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  • A pic of a volunteer from a suicide prevention helpline
    Offering a Safe Listening Space To Distressed Callers
    Sweta Tiwary, Volunteer, Mentor and Trainer at Connecting NGO, Pune, a suicide prevention helpline talks about how the nature of distress calls changed during the ongoing pandemic. And how callers have been impacted by the media coverage of Sushant Singh Rajput. *TW:  Discussion on causes of suicide and feelings of people in distress Have you kept your helplines open through the lockdown? Yes, we have. We are offering telephonic and email support. Walk-in service is temporarily not…
  • What Patients And Doctors Expect From Telemedicine
    As the best alternative for face-to-face meetings, since the lockdown began in March 2020, more and more doctors are flocking towards teleconsults via video and telephonic calls. While the guidelines for Telemedicine came in a little later*, much was left to the individual’s discretion on how to conduct these consults, leaving many doctors and patients unhappy and unsatisfied. We spoke to several patients and doctors before putting together the essential crux of what both sides of the call…
  • Upcoming Webinar: Pandemic Stress and Burnout - Relearning Ways To Cope
    Join us as we speak with Hvovi Bhagwagar, Clinical Psychologist and Trauma Therapist on how covid-19 pandemic is causing a lot of stress and tension in people. Previously defined coping and self care mechanisms are not available or not working. So what we can do to find strategies to cope Topic Pandemic Stress and Burnout: Relearning How To Cope When: 5th September, 2020  3:30pm IST, 6pm SGT    To join the webinar, click on the link below…
  • How Covid-19 has Disrupted Our Sleep Cycle?
    Dr. Manvir Bhatia, Senior Consultant in Neurology and Sleep medicine, says that the pandemic has severely affected the crucial sleep-wake rhythm of people impacting their mental and physical health, leading to chronic insomnia. She highlights the role of sleep in building immunity and recommends some tips for better sleep. We have been hearing and reading about an increase in the number of people suffering from disturbed sleep patterns and poor quality of sleep due to Covid-19. Have you seen a…
  • You Too Can Save Lives - Webinar Series On Organ Donation Awareness
    Unofficial statistics from India indicate that there are nearly 300 deaths every day due to organ failure, translating to more than one lakh deaths per annum. Its time to step up and do what we can do something to save lives You Too Can Save Lives #SaveLives #OrganDonationAwareness #Donate #LiveOn Over the next few days, we will do a series of webinars to address all your questions and concerns on Organ Donation as a donor and as someone waiting for a transplant You will also…
  • ऑर्गन डोनेशन : कुछ आम सवाल, गलत धारणाएँ और सम्बंधित स्पष्टीकरण
    अंग विफलता के कारण भारत में प्रतिवर्ष 100,000 से अधिक मौतें होती हैं। यदि पर्याप्त अंग दाता (ऑर्गन डोनर ) होते तो इनमें से अधिकांश मौतों को रोका जा सकता था। जया जयराम, प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजर मोहन फाउंडेशन अंग दान संबंधी सवालों और गलत धारणाओं को संबोधित करती हैं और वास्तविकता क्या है, यह बताती हैं। वे हम सबसे आग्रह करती हैं कि हम सब को अंग दाता बनना चाहिए। यह अनुमान है कि दस लाख से अधिक भारतीय हर साल अंतिम चरण अंग विफलता (एन्ड स्टेज ओर्गन फ़ेल्यर) से पीड़ित होते हैं, जबकि एक वर्ष में सिर्फ लगभग 10,000…
  • Fearing A Lonely Funeral During Covid-19
    Usha Jesudasan, who is affected by polio, diabetes and breast cancer and is an author of many self-help and inspirational books, rationalises how Covid which so destroyed her with the fear of dying alone, actually taught her how to live better. Death is no stranger to me. One balmy afternoon in February 1997, I sat holding my husband Kumar’s hand, as he slipped peacefully away from this world. It was his desire to die in our bed, with our three young children, his best friends and close family…
  • How To prepare for Medical Emergency at home
    घर पर मेडिकल इमरजेंसी के लिए कैसे तैयार रहें?
    हम अक्सर मेडिकल इमरजेंसी के लिए तैयार नहीं होते हैं। बेहतर होगा कि हम पहले से अपनी सूची बनाएं और अपनी बनाई हुई सूची की समय-समय पर समीक्षा करें। यहां कुछ दिशानिर्देश और संकेत दिए गए हैं जिन पर आपको विचार करना चाहिए। जब घर में कोई प्रियजन अचानक या गंभीर रूप से बीमार पड़ जाता है, या कोई दुर्घटना हो जाती है, तो घबरा जाना स्वाभाविक है। परिवार के सदस्य ऐसे में स्थिति स्वीकार नहीं कर पाते या समझ नहीं पाते कि क्या करें।  वे उम्मीद करने लगते हैं कि कुछ देर रुकें तो समस्या खुदबखुद ठीक हो…
  • Immuno Boosters In Your Kitchen
    Rima Desai Rao, a registered dietitian, nutritionist and National Executive Member of the Indian Dietetic Association explains how your diet works to keep you healthy and help build immunity.   Keeping our immune system in prime condition is always of top priority in these challenging times. Any mention of boosting immunity, one starts thinking of superfoods and thinks it is a very quick job. Immuno boosters are not a magic potion that would provide immediate protection from disease.…
  • Busting Myths in Organ Donation
    There are more than 100,000 deaths per annum in India due to organ failure. Most of these could have been prevented if there were enough organ donors. Jaya Jairam, Project Manager MOHAN Foundation addresses the myths and misconceptions that exist and urges each one of us to be an organ donor. It is estimated that more than a million Indians suffer from end stage organ failure annually, while only around 10,000 are able to get a life-saving transplants in a year. Unofficial statistics from…
I want to loss my weight is there anyone plz help me
Detaining the pateint in such a situation in a place that reaps them wealth; who otheriwse will be returned to heir homes to die opens a huge worm of cans on their own non prefessionalism. What is the role of the patient's care giver or significant…
Please give arthritis e book
hi sir am sandeep,I want my gain weight
We have just launched our first e-book in Hindi - Yoga Digest High Blood Pressure Ke Liye. Check out our other ebooks on and choose which one should be our next Hindi ebook Aap ko kaunsi e-book hindi mein chaahiye Give…
It is my 1st encounter with PatientsEngage and am happy and satisfied. Registration was simple and downloading was fast. Questions were short and specific.
A well researched and comprehensive article on the issue of pain and palliative medication around the world. The addiction to opioids in countries like America and Canada while on the other hand, people in poor and middle income countries, patients…

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