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  • Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder PDMDS
    Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder PDMDS

    The Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorder (PDMDS) community is a congregation of people from far and wide who come together for a common cause close to our heart- Parkinson's Disease. Whether you are someone living with and fighting powerfully against the condition, or someone dedicating their life toward the care of a loved one with Parkinson's, or just someone who wants to learn more about Parkinson’s- you can become a part of our community. . . Because everything we do expresses our motto "Together we move better" To find out more about the support we can provide to people with Parkinson’s please visit:

  • Prevention of Retinitis Pigmentosa
    Can Retinitis Pigmentosa Be Prevented? As majority of the RP cases are inherited, special attention is needed to address the genetic aspect. Genetic counselling, detailed family members examination, genetic testing, understanding the pattern of inheritance, pre-natal and antenatal tests at necessary situations are very important in prevention of RP and its risk reduction in future generation. Contributed by  Dr Deepika C Parameswarappa, Consultant Ophthalmologist, LV Prasad Eye Institute…
  • रेस्टलेस लेग सिंड्रोम का नींद पर बहुत बुरा असर हो सकता है
    डॉ. राजलक्ष्मी अय्यर अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (एम्स), ऋषिकेश में “फिजिकल मेडिसिन एंड रिहैबिलिटेशन” की प्रोफेसर हैं । वे हमें सावधान करती हैं कि यदि अच्छी नींद संबंधी आदतों को न अपनाया जाए और दवाएं नहीं ली जाएँ तो रेस्टलेस लेग सिंड्रोम (आरएलएस) जीवन की गुणवत्ता को काफी खराब कर सकता है और उत्पादकता को कम कर सकता है। रेस्टलेस लेग सिंड्रोम (आरएलएस) एक प्रकार का स्लीप डिसऑर्डर (नींद का विकार) है। क्या आप हमें इसके बारे में कुछ बता सकती हैं? यह किसे हो सकता है? आरएलएस एक चिकित्सकीय विकार है…
  • Lessons Of Empathy And Acceptance From A Caregiver For 50 Years
    Veena Sheel Bhatnagar, 80, a former lecturer of Economics, has been a non-stop caregiver for over five decades to her family members, the last being her late husband Vijay Sheel Bhatnagar who had Parkinson’s Disease. Here she recounts her long journey caregiver and shares many learnings. I became a caregiver soon after my marriage in 1963 at age 22. Since then it has it has been a nonstop 50+ year journey of caregiving. Till recently, I was a looking after my husband who had Parkinson’s Disease…
  • A person with Parkinsons standing on top of the mountains with his arms outstretched
    Raising My Game Against Parkinson’s
    Pramesh Ratnakar, English professor, author, and third generation patient of Parkinson’s Disease, rues the absence of a cure, discusses Eliot and Homer in class to overcome Covid adversities and duels unrelentingly and imaginatively with the neurological condition. Plus a reflective poem by Ankur Bashar, his student and film maker who also made the film "The Invisible Enemy".   Who am I? My name is Pramesh Ratnakar. I am 64 years old. Many people call me a maverick for my iconoclastic…
  • The author Dr Prathima holding her book in her hand. She is wearing a bit jacket and is seated on a sofa
    Exercises and Boxing Have Helped Me Cope With Parkinsons
    Dr Prathima, 41 is a General Physician, and was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (YOPD) in her late thirties. She shares her struggles and fears, as well as her strategies for coping with the challenges and pent up tensions. Please tell us a bit about your condition I am 41 years old and was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (YOPD) approximately 4 years ago. Initially the symptoms were very subtle and being a doctor myself, I managed to get a  timely diagnosis.…
  • Moving To Online Platforms And Therapy For Parkinsons Has Been A Boon
    Shaila Bhagwat from Pune has been living with Parkinson’s for some years now. But the lockdowns and social distancing in recent times have made her opt for online therapy sessions as well as look forward to interactions on virtual platforms. She shares how she benefitted from both. When did the online therapy sessions start for you? I am a member of the B. K. Parikh Support Group which is part of the PDMDS (Parkinson Disease & Movement Disorder Society), Mumbai, and is also a part of PDMDS…
