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  • Daily exercise may help suppress inflammation in rheumatic disease
    Exercise has been shown to transiently suppress inflammation in an animal model of rheumatic disease, bolstering evidence to support the theory that regular physical activity is beneficial for patients with the disease. “Exercise can be a very potent therapeutic intervention to control inflammatory diseases, but unfortunately today it is underutilized in clinical practice,” said study author Dr. Nicholas Young from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, US. “[In our…
  • Walking to Help Knee OA: How Much Is Enough?
    Researchers find 6,000 steps per day is the “magic” number for preventing activity limitations in people with knee osteoarthritis (OA), according to a new study published recently online in Arthritis Care & Research. If you have not been doing much walking, start with 3000 steps and then move up to 6000 steps per day
  • Osteoporosis
    is a common condition, usually seen in the elderly, of diminished bone mass and low bone weight, which leads to fragile bones. Bones are living tissue constantly being broken down and rebuilt by the body. During childhood and youth, you form new bone faster than you lose old bone. Between the ages of 18 and 30, you reach peak bone mass. As people age, bone loss increases. Osteoporosis occurs when the body doesn’t create enough new bone to keep up with the absorption or…
  • Tofacitinib: A novel oral treatment for rheumatoid arthritis
    Tofacitinib (Xeljanz®) is the first of a unique class of oral kinase inhibitors to be FDA approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Tofacitinib is a selective inhibitor of Janus kinase (JAK) enzymes. these enzymes mediate signaling for several important cytokines that cause the inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritic patients.
  • Is Knee or Hip replacement right for you ?
    How many times has someone close to us been told to replace a knee or replace a hip ? But is it always the right option ? Understand and evaluate your options carefully as explained here :
  • Exercising with Arthritis? Is it possible?
    A great article on why exercising is important to prevent complications from inactivity in Arthritic patients and what exercises are suitable.
  • Men get Arthritis, too
    Living with RA is living with pain but “Don’t let the disease define you”. RA causes pain in his hands, but he plays the piano every day to keep his fingers moving and his brain active.
  • Walk in water to ease arthritis pain
    It is commonly accepted that aquatic exercise is helpful to those living with arthritis. This new study, incorporating high intensity, interval aquatic training, demonstrates that even better outcomes can be attained for arthritis patients around the world. Read more:
  • Smoking Worsens Psoriatic Arthritis
    "Patients with psoriatic arthritis who smoke have worse patient-reported disease features at baseline and don't respond as well as nonsmokers to anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) treatment, a Danish study found." Patients who had stopped smoking more than 4 years before beginning treatment showed very similar rates of adherence to treatment as did those who had never smoked. So its never too late to quit smoking.
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    Yoga Arthritis - Greeva Sanchalana (Neck Movement)
    Meaning Greeva is neck and Sanchalana means movement Benefits of Greeva Sanchalana 1. Strengthens the muscles of the neck and the shoulders 2. Releases tension, heaviness and stiffness in the head, neck and shoulder region especially after lengthy desk-work 3. Stimulates and provides relief to nerves of different organs (especially all sensory organs) that pass through the neck. 4. When the movement is performed slowly and rhythmically with slow and deep breathing, it calms the mind and is…
I've stiffness in my right knee for last 10 days. also I've pain in my ankles some times. What to do? pl help. thanks
What is the best medicine?
Pain stiffness under and to the sides of left knee. Difficulty walking stretching the leg .difficult to get up after sitting in a chair. Pain when bending the knee.Not comfortable while sleeping also. I am on Homeo age is 68 . The pain…
cause for neuropathy
Hi I am 42 yrs old I had meniscus repair surgery of rt knee last month I am recovering well and doing physiotherapy excercises regularly I want to know that are there more chances for me to develop arthritis later in life . I was having problems…
What type if exercise should I do as I am suffering from right knee pain. Earlier I used to walk daily for 30 minutes but now the pain increases on walking longer. I want to reduce my weight, specially in thighs. Pl suggest.
last week with in 48hrs sudden pain in right kneeand took x-ray and MR ,,,calcification of LCL in right after 1week physiography now pain reduced.I need permanent solution please.experts plse Advice me.
Is there a permanent cure for Arthritis? 
I have swelling onmy right knee nd stiffness on every joint of the body. I take elopathy med. But not getting relief. Plz suggest me.

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