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  • Women health and pregnancy
    Women's Health and Pregnancy

    Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


  • Always have a Gynae-Oncologist Perform Cyst Removal
    Ovarian cancer survivor, Meghna, 30, tells you why. Here, she shares her experience – symptoms and treatment – and her learnings. Please tell us a bit about your condition.  I have a rare form of ovarian cancer called Granulosa Cell Tumour (GCT). These are classified as stromal tumours originating from the sex cord. GCT accounts for about 2-3% of all ovarian cancer cases. I was staged 1a (12x7cm tumour removed intact). When were you diagnosed?  I was diagnosed in…
  • Breast cancer - urban, educated, affluent, employed women most at risk
    Says Dr Subhojit Dey, cancer researcher at the Indian Institute of Public Health. He tells us why, and how to protect yourself. 70% of Indian women with breast cancer seek medical help at the late stage. 5-year survival rate is around only 60%. In Developed Countries, for example in the USA 60-80% women reach the doctor at an early stage and 5 year survival is almost 90%. Awareness is key and saves lives. Breast cancer incidence is increasing. What are the factors…
  • Women discuss endometriosis: 'No one believed I could be in such pain from a period'
    Although an estimated 176 million women around the world suffer from the‘secret plague’, too few primary care doctors know how to diagnose it and the specialists to whom they are sent are ill-informed. Read here about Endometriosis The Guardian’s coverage struck a chord with sufferers who too often spent years searching for a diagnosis. Although women will often find themselves with a prescription for the contraceptive pill, far too many are sent away by a doctorwho tells them it’s all in…
  • What You Need To Know About Miscarriages
    Mark Zuckerberg spoke recently about the three miscarriages his wife suffered before their successful pregnancy. Most people prefer not to talk about it, but, as Dr Chandan Dubey, obstetrician and gynaecologist, says, it’s fairly common with one in five pregnancies ending in miscarriage. Loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks is called a miscarriage. It is a common occurrence. One in every five confirmed pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. For these women the result is emotional and mental stress,…
  • 8 fashion hazards to avoid
    Are your heels sky-high and your bags oversized? You need to read this now. Don’t let your inner fashionista sabotage your health, says Dr Shital Raval. Skinny Jeans: Skinny jeans can compress the nerves and muscle of the groin area, aggravate acidity/reflux, abdominal discomfort and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). The Compartment syndrome, which is caused when the muscles become swollen and bruised, was recently seen in a case where a woman collapsed after squatting in…
  • All You Need To Know About Managing Varicose Veins
    Varicose veins affects more than 1 in 5 persons. Dr Shital Raval explains what varicose veins are, the causes and risk factors, the tests for diagnosis, the treatment and self management for varicose veins.  What are varicose veins? The venous system of the leg consists of 3 types of veins: 1. Superficial: long and short saphenous veins. These are principal veins near the surface of the legs. 2. Deep: veins that supply the muscles of the leg 3. Perforators: veins that connect the deep…
  • Sugar vs Fat
    Which is the greater evil? How much fat is necessary in your diet? How to read food labels? Registered dietitian and diabetes educator Ujjwala Baxi has all the information.  The human diet is always evolving. And with each evolution comes strong and focused criticism of certain foods. Some decades ago, it was the fat in our diet that was demonised and 0% fat diets and recipes flourished on bookshelves and the dinner table. But very soon, it was realised that going nil…
  • Prevention of Infertility: What every woman should know
    By obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Chandan Dubey A couple who cannot conceive after one year of regular unprotected sex may have infertility. About 1 in 7 couples have this problem and need treatment. Many trends in the rapidly changing lifestyles of women and men may increase this problem in the future. Here are 5 pointers to up your chance of conceiving naturally. The biological clock is ticking… Women need to remember that for them, age is very important when planning a baby. Not…
  • Eat Right To Beat PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome)
    Chase away the monthly blues with food and lifestyle changes. By Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju. Infographic below. PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) is caused by hormonal fluctuations. It affects 85 per cent of menstruating women in varying degrees – from mild (just a bother) to severe (you have to take time off work or your relationships are affected).  PMS is associated with a host of symptoms. Among them are bloating, headaches, irritability, anxiety, depression, tiredness,…
  • 42 percent India's pregnant women underweight and anemic
    03 March 2015 The poor health of children in India is one of the world's perplexing public health issues. An iimportant factor is the relatively poor health of young Indian women. More than 90% of adolescent Indian girls are anaemic (anemic). 42% of Indian mothers were underweight as compared to 16.5% for Sub Saharan Africa. "Young newly married women are at the bottom of household hierarchies. So at the same time that Indian women become pregnant, they are often expected to keep quiet, work…
hii... before 1 month I had a miscarriage with 7 week pregnancy now I want to conciev again but first I want to lose weight... my weight is 74 kg ..and height is 5.65
my weight is 85 kg above periods are not regular and light in wt should I do now
In a bizarre case, a woman was found with 92 fibroids in her uterus.… She had bloating, excessive bleeding and pain. These are all classic symptoms of fibroids. To…
Wat are the pros n cons of cervical encirclarge. How one should be prepared for this.,
I have allergy in face for past one year. it like small white and red patches in forehead and cheeks.i went to multiple doctors still it's not cured.its repeatedly coming time after time.they gave dermadew baby cream and hhlevo tablet and it reduces…
after delivery and tubal ligation my tummy not reducing even weight also.
I am suffering from pcos from 1 year. My periods are also not regular and frequent and the bleeding is also just spotting. I tried many times to conceive but nothing happened. I went to many doctors and they all start a new medication every time. I…
What yogasans can we do during pregnancy?(1st trimester). Had 2 miscarriages before. plz suggest.
Foods to be eaten in the time of pregnancy
i used to weight 60-63 kg. but afterdelivery weight starts increasing ang now weight is 75-76 kg. am veey worried ....plz tell how i can reduce weight..

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