  • युवा अवस्था वाले पार्किंसंस रोग से निपटने की चुनौती से हार नहीं मानी: एक युवती की आप-बीती
    पांच साल पहले 45 वर्षीय सुनंदिता का जीवन बढ़िया चल रहा था जब उन्हें पार्किंसंस रोग का निदान मिला। निदान पर विश्वास कर पाना मुश्किल था! इस निदान से उनका जीवन बहुत प्रतिबंधित हो गया। चुनौतियों से जूझना और उचित जीवनशैली के बदलाव कर पाना कठिन था। लेख में पेश हैं उनके अनुभव और विचार। कृपया हमें अपने बारे में कुछ बताएं। मैं एक मध्यमवर्गीय भारतीय बंगाली परिवार से हूं। मेरा जन्म और पालन-पोषण कोलकाता के उपनगरीय इलाके में हुआ है। मेरे पिता केंद्र सरकार में कार्यरत थे और मां एक स्कूली शिक्षक थीं जो बाद में…
  • Inspired by Hurdle Racers To Deal With Young Onset Parkinsons Disease
    Five years back when she was diagnosed with an early onset of Parkinson’s Disease, much to her disbelief, Sunandita, 45, had everything going for her. Since then, it has been an uphill task living with a condition that has cramped her lifestyle in more ways than one. Please tell us a little bit about yourself, your background. I am from a middle-class Indian Bengali family, born and brought up in the suburbs of Kolkata. My father was a Central government employee and mother, a schoolteacher-…
  • Transforming With Parkinsons Disease [Webinar Video Link]
    Your life does change after you are diagnosed with a condition like Parkinson's Disease. It affects your day to day activities, your social engagements, your mental health. But what if you change your approach to life after Parkinson's Disease?    Dr. Shanthipriya was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease at age 36; Rajeev Gupta at 51 and Pramesh Ratnakar at 54. Each of them has developed a unique approach to living life as they deal with the effects of the condition.Apart from…
  • How To Handle Negative Emotions as a Caregiver
    Samiksha Sivan, integrates her experience at PDMDS to talk about some of the negative emotions felt by caregivers of persons with Parkinsons and the how they can cope with the negative emotions like anger, resentment, guilt and anxiety. Dealing with a chronic, progressive condition like Parkinson’s disease (PD) can take a significant toll on a person, be it a caregiver or a patient. Being able to cope with everyday tasks at home and work as well as the stresses of caregiving for a Person with…
I am having Parkinson's disease since last years. I am 43 years old. I am having restlessness in Arms and legs while sleeping. There is an Urge to move legs/ arms, usually accompanied or caused by uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs…
Hello, My mother has been treated with numerous RLS medications in last 5 years. After initial relief and dosage adjusting on Ropark in the last few years her symptoms have increased and spread to her arms. All over recognised RLS websites show that…
my 45 year old dad was diagnosed with the disease before 3 years. he has got leg and hand tremors. i would very much like to know about his progress in the disease?. wht should i expect in the up coming years? and i am not sure on how to help my dad…
My dad is going through parkinsons and he has having difficulty walking , moving his hands freely , leans forward while walking.Also he has difficulty in swallowing food or drinking water.Planning to go for a PEG (stomach feeding tube) . How safte…
My father is unable to walk after sitting for some time. His leg will start shivering and unable to stand properly. Kindly suggest.
My father is unable to walk after sitting for some time. His leg will start shivering and unable to stand properly. Kindly suggest.
is there any support group located in NCR DELHI 
Dear Team, My mother is suffering from PD for 8 yrs now.  It seems that she is on advance stage now, as she complains of tremors, stiffness, numbness in head, dystonia, dyskinesias. We recently visited the doc. She was on 14 tab (syndopa,…
Hello All Could you please help me with good speech therapy center for my father (He is a Parkinson patient from last 5 years) in Chembur. Thanks Divya Singh
The Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS) has initiated a new *Parkinson’s Support Group Center* at Guwahati, Assam. This is our 1st centre in the North East and the inaugural session was held on 15th July 2018. Free…

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