In the book Em and the Big Hoom, Jerry Pinto takes the reader right into the heart of the Mendeses family which reels and recovers as it tries to cope with the mental illness of its central character. A book report by Shwetankshi Bhuwalka (A Psychology Major, School Teacher, and Avid Reader)
They say the greatest books are the ones you don’t want to end. You want to continue reading it for as long as you can and it becomes a part of your world. I finished reading the book a couple of…
And what you can do to help
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide with more than 350 million sufferers, according to the World Health Organisation. The number is growing in all age groups in every community, and with many young people falling prey to depression.
Depression is not just about feeling sad or down. It disrupts different aspects of life – from working to eating, sleeping and socialising – and it can manifest in different ways. An infographic on the 5 Surprising and Overlooked Signs and what you can do to help. Based on this article
Thu, 11/02/2017 - 18:35