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  • Lessons From Rural India On Doctor Patient Relationship
    Dr Kavery Nambisan, eminent surgeon and novelist, in her latest book ‘A Luxury Called Health’ writes about her compelling medical experiences in rural  Indian communities and talks of the key tenets of doctor-patient relationship. She dwells on medical ethics and corporatized health care.  Your latest book ‘A Luxury Called Health – A Doctor’s Journey through the Art, the Science and the Trickery of Medicine’ draws on your work as a surgeon over four decades in rural India. Why did you…
  • How Much Salt Does A Child Need?
    During #SaltAwarenessWeek, we put the spotlight on how much salt children need, the hidden sources of salt and why parents must be aware and pro-actively manage salt intake. Facts every parent must know. Did you know  - Children need less salt than adults  - Kidneys of children take time to develop  - Children have a normal BP of 120/80 only around the age of 15-16 Learn more about blood pressure readings in children and why salt in children must be regulated.  - WHO has…
  • a vector image of a woman Breast Feeding her baby framed in pink
    स्तनपान के लाभ माँ और बच्चे के लिए
    स्तनपान सप्ताह (ब्रैस्टफीडिंग वीक) 1-7 अगस्त के अवसर पर डॉ शीतल पटेल शिशुओं को स्तनपान कराने के कई लाभों के बारे में चर्चा करती हैं। स्तनपान कराना न केवल मां और बच्चे के लिए बल्कि पूरे समाज के लिए फायदेमंद माना जाता है। यह बच्चों को दूध पिलाने का सबसे प्राकृतिक और आदर्श तरीका है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यू एच ओ) की सिफारिश है कि माताओं को पहले 6 महीनों के लिए शिशु को सिर्फ स्तनपान कराना चाहिए, यानी कि शिशु को स्तन के दूध के अलावा कोई अन्य भोजन या पानी नहीं देना चाहिए और फिर 6 महीने से 2…
  • How Health Inequalities Impact Equality for Women
    This year on International Women's Day we focus on two aspects, the health related inequities that impact women both as patients and as caregivers. Reflect, share and let us know your thoughts. Did you know that there are many health related inequalities that impact women. There are a few that are captured in the infographic below. Let us recognise these and pledge to take steps to change this   On International Women's day, let us reflect on the biases we still need to break. The…
  • Best Wishes From PatientsEngage For 2022
    Ring in a New Year of Health and Wellbeing. #HappyNewYear #HNY2022 2021 started on a note of hope – vaccines had been approved. We believed that the experiences gained in 2020 together with the protection from the vaccine would help us to cope with the pandemic and get back to a more normal life.   That was before the Delta variant hit us as a second wave, bringing loss, grief, and hardships in its wake. But we navigated it and then focussed on aligning our priorities not just as a…
  • A man sleeping with a CPAP machine attached to his face
    मैंने अपनी स्लीप एपनिया समस्या को कैसे ठीक किया
    दिल्ली के 42 वर्षीय रोहन कपूर पिछले पंद्रह वर्षों  से ऑब्सट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया विकार से जूझ रहे हैं, और बिना किसी बाधा के नींद लेने के लिए मशीन का उपयोग करते हैं। कृपया हमें अपनी स्थिति के बारे में कुछ बताएं मुझे 2004 से ऑब्सट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया (ओएसए, अश्वसन) है, और मेरा निदान स्लीप टेस्ट के माध्यम से किया गया था। मैं नींद के लिए एक सीपीएपी (CPAP) मशीन का उपयोग करता हूं और इस उपकरण की वजह से मेरी स्थिति का सफलतापूर्वक प्रबंधन हो पा रहा है। Read in English: How I fixed my sleep…
  • Leave No One’s Health Behind : Invest in Health Systems For All
    The theme for UHC2021 is "Leave No One’s Health Behind : Invest in Health Systems For All". We explore what right to health means for people and what investments need to be made in health systems to enable each one of us to be better informed about health, to be able to be pro-actively engaged with our health and to feel empowered to make better decisions and better choices.  “ The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being…
  • How To Differentiate Common Viral Illnesses
    Dr Joyeeta Basu explains about common viral illnesses like flu, dengue and Covid-19, the importance of a precise diagnosis, the symptoms to watch out for and whether one should self-medicate. Plus common misconceptions. Please explain the difference between the common cold, influenza, chikungunya, dengue and covid. Influenza (flu) and the common cold are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. Flu is caused by influenza viruses only, whereas the common…
  • प्लांटार फ़ेशियाइटिस के कारण एड़ी में दर्द
    जब आप सुबह अपना पहला कदम उठाते हैं तो क्या आपकी एड़ी में दर्द होता है? हो सकता है कि आपको प्लांटार फ़ेशियाइटिस है। इस लेख में डॉ शीतल रावल प्लांटार फ़ेशियाइटिस के लक्षण और इस दर्द को कम करने के लिए व्यायाम साझा करती  हैं। प्लांटार फ़ेशियाइटिस क्या है? प्लान्टर फ़ेशिया (तलवे की प्रावरणी) एक सपाट लिगामेंट है जो एड़ी की हड्डी को पैर की उंगलियों से जोड़ता है और पैर के आर्च को सहारा देता है। यदि इस लिगामेंट पर ज्यादा जोर पड़ता है, तो इसमें इन्फलामेशन हो सकती है। इसे प्लांटार फ़ेशियाइटिस कहते हैं और…
  • How To Help Children Deal With Pandemic Stress, Anxiety And Reduced Socialisation?
    How To Help Children Deal With Pandemic Stress, Anxiety And Reduced Socialisation? A two part webinar series in English and Hindi with experts from MPower  The pandemic is affecting a lot of us emotionally. However the emotional wellbeing of children is often overlooked. Kids and teens have hardly played or interacted with their friends. They have spent months looking at screens for long periods of time. This is affecting their health in many different ways and creating conflicts and…
I want to loss my weight is there anyone plz help me
Detaining the pateint in such a situation in a place that reaps them wealth; who otheriwse will be returned to heir homes to die opens a huge worm of cans on their own non prefessionalism. What is the role of the patient's care giver or significant…
Please give arthritis e book
hi sir am sandeep,I want my gain weight
We have just launched our first e-book in Hindi - Yoga Digest High Blood Pressure Ke Liye. Check out our other ebooks on and choose which one should be our next Hindi ebook Aap ko kaunsi e-book hindi mein chaahiye Give…
It is my 1st encounter with PatientsEngage and am happy and satisfied. Registration was simple and downloading was fast. Questions were short and specific.
A well researched and comprehensive article on the issue of pain and palliative medication around the world. The addiction to opioids in countries like America and Canada while on the other hand, people in poor and middle income countries, patients…

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