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  • A woman with epilepsy in purple dupatta holding a book
    मैं एपिलेप्सी वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए अधिक स्वीकृति की कामना करती हूं
    चंडीगढ़ की 49 वर्षीय प्रीति सिंह एक सफल लेखिका हैं, जिनकी नवीनतम पुस्तक 'ऑफ एपिलेप्सी बटरफ्लाइज़' एपिलेप्सी (मिर्गी) के विषय पर एक सटीक एवं उपयोगी पुस्तक है। उन्हें दो साल की छोटी उम्र से एपिलेप्सी है, और इस लेख में वे बताती हैं कि कैसे जीवन के उतार-चढ़ाव ने उन्हें स्थिति के साथ जीना सिखाया है और कैसे समाज एपिलेप्सी वाले लोगों से मुंह मोड़ लेता है। आपको निदान कब किया गया था? क्या आप हमें शुरुआती लक्षणों के बारे में बता सकती हैं? जब मेरा जन्म हुआ, तो नर्स ने मुझे गिरा दिया था, और उस समय लगी सिर…
  • Understanding Neuroplasticity, Neurorecovery and Neurorehabilitation
    Dr Abhishek Srivastava, Director, Centre for Rehabilitation at Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai explains the approaches to neurorehabilitation after stroke and how applying the four types of neuroplasticity can help a patient recover and live independently. Stroke is the leading cause of disability in adults. For Patients, its end of road, for Family its beginning of a burden, for Physicians its interventions, for Organization its investment and for the Nation its loss of Disability…
  • A man dozing off on his chair and text overlay of I wish people knew about narcolepsy
    Wish People Knew More About Narcolepsy
    It took Rohan Dsouza, a fashion photographer, near 30 years to be diagnosed with narcolepsy, an incurable sleep disorder. Here he rues how he was adversely impacted personally and professionally because it is one of the most misunderstood and underrecognised health conditions. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy at age 30. I lived in distress, confusion and disgrace, not knowing what was wrong with me.  Early symptoms As a child I used to fall asleep anywhere, anytime. I had difficulty getting…
  • A woman with epilepsy in purple dupatta holding a book
    I Wish For Greater Acceptance For Persons With Epilepsy
    Preeti Singh, 49 from Chandigarh is a successful author whose latest book ‘Of Epilepsy Butterflies’ is hitting the right notes. She herself has been living with epilepsy since the young age of two, and here she talks about how life has taught her to live with the condition through ups and downs and how society turns its face away from people with epilepsy. When were you diagnosed? Can you tell us about the early symptoms? When I was being delivered as a baby, I was apparently dropped by the…
  • A pic with the words Stroke in women and some elements like a stethoscope and a diary
    Does Stroke Affect Women Differently?
    We know that stroke is a leading cause of disability. Dr. Nitin Sampat, Consulting Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist highlights how stroke affects women differently, the risk factors for stroke in women and the preventive measures that can be taken. In India, the incidence of stroke is 84-260 lakh annually and the stroke rate in people > 70 years is 1.5% per year. It is the 4th leading cause of death and it still accounts for 1.3% of all causes of death in the world. However, it is…
  • वरिष्ठों के लिए मस्तिष्क व्यायाम |
    वरिष्ठ नागरिकों की जीवनशैली में असामान्य बदलाव आते हैं। इसलिए अपनी शारीरिक और मानसिक शक्ति के लिए उन्हें कुछ अनुशासित गतिविधियों की ज़रूरत है। यहाँ कुछ सुझाव दिये गये हैं जो उनके बौद्धिक स्वास्थ को बनाये रखेंगे :  दिमाग तेज रखने के लिए:   रचनात्मक लेखन और क्राॅसवर्ड पज़ल जैसी गतिविधियों से समझ बढ़ाएं  चीज़ें ढूंढने, आकार पहचानने जैसी गतिविधियों से दृष्टि बोध बढ़ाएं   संज्ञात्मक विकास के लिए ताश के पत्तों वाले स्मृति-खेल, क्राफ़्टिंग, आर्ट-थेरेपी आदि करें गतिविधियों पर…
