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  • "जब कोई मेरी बात बिना आलोचना किये सुनता है, तो बहुत अच्छा लगता है"
    दो ऐसे बयान पढ़ें जो ऐसे लोगों ने साझा करे हैं जिन्होंने आत्महत्या का प्रयास करा था पर असफल रहे। हम उनकी आप-बीती आपका ध्यान इस बात पर आकर्षित करने के लिए पेश कर रहे हैं ताकि आप यह देखें कि यदि परिवार वाले और मित्र थोड़ी सी संवेदना और सहानुभूति दिखाएं तो कई आत्महत्या के प्रयास रोके जा सकते हैं। दोनों स्थितियों में आत्महत्या का प्रयास करने वालों के अनुभव से दिखता है कि वे चाहते थे कि कोई उनकी बात बिना आलोचना के, बिना मूल्यांकन किए सुनता। ट्रिगर वार्निंग (चेतावनी: कुछ लोग इस लेख की सामग्री से परेशान…
  • Upcoming Webinar: Pandemic Stress and Burnout - Relearning Ways To Cope
    Join us as we speak with Hvovi Bhagwagar, Clinical Psychologist and Trauma Therapist on how covid-19 pandemic is causing a lot of stress and tension in people. Previously defined coping and self care mechanisms are not available or not working. So what we can do to find strategies to cope Topic Pandemic Stress and Burnout: Relearning How To Cope When: 5th September, 2020  3:30pm IST, 6pm SGT    To join the webinar, click on the link below…
  • A man in a suit and with his work bag, sitting on steps, looking downwards and worried
    चिन्ता और डिप्रेशन कम करने के १२ नुस्खे
    कैम गिलर, संज्ञानात्मक व्यवहार मनोचिकित्सक, चिन्ता और अवसाद का सामना करने के आसान नुस्खे बताती हैं । साथ ही, अपने दिमाग की नकारात्मक आवाज़ को कैसे रोका जा सकता है क्या आप उदास, चिंतित, नकारात्मक महसूस कर रहें हैं ? निम्नलिखित कूट नीतियां  आपको इन भावनाओं का बेहतर सामना करने और खुश रहने में मदद करेंगी। 1.   अपने लिए कुछ समय निकालें धीमी गति से सांस लें, आराम करें, संगीत सुनें, ध्यान करें, मालिश कराऐं, या विश्राम  तकनीकें सीखें। समस्या से पीछे हटने से दिमाग को शांति मिलती है।…
  • How Covid-19 has Disrupted Our Sleep Cycle?
    Dr. Manvir Bhatia, Senior Consultant in Neurology and Sleep medicine, says that the pandemic has severely affected the crucial sleep-wake rhythm of people impacting their mental and physical health, leading to chronic insomnia. She highlights the role of sleep in building immunity and recommends some tips for better sleep. We have been hearing and reading about an increase in the number of people suffering from disturbed sleep patterns and poor quality of sleep due to Covid-19. Have you seen a…
  • The researcher standing in front of a fence in front of a garden
    Loneliness, Isolation and Family Discord during the Pandemic
    Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) India recently did a cross sectional study on the association between family distress on loneliness and coping during COVID-19. Researcher Sanjana Goutham explains findings and suggests solutions. Can you describe the study on loneliness during Covid-19? The present study was done to estimate the prevalence of loneliness among general population during the COVID-19 pandemic in India. Along with that, association between family distress and loneliness…
  • Ways to Support Children Deal with Stress and Anxiety About Covid 19
    Parmeet Kaur Soni, Consultant, Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health Foundation, Kolkata, talks about how family members can support their children, when a family member or a close relative is diagnosed as Covid positive. We are increasingly hearing of children of all ages becoming increasingly anxious and even clingy when a family member is affected. We spoke to Parmeet Kaur Soni, a clinical psychologist on how families can navigate these difficult pandemic times.  The following steps…
  • Managing Uncertainty in Uncertain times
    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives and livelihoods and is causing a lot of stress and anxiety. Psychotherapist H'vovi Bhagwagar advises people on how they can learn to accept uncertainty and channel unproductive worrying into problem solving.  As humans, we find safety in predictability and certainty. We prefer having information about our family’s whereabouts, making a list before going shopping and knowing we have a stable job. The COVID-19 pandemic has made life uncertain and…
  • Mental health Concerns of Healthcare workers During Covid-19 Pandemic
    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors, nurses, attendants and other healthcare workers are actively engaged on the frontlines to manage patients. They have a high risk of developing anxiety, depression and stress during this period. Dr. Milan H Balakrishnan MD DPM, Consultant Psychiatrist and Counsellor at Bombay hospital and Masina hospital, Mumbai helps us understand the issues better.   A few studies have been carried in the recent months to assess the mental impact…
  • A framed pic of young teen boy
    It Is Time To Stop Getting Uncomfortable About Grief
    We have to break the silence surrounding grief, especially around death by suicide, and learn to deal with sorrow in a healthy and sensitive manner, writes psychologist Chandra Ramamurthy. I am a Clinical Psychologist by training. I lost my son, Naman Dutt, age 17 years, by possible suicide. The reason why I say possible suicide is because the circumstances of his death still baffle me. Naman was diagnosed with depression and though I have seen severe clinical depression in my practice, I never…
  • Coping With Death And Grief During Covid-19
    Dr Avinash De Sousa, consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist, talks about how bereavement counselling has become crucial in the times of Covid -19 to deal with sudden deaths and inability to mourn satisfactorily. In times of the Covid pandemic, terms like grief therapy and bereavement counselling have gained significance. Could you tell us a little bit about these concepts? Grief Therapy is a form of therapy which is administered by means of counselling or psychotherapy to an individual who…
A new study out of Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) provides evidence that yoga and breathing exercises can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in both the short term—with each session as well as cumulatively in the longer term,…
Hi I need help
Hi all! I'm beginning to have to do more work as I am setting up my own social enterprise with a few friends currently. I've been unemployed mostly for the past years. So that's why I never found my drowsiness from Risperidone affecting me. But now…
I just came across this post by Doug Leddin of Dublin. He speaks candidly about his own experience of depression, and how he's been suffering from it for the last 10 years and how he has hidden it from his closest friends. His following statements…
Interesting study from a few years back on how the decline in outdoor play has led to rise in children's mental disorders. Here is the link…; While this study talks about…
Here is an interesting article on apps for meditation: Do you use any of these ? Or any others ?      
If you constantly feel tired or like you don't get enough sleep, it may be time to revisit your sleep techniques. Most of us view sleep as an optional thing - we try and 'grab' some whenever we have time, but the reality is that like eating, we…

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