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  • Diabetes
    Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which the body has difficulty regulating its blood glucose or blood sugar level.  The burden of diabetes is increasing globally, particularly in developing countries. While the causes are complex, but the increase is in large part due to rapid increases in overweight, including obesity and physical inactivity. There is good evidence that a large proportion of cases of diabetes and its complications can be prevented by a healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding tobacco.
Submitted by PatientsEngage on 1 November 2015

There is a lot you can do to control your diabetes and stay healthy. Take your medication (if prescribed) regularly, whether it is oral medication or Insulin injections. Untreated diabetes is the cause of many complications, such as blindness, heart and blood vessel disease, stroke, kidney failure, impotence in men, nerve damage and diabetic ketoacidosis. Gestational diabetes can cause birth defects. 


Unmanaged diabetes can lead to many serious complications that may affect vision, skin, nerves, feet, etc. See more in our complications sections.

An Endocrinologist or Diabetologist should be consulted at least once every six months.

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 19:32


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