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  • A stock pic of a person holding their face in their hands with text overlay of Help and overcoming substance use
    How To Overcome A Substance Use Problem
    Overcoming a substance use problem is difficult but not impossible. This article indicates the signs of substance misuse and the approach for recovery from a substance use problem. This is part of the series of content on substance use shared by the Addictions Research Group team at Sangath India. In Part 1 of the series, we spoke about What is Substance Use Disorder  What steps can I take if I am trying to overcome a substance use problem? At first, combating substance misuse might feel…
  • Picture of possible items linked to substance abuse with the text overlay of what is substance use and need help and patientsengage logo
    What Is Substance Use?
    What is substance use? What are the signs and symptoms of substance use problems? This is first in the series of content on substance use shared by the Addictions Research Group team at Sangath India. Substance use refers to any consumption of psychoactive or mood-altering “substances''. These could be legal substances such as alcohol or tobacco, illegal substances such as marijuana or heroin, and also prescription or over-the-counter medications used for purposes other than those for…
  •  Stock pic of a writing pad with the heading Hyperthyroidism and stethoscope and pills on a wooden table top
    Hyperthyroidism Treatment
    Treatment of Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is usually treated with: Medicines commonly include Beta-blockers or Antithyroid pills. Radioiodine Therapy is an effective method  that uses radioactive iodine -131 to destroy the cells in the gland. Can be taken in the form of capsules or liquid. Thyroid surgery to remove part of the thyroid gland is less commonly done. Is done only when medications are ineffective or not optional such as people with large goiters or pregnant women. Note:…
  •  Stock pic of a writing pad with the heading Hyperthyroidism and stethoscope and pills on a wooden table top
    Management of Hyperthyroidism
    Steps to Managing Hyperthyroidism Take your daily medication on time. It will reduce your symptoms and keep the thyroid hormones in balance. There is no specific diet but reduce intake of iodine. Iodine is present in certain foods, supplements and medications like cough syrups. Keep a check on your blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Hypertension and Diabetes are commonly associated with Thyroid dysfunction.   Download our e-books on hypertension and diabetes management.
  •  Stock pic of a writing pad with the heading Hyperthyroidism and stethoscope and pills on a wooden table top
    Prevention of Hyperthyroidism
    There is no clear way to prevent hyperthyroidism but you can reduce your risk by doing the following: Get your hormone levels checked all through pregnancy and 6 months after giving birth. Control your diabetes. Check your Vitamin B12 levels. People with pernicious anemia are at a higher risk. Check your thyroid levels regularly if you have a family history or if you have had a thyroid problem or surgery in the past. References: NIH: National institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney…
  •   Stock pic of a writing pad with the heading Hyperthyroidism and stethoscope and pills on a wooden table top
    Hyperthyroidism Test and Diagnosis
    Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism is based on a full clinical history, physical examination and blood tests. Blood test of serum TSH, T3, T4  and Thyroid antibody levels is done initially. Further testing includes thyroid scan, ultrasound and radioactive iodine uptake test.
  •  Stock pic of a writing pad with the heading Hyperthyroidism and stethoscope and pills on a wooden table top
    Types and Stages of Hyperthyroidism
    Hyperthyroidism is classified into two types: Primary Hyperthyroidism is essentially Graves' disease which accounts for 60-80% of all cases of hyperthyroidism. It is an autoimmune disorder.  Secondary Hyperthyroidism can be due to a nodule, goitre or any rare cause. Read more about Graves' Disease here  
  • Stock pic of a writing pad with the heading Hyperthyroidism and stethoscope and pills on a wooden table top
    Hyperthyroidism Signs and Symptoms
    The table below lists the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis:  
  • Causes of Hyperthyroidism and Risk Factors
    There are many possible causes of Hyperthyroidism such as: Graves' disease accounts for 60-80% of all cases. It is an autoimmune disorder, whereby the body’s immune system attacks the gland causing it to make more thyroid hormones. Thyroiditis or inflammation of the thyroid gland causes thyroid hormones to leak into the bloodstream. Thyroiditis can be painless or silent, subacute or postpartum (post- delivery) and can show symptoms of hypothyroidism as well. Thyroid nodules or lumps are common…