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Submitted by Content Loader on 27 July 2014

Greeva is neck and Sanchalana means movement

Benefits of Greeva Sanchalana
1. Strengthens the muscles of the neck and the shoulders
2. Releases tension, heaviness and stiffness in the head, neck and shoulder region especially after lengthy desk-work
3. Stimulates and provides relief to nerves of different organs (especially all sensory organs) that pass through the neck.
4. When the movement is performed slowly and rhythmically with slow and deep breathing, it calms the mind and is relaxing.

People suffering from vertigo or extreme cervical spondylosis, the elderly or those suffering from high or low blood pressure should perform the movements according to their capacity, without force.

The Posture
1. Sit in a comfortable posture either on the ground or on a chair.
2. Place both hands on the respective knees
3. It is advisable for beginners to keep their eyes open.
4. Turn side to side: Slowly turn the head to the right, keeping the chin parallel to the floor. Then slowly bring the head back to centre. Turn your head to the left side. (Do not hold the posture for long.) Then slowly bring it back to the centre. This is one complete cycle. Make sure your shoulders remain aligned.
5. Bend neck backward and forward: From the centre position lower the head and try to touch the chin to the jugular notch. Gently raise the head up and bend it backward as far as it will comfortably go. (Do not hold the posture for long.) Then bring it back to your normal position. This is one complete cycle. Don’t press the neck hard.  
6. Side to Side Bend: From the centre position, bend the neck to the right side so that the right ear comes towards right shoulder. (Do not hold the posture for long.) Straighten the neck. Bend the neck to the left side, then bring it back to the centre. This is one complete cycle. Do not move the shoulder.

Alternatively, instead of holding each final position (4,5,6) the number of cycles could be increased. In that case, repeat the cycle slowly and rhythmically 7-10 times.

Greeva Sanchalana step1

Greeva Sanchalana step2
Greeva Sanchalana step3
Greeva Sanchalana step4
Greeva Sanchalana step5
Greeva Sanchalana step6
Greeva Sanchalana step7

As you perform Greeva Sanchalana, be aware of the stretch of the neck muscles and of your breathing. 

- Contributed by Divyayog

Yoga practice is a physical activity; kindly consult your physician before you take it up. You are solely responsible for your health while performing the practice. 

Wed, 04/04/2018 - 19:52