rajam Iyer, a pulmonologist and strong proponent of palliative care, enumerates its benefits for lung cancer patients. What is palliative care for lung cancer? In India, lung cancer constitutes 6.9 per cent of all new cancer cases and 9.3 per cent of all cancer related deaths in both sexes. At the time of…
  • Non Healing Ulcer in Mouth Could be Cancerous
    There is almost 10 times higher risk of developing head and neck cancers in persons consuming both alcohol and tobacco, warns Dr Shaikh Muzammil, consultant medical oncologist, Hinduja Healthcare Surgical, and advises cutting down on risks to stay protected. Head and neck cancers account for more than 5.5 lakh of the total cancer cases reported in India every year, putting India in the sixth place worldwide. What are main types of head and neck cancers? The most common type of head and neck…