  • यदि आपको एपिलेप्सी है, तो अपनी गर्भावस्था के लिए क्या सावधानियां लेनी चाहिए
    डॉ। जयंती मणि कोकिलाबेन धीरूभाई अंबानी अस्पताल में न्यूरोलॉजी कंसलटेंट हैं, और इस लेख में एपिलेप्सी वाली महिलाओं के बच्चे नहीं हो सकते हैं और उनके बच्चे को स्तनपान नहीं करा सकते हैं, ऐसी चिंताओं को संबोधित करती हैं। वह कहती हैं कि दवा संबंधी सही सलाह, पूर्व नियोजित गर्भावस्था और उचित निगरानी हो तो मिर्गी रोग वाली ज्यादातर महिलाओं की गर्भावस्था ठीक गुज़र सकती है और वे स्वस्थ बच्चे पैदा कर सकती हैं। क्या एपिलेप्सी वाली महिलाओं के लिए गर्भवती होना सुरक्षित है? एपिलेप्सी के उपचारों में प्रगति…
  • Rehabilitation Is Essential For Regaining Independence
    Spinal cord injury, stroke and osteoporosis are common causes of disability. The Chandigarh Spinal Rehab centre offers holistic rehabilitation to empower patients and enable independent living. For what conditions or disabilities does the Centre have Rehabilitation facilities? Spinal Cord Injury Traumatic brain injury Stroke Multiple Sclerosis Cerebral Palsy Children with special needs Geriatric Rehabilitation Post Joint Replacement Therapy Spina Bfida Pain Management Other Neuro Conditions…
  • Webinar: Epilepsy Is More Than Seizures
    8th February was International Epilepsy Day and this year since the theme is "More than seizures", we focus on how it affects children, schooling, adolescence, learning, marriage, pregnancy and more Our panelists were Dr. Pradnya Gadgil - Consultant Pediatric Neurologist, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Yashoda Wakankar - Neuro counsellor and person with Epilepsy We covered a wide range of topics  02:20 What is epilepsy 04:40 Not all seizures are epilepsy 06:35 Onset of epilepsy…
  • "The Only Thing That Brought Me This Far Is Family Support"
    Arvind CV, a 27 year old young man had a sudden stroke in November 2019 while working as an Operations Manager for a company in Qatar. He had no history of hypertension or any other health issues leading to this. His life naturally turned upside down. Arvind here talks of his path to recovery and what helped him attain it. Please tell us a bit about your condition. What were the early symptoms? Firstly, let me put a disclaimer out there that I had no idea about what a stroke was, nor did I have…
Query received: My father had a brain fits on 16th July. we hospitalized him immediately. then he had brain stroke. after he became little stable by medications. we got him discharged. at home suffered from pneumonia & again he got…
I have Parkinson's disease for last 4 years. I was  on Syndopa Plus(4 times) and and pramipexole (0.25 4 times) for long. But Off late I am  finding medication less effective with  pain, muscle rigidity and body heaviness unbearable.…
Why faced vertigo during laying down or up right moving. Remedy for it?
A case in Singapore is a good reminder of how details of "herbal" supplements should also be shared with your surgeon. In this case, it appears to have had fatal impact.……
I am prone to headaches. Heat, stress, tiredness can set it off. How do I know if it is just a headache or migraine? And can I do anything to get relief other than taking painkillers?
Do you know anyone with Parkinson's? L-DOPA (Living with Dignity fOr People with pArkinson's) is an initiative which works to raise awareness and support people with Parkinson's and their caregivers. L-DOPA will help people with Parkinson's receive…
You want your elderly parent to be independent. But what if they are getting absent minded and you fear they may get lost. I have heard that people with Alzheimers or dementia sometimes wander out of the house, even at night. Is that true? What can……
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