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  • Women health and pregnancy
    Women's Health and Pregnancy

    Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


  • Understanding Male and Female Infertility
    Dr. Kalyani Nityanandan, 85-year-old cardiologist, has extensive knowledge and deep understanding of a gamut of health issues. Here, she delves into issues of infertility and childlessness and potential medical treatment in her breezy style. A couple who have been married for a year or two go to a family function. Till a couple of decades ago, some elderly female relative was bound to ask the wife: What, no news? Irritating, but perhaps inevitable. Today, the question hangs in the air, unvoiced…
  • A pic with the words Stroke in women and some elements like a stethoscope and a diary
    Does Stroke Affect Women Differently?
    We know that stroke is a leading cause of disability. Dr. Nitin Sampat, Consulting Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist highlights how stroke affects women differently, the risk factors for stroke in women and the preventive measures that can be taken. In India, the incidence of stroke is 84-260 lakh annually and the stroke rate in people > 70 years is 1.5% per year. It is the 4th leading cause of death and it still accounts for 1.3% of all causes of death in the world. However, it is…
  • यदि आपको एपिलेप्सी है, तो अपनी गर्भावस्था के लिए क्या सावधानियां लेनी चाहिए
    डॉ। जयंती मणि कोकिलाबेन धीरूभाई अंबानी अस्पताल में न्यूरोलॉजी कंसलटेंट हैं, और इस लेख में एपिलेप्सी वाली महिलाओं के बच्चे नहीं हो सकते हैं और उनके बच्चे को स्तनपान नहीं करा सकते हैं, ऐसी चिंताओं को संबोधित करती हैं। वह कहती हैं कि दवा संबंधी सही सलाह, पूर्व नियोजित गर्भावस्था और उचित निगरानी हो तो मिर्गी रोग वाली ज्यादातर महिलाओं की गर्भावस्था ठीक गुज़र सकती है और वे स्वस्थ बच्चे पैदा कर सकती हैं। क्या एपिलेप्सी वाली महिलाओं के लिए गर्भवती होना सुरक्षित है? एपिलेप्सी के उपचारों में प्रगति…
  • A woman whose head is not visible holding a pill in her palm and a glass of water
    All You Wanted To Know About Emergency Contraceptive Pills
    Looking for information on emergency contraceptive pills and don’t know whom to ask or how to ask. Dr. Ranjana Dhanu, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Hinduja Hospital answers these questions. Emergency Contraception pills are used when a woman has had unprotected sex. This pill is commonly called the "morning-after pill”.  As per World Health Organization1, Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs) can prevent over 95% of pregnancies when taken within the stipulated time- five…
  • Havovi who talks about her endometrial cancer seated in a red dress with a red mantel piece behind her
    "How Would I Tell My Children About My Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis"
    Havovi Bharucha, 53 neglected her symptoms and her health while grieving the loss of her husband and being a caregiver to her mother and an aged pet. By the time she sought help, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Endometrial Cancer. She is a reminder to each one of us to be vigilant about our health. For almost a year, I would get spotting between my periods. I dismissed it thinking it was due to approaching menopause. A year ago, I had lost my husband to liver cancer. Since then I had been…
  • "Interstitial Cystitis Gave Me A Reason To Love And Treasure Life"
    Balaka Basu, founder of Interstitial Cystitis India, shares the story of her journey of being diagnosed with this chronic and debilitating condition to being the founder of a support group that has helped many in a similar situation.  “Changing poison into medicine”- Daisaku Ikeda When I started suffering from the debilitating disease called Interstitial Cystitis, I thought it was the end of everything in my life. I had little knowledge that it was actually the beginning of a great journey…
  • Early stage Ovarian cancer Mona Choudhuri
    I Am Thankful Ovarian Cancer Was Detected Early
    Mona Choudhuri considers herself very lucky to have been diagnosed in the early stages of ovarian cancer. Here she shares her experience to help raise awareness of the importance of routine physical examinations and screenings for women. She also highlights the issue of lymphedema of the leg.  Ovarian cancer was never on my radar of health concerns. It was fibroids in my uterus that had been my constant worry since my mid-30s. I would have discomfort, bloating and frequent abdominal pain.…
  • Does Endometriosis Affect Fertility?
    Obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr. Chandan Dubey, addresses some of the common questions on endometriosis, its association with PCOD and Obesity and how it affects fertility. How common is Endometriosis? What factors increase a woman’s risk of getting endometriosis? Endometriosis affects 2-10 % women in the reproductive age group globally. Risk factors of Endometriosis may be: Pregnancy and childbirth after 30 years. First degree relatives with this condition. Structural abnormalities of…
  • CKD and women's health issues
    Women’s Health Issues for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
    Dr Raka Kaushal, a senior nephrologist focused on various women’s issues amongst patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in a webinar with PatientsEngage in English and Hindi. The questions raised from pregnancy complications, to hair loss, abnormal periods, menopause, oral contraceptives and more.  Here is a synopsis of the key questions addressed. Link to recording on youtube below. Each question is marked with the time stamp. 1:43 Are women with CKD more likely to have…
  • 9 Tips For Pregnant Women To Ensure Good Sugar Control During Covid-19 Lockdown
    Dr. Uma Ram, Director and OBGYN Seethapathy clinic and Hospital, Chennai shares tips for pregnant women to follow to ensure good sugar control, especially in times of Covid-19 lockdown which has restricted movement and is stressful. One in five pregnant women we see have gestational diabetes or high sugars in pregnancy. A lock down can cause problems for them because they may not be able to exercise, get enough veggies or access blood tests. Here are a few tips to ensure good sugar control…
hii... before 1 month I had a miscarriage with 7 week pregnancy now I want to conciev again but first I want to lose weight... my weight is 74 kg ..and height is 5.65
my weight is 85 kg above periods are not regular and light in wt should I do now
In a bizarre case, a woman was found with 92 fibroids in her uterus.… She had bloating, excessive bleeding and pain. These are all classic symptoms of fibroids. To…
Wat are the pros n cons of cervical encirclarge. How one should be prepared for this.,
I have allergy in face for past one year. it like small white and red patches in forehead and cheeks.i went to multiple doctors still it's not cured.its repeatedly coming time after time.they gave dermadew baby cream and hhlevo tablet and it reduces…
after delivery and tubal ligation my tummy not reducing even weight also.
I am suffering from pcos from 1 year. My periods are also not regular and frequent and the bleeding is also just spotting. I tried many times to conceive but nothing happened. I went to many doctors and they all start a new medication every time. I…
What yogasans can we do during pregnancy?(1st trimester). Had 2 miscarriages before. plz suggest.
Foods to be eaten in the time of pregnancy
i used to weight 60-63 kg. but afterdelivery weight starts increasing ang now weight is 75-76 kg. am veey worried ....plz tell how i can reduce weight..

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