Detaining the pateint in such a situation in a place that reaps them wealth; who otheriwse will be returned to heir homes to die opens a huge worm of cans on their own non prefessionalism.
What is the role of the patient's care giver or significant other? on whom everything else depends. They are not involved or kept in loop as far as treatment is concered except for billing, funding and physically caring for their loved ones in the hospital." The attendant" or "by-stander" as they are labelled are meant to attend to physical hygeine of their loved ones with scarce resources and support given and regardless of the challenge they might face in doing this. One other important role of the attendant is to gratify the needs of the system, whether it is money or otheriwse. Money drives the rest of the show. All it takes is to spend two minutes at the door of any hospital, one will return with not only anecdotes but heaviest dejected heart.
Apart frpom this the medical team never gives them a plan of care, the families won't even know what their loved ones are treated for. Where is the clarity and transparency? All these are due to many reasons under broad category of disrespect to individual's right, inhumane attitude, corruption etc.
The Q to be asked is : Can such a noble profession not adhere to the oath that they are taking? why do harm ? The accountability also lies in the hands of the consumers to be enlighetned of the fact they have the right of to be involved and to know to be treated with dignity. The pateints are a source of revenue for the medical system. I am terribly sorry many thousands are out there facing such conudrum in and out and yet not surfacing up to encounter. The minority of such are abadononed with the loved ones at the most vulnearble time of their lives. That fear of pain, anguish and suffering makes them subject their loved ones to such open dacoity.
Besides the country's obligation to strengthening the policy & procedures on educating palliative care, drug availabilty etc, Public education and reinforcement of their own right is the first step in my opinion. Mass public education will bring about commanding appropriate care, rather than blind acceptance and submission.