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  • Women health and pregnancy
    Women's Health and Pregnancy

    Conception, Pregnancy complications, Endometriosis, Menopause, Uterine Fibroids, PCOS, women specific issues in common conditions like Urinary Tract Infection, Heart diseases, Stroke, Kidney Disease and more


  • Menopause Prevention
    Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life cycle and cannot be prevented. However, many of the symptoms can be managed and complications prevented by making healthy lifestyle choices.  Here are some steps you can take to prevent menopause symptoms: Eat a wholesome and healthy Diet Exercise regularly: This often reduces menopause symptoms and may even prevent some of the symptoms of menopause. Quit smoking Sleep well and if necessary reduce caffeine to ensure better sleep Build bone…
  • Tests for Menopause
    If you think you are having menopause (you have not had your period for 6 months), consult your doctor for confirmation of menopause diagnosis and to rule out other problems. Your doctor may suggest the following tests: pH tests: During there productive age, the pH of the vagina is 4.5. At menopause it raises to about 6. For this test, a vaginal swab is taken and tested for pH values.. Blood tests: This can check the Follicular Stimulating Hormone(FSH) and oestrogen levels. FSH levels increase…
  • Symptoms of menopause
    Menopause affects women in different ways. You will have some of the following symptoms: Irregular periods: Periods become uncertain – sometimes heavier, sometimes lighter. The frequency may also change – coming more often or less.  Hot flashes: These are feelings of heat on your face and neck and sometimes all over your body accompanied by heavy sweating.  Trouble sleeping: Difficulty sleeping at night and with night time sweats.  Vaginal dryness Urinary tract infections:…
  • Stages of Menopause
    Stages of menopause Menopause does not happen abruptly. It is a gradual process consisting of perimenopause, menopause and post menopause. Peri-menopause: This refers to a period 3-5 years before actual menopause starts, when the hormones being secreted by the ovaries start going down. Periods become irregular. You may still ovulate but not every month.   Menopause: This refers to the period when the ovaries stop producing the ova and oestrogen and progesterone are released at a low…
  • Causes of Menopause and Risk Factors
    What causes menopause Menopause is a natural change that occurs in women during their 40s or early 50s. In Asian women, menopause usually occurs between the ages of 49-53. It happens when the ovaries stop functioning. The primary function of the ovaries is: To release the ova (egg) monthly To release hormones like oestrogen and progesterone that make preparatory changes in the uterine wall if the woman conceives For subsequent shedding of theuterine wall or lining if she does not conceive. As…
  • Cancer Awareness Walkathon 2016
    Don't just sit back and watch someone struggle with cancer. Join this walkathon or pledge your support Breast Cancer Survivor Rita Banik and the Race to Rein in Cancer team.  Theme: To reduce the Impact of cancer on Individuals, Families and Communities  Date :  Sunday, February 7,  2016 From :  Orlem Church, Malad (W)  to  Ijmima Complex, Malad (W)  Interested participants may register by 27th January  2016  At 345 Ijmima Complex, 3rd Floor,…
  • Prevention of Uterine Fibroids
    Since there is no known cause of uterine fibroids, there are no clear strategies to prevent fibroids. However, it is good to know if have a high risk as per the risk factors highlighted - if you are Asian, if have a hereditary risk or if you have had early onset of menstrual cycles. Keep your weight under control.  Avoid a red meat diet Limit alcohol consumption Its also important to do regular tests especially if you are in the high risk category so you can catch them early or before…
  • Management of Fibroids
    Apart from the medication mentioned in the treatment section, the following may help manage the symptoms: Diet Eat beans and legumes as these reduce oestrogen levels Grape seed extract, red raspberry, fish, like salmon, tuna, mackerel rich in omega-3 shrink fibroids Fibre rich foods promote oestrogen excretion, eg: Dark leafy greens Broccoli Ground flaxseed Whole grains like brown rice, millet, rye and oats. These regulate good oestrogen metabolism Avoid eating soya beans, other fermented…
  • Uterine Fibroids Treatment
    The doctor may suggest some of the following: Medication: to reduce symptoms Tranexamic acid: Tranexamic acid helps in clotting of blood in the uterus, thus reducing bleeding.  Anti-inflammatory drugs : These drugs reduce the production of progesterone. Progestrone contributes to the heavy and abnormal menstrual bleeding. They don’t shrink the fibroids but they reduce the symptoms of fibroids.  LNG-IUS (Levonorgestrel intrauterine system): A plastic device is placed in the uterus…
  • Tests for Uterine Fibroids and Diagnosis
    Your doctor may suggest one or more ofthe following diagnostic tests: Blood test: Complete blood picture to check for anaemia Ultrasound: This is done when the patient has heavy bleeding or any of the other symptoms associated with fibroids.  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Helps in identifying the location and size of fibroids.  Trans vaginal scan: A small scanner is inserted into the patient’s vagina to view the uterus. Hysteroscopy: A small telescope is introduced into the…
i wnt to loose weight... plz help me
hello sir/mam, i am sathya.27 years old.marriage date is sep 4.completed 6 months of marriage life.we are planning to get baby...not yet conceived...pls suggest me ..what are the DO'S AND DONT'S  to be pregnant,..thank u in advance.............
when I do exercise , the sweat causes sinus infection. what can I do for this? will sweat band reduce this?
hi everyone, im 27 .gradually my weight is increasing from 50 to 60 with in 3 years. and my hemoglobin is 10.And i also have acidity. would this be a reason to weight gain ??please help me on this
Losse weight tummy for pregnancy
due to pcos i am uable to i need to loose weight.please suggest a easy diet chart with exercise as i have a 10-6 job scedule.
am trying for a pregnency but i have pcos can u suggest anything i am using tablets since 8months for pcos but no use of that and periods is not regular
i want to loss my weight. i have a problem of pcos.... plz help me

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