Atul Garg*, 31 has been battling Type I Diabetes for last 8 years and has understood how important it is to lead a disciplined life to be able to keep the diabetes in check.
Please tell us a bit about your condition
I am an insulin dependent Type 1 diabetic. I have been diagnosed with Type1 diabetes at the age of 23
What were the early symptoms?
Feeling thirsty, frequent urination, weight loss, hunger, skin turning blackish, tiredness etc.
Is there a history of diabetes (Type 1 or 2) related condition in your family?
What is your present condition?
With God’s grace and the support of my family members and doctor, I am currently doing well with control over my blood glucose level, cholesterol, blood pressure etc.
What medications are you on?
I use Mixtard Insulin 50/50 before breakfast and dinner and Act Rapid Insulin before lunch. I did not find any side effects of the medicines as of now.
What were some of the challenges you faced while handling your condition?
Initially I had an issue with the number of units of Insulin I was taking as sometimes I felt it was more and sometimes it was less. But with the passage of time I have learnt to adjust the dosages with the help of my doctor and things are under control now. The main challenge is to manage the Hypoglycemia.
Have you learnt anything in managing this condition that you wish you knew before?
You cannot do anything with Type1 diabetes. It can happen to anyone and anytime when the insulin secretion from pancreas stops at an early age.
What kind of specialists do you consult and how often?
I consult a super specialist Endocrinologist every six months.
What resources are available to you in your city to help you in managing the condition?
Googling helps a lot. You can opt for many journals and magazines that are available which carry extensive information on diabetes..
Have you had to make some changes to your lifestyle because of your condition?
It is very necessary to live a disciplined and controlled life. Learn to say no to people who offer you food during party and other occasions. You have to be very strict and calculative in terms of your food intake. Stress and hypertension are the biggest enemies of a person with diabetes. But this needs to be managed as mood swings are very common in diabetic patients.
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Do tell us about how difficult it was for you to manage your condition.
With a job in the corporate sector, it is very difficult to manage your lifestyle given the nature of your job. But then as they say ‘One life One chance’., So for a person with diabetes, you need to prioritize your health and diet over everything, come what may.
Have you tried complementary medicine or therapies, like homeopathy or yoga?
Has it been difficult emotionally to cope with your condition?
Yes absolutely. In the beginning it was like why me? But then you have to accept the reality and embrace it, the sooner you do the better it is for you.
How has your family supported you in this?
My wife has been supportive on this. She is my source of inspiration and motivation.
Did you see a counselor for support? Were you offered counselling by your doctor?
No I did not see a counselor for support. But my doctor is very supportive and he himself takes personal care in counselling.
What was the hardest part of suffering from Type 1 diabetes?
The moment you wake up in the morning, your fight with diabetes begins.. You have to start your day by pricking a needle and the same ending your day. Each and every moment of your life you have to be very cautious about the way you eat, work, and handle your emotions. A slight change in things may spike your blood glucose level.
What kept you going?
The way I see my life. The adventures, my zeal to work harder and do something. Last but not the least there are some people who look up to me.
How has this changed your perspectives in life?
Always be positive in life. Try to ignore things which are irrelevant. A certain amount of your energy gets wasted on inconsequential and useless things. Don’t waste you energy on things which do not matter..
* Name changed on request