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  • Should I Rinse My Mouth After Tooth Brushing?
    Dr Mariya Khambati, a dental practitioner in the UK for the last 27 years, addresses dental issues like dry mouth, gum disease, precautions for tooth extraction and also how conditions like diabetes and cancer and even rheumatic conditions have a direct correlation with dental health. Good tooth brushing is really important. Good tooth brushing means correct tooth brushing which should also involve cleaning between the teeth which people tend to forget.   Decay is one of the most…
  • Child in pain with text overlay of urinary issues in children
    Linkage Between Urinary Bladder Issues and Kidney Health In Children
    Dr. Pankaj Deshpande, Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist talks about urinary bladder issues like bedwetting and urinary tract infection and how they link to Kidney Disease. Previously in Part 1 we talked about the issue of kidney stone among young children.  What is nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting) ? Till what age is it considered acceptable? As children grow, they achieve bladder control. By the time they are 3 years old most children will have achieved control of the bladder in the day…
  • A picture of a doctor examining a child with her mother about kidney stones
    Young Children Can Also Get Kidney Stones
    Dr Pankaj Deshpande, Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist sheds light on common kidney related issues in children - a topic that few people are aware about. In Part 1, he focusses on Kidney stones. And in Part 2, he will talk of urinary bladder issues. What are the most common nephrologic issues amongst the pediatric population? The words children and kidney disease seem incongruous to most people. The first reaction on mentioning any kidney illness in babies or children is that they never…
  • Upcoming Webinar: Oral Health And Chronic Conditions - Prevention and Management
    On eve of World Oral Health Day, join us for an informative webinar on Oral Health and Chronic Disease focussed on prevention and management of Dental Health  Most people are not aware that people with certain health conditions like diabetes, cancer, rheumatic conditions have dental health issues. Sometimes it is because of the medications they are on. Based on feedback from our patient community,for World Oral Health Day, we have a very experienced dental practitioner Dr. Mariya Khambati…
  • Stock pic with the text overlay of Diagnosis of Glaucoma
    Timely Diagnosis of Glaucoma Can Prevent Blindness
    After the age of 40 everyone should go for an eye test as glaucoma is largely asymptomatic and can lead to significant vision loss and blindness in the advance stages, says Dr. Nishant Kumar, Consultant, Ophthalmology at Hinduja Hospital, Khar. What is the main cause of getting glaucoma? Glaucoma is an eye disease that is often associated with elevated intraocular pressure, in which the eye (optic) nerve is damaged. As this nerve gradually deteriorates, it can lead to loss of vision and even…
  • Covid 19 Vaccines – FAQ for People With Co-morbidities
    Dr Swati Jha, Director, Community Health & Research at Aga Khan Health Services India, answers some common questions that people are asking about vaccinations, especially those with co-morbidities and pre-existing conditions. Plus a useful image shared by Dr. Deepak Krishnamurthy, Senior Interventional Cardiologist at Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore As the pandemic does not really seem to be settling down, and there is an upsurge in many parts of the world and the country, the…
  • A pic with the words Stroke in women and some elements like a stethoscope and a diary
    Does Stroke Affect Women Differently?
    We know that stroke is a leading cause of disability. Dr. Nitin Sampat, Consulting Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist highlights how stroke affects women differently, the risk factors for stroke in women and the preventive measures that can be taken. In India, the incidence of stroke is 84-260 lakh annually and the stroke rate in people > 70 years is 1.5% per year. It is the 4th leading cause of death and it still accounts for 1.3% of all causes of death in the world. However, it is…
  • Rehabilitation Is Essential For Regaining Independence
    Spinal cord injury, stroke and osteoporosis are common causes of disability. The Chandigarh Spinal Rehab centre offers holistic rehabilitation to empower patients and enable independent living. For what conditions or disabilities does the Centre have Rehabilitation facilities? Spinal Cord Injury Traumatic brain injury Stroke Multiple Sclerosis Cerebral Palsy Children with special needs Geriatric Rehabilitation Post Joint Replacement Therapy Spina Bfida Pain Management Other Neuro Conditions…
  • Side profile of a woman with the thyroid area being highlighted in a reddish hue and text on the pic saying Managing Skin Hair and Nail Issues in Thyroid COnditions
    Managing Skin, Hair And Nail Issues In Thyroid Conditions
    Dermatologist Dr. Kruti Banodkar explains how hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism affects the skin, hair and nails of a person, the home remedies and self care strategies for the dermatological issues and when you should see a physician. The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of the neck. It releases hormones to help the body regulate and use energy. It regulates the rate at which calories are burned, affecting weight loss or weight gain. It can slow down or…