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  • International Women's Day 2019 Poster showing a woman with her arms stretched and a text Celebrating women who are changing the face of health and personal care
    Women’s Day 2019: Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate For Change
    For International Women's Day, in line with the UN Women’s theme for 2019 we highlight a few women innovators and social entrepreneurs who have contributed to "Think equal, Build smart & Innovate for a change." We asked these three women entrepreneurs and innovators what drove the innovation and how it benefits the community.  Aditi Gupta, Founder - Menstrupedia Making it cool for young girls to talk about menstruation We created Menstrupedia to fight the widespread unawareness…
  • Colours That Ease Stress And Tensions
    Alive is an initiative to engage undertrials in prisons in creative projects through colours and craft sessions, a therapeutic experience which has immensely helped the inmates relieve stress and find joy and happiness. Editor's Note: While this may not seem at first like an article on health, we felt that this project demonstrates effectively the therapeutic effect of art and colouring and it is easy to adopt. So we spoke with Renelle Snelleksz, the force behind Project Alive. Tell us about…
  • Eating Disorder awareness
    When an Eating Disorder Wrecks a Young Mind and Body
    There is a significant increase in young people with eating disorders from developing countries who take concerns about food and body weight to dangerous extremes. Dr. Mangala of SCARF, Chennai shares how you can spot an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia and binging and seek timely assistance to save precious lives. Eating disorders are behavioural disorders characterized by abnormal eating habits, causing psychological and physiological disturbances. These persistent abnormal eating…
  • A man in front of windows holding his face while having a panic attack
    How To Cope With Panic Attacks
    Mumbai-based psychotherapist H'vovi Bhagwagar explains panic attacks, signs and symptoms, triggers for panic attacks and tips on coping with panic attacks. “Courage is knowing what not to fear”-Plato. Imagine the 2 scenes. A fire fighter enters a building on a rescue mission, where a family is stuck on the 15th floor. The smoke is thick and penetrates his protective gear almost choking him. He thinks “I am going to die, what will happen to my family”. He moves into action, breathing in a manner…
  • A person measuring the length of grass blades with a ruler and trimming the grass
    What are the Symptoms of OCD?
    Dr Jayaraman Hariram, Psychiatrist, Senior Consultant, Emergency Service & OCD Clinic, Singapore answers the frequently asked questions on OCD including treatment options and how to recognize if you need help. What is OCD? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of the common mental illness recently separated from anxiety disorder and placed within Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorder.  It affects people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person gets caught in a…
  • Stock pic showing a young teen on the left scared and traumatised by something on his laptop. There is a lamp that shines directly on the laptop and there is a large shadow on the wall.
    Cyberbullying: The Downside Of A Connected World
    Dr. Shivaprakash Srinivasan, Child Adolescent  and Adult Psychiatrist at SCARF puts the spotlight on the growing trend of cyberbullying, the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent mental health and what parents and educators/teachers can do to prevent cyberbullying and spot signs. The internet since its introduction to the public in the early 1990’s has been changing the world at a really rapid pace. It has been making communication with persons around the world astoundingly easy and also…
  • Sangeetha Param who has Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression in a pink dress
    Like A Broken Vehicle, I Had To Be Push Started
    Sangeetha Param, a 24 year old living with bipolar disorder and depression, is a successful employee, has authored two books and is no longer afraid to talk in public about her mental health issues. Read her reflective piece. "I have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder”. “Do you know what they are?" I ask. The general responses are – "I don't know". "They are just mood swings, right?" "I have the exact same thing". "I know what you are talking about. I read it online that it's…
  • What Recovery Means To A Bipolar Disorder Warrior
    Vijay Nallawala, has been living with bipolar disorder for 42 years and runs a peer support group. Here he takes us through his journey of mental and physical recovery that could be an inspiration to others affected by similar conditions. When a person affected by bipolar disorder asks his psychiatrist about the prognosis of this mental health disorder, the typical answer one gets is: 'Although bipolar disorder has no cure, it can be managed with medication and therapy.' Coming to terms with my…
  • Man in a black long sleeved shirt and khaki pants bending down demonstrating depression
    Why do Men Suffer Depression in Silence
    Males suffering from depression have an increased vulnerability to dying by suicide. Clinical psychologist Smriti Sawhney advices it is important to seek professional help and lists out tips to alleviate depression. Boys are not supposed to cry. And, if you cry you are weak. And, being emotional is so ‘girly’. Most boys tend to hear these and other similar statements during their growing up years. Internalising such statements can make it difficult later on for men to express or share their…
  • Head shot of the author Gayathri Prabhu wearing a yellow blouse, brown sari and a necklace around her neck. In the background are trees
    An Intensely Personal Memoir Of A Father’s Mental Illness
    Trveen Dhillon reviews Gayathri Prabhu’s intensely personal memoir of her conflicted relationship with her father who had depression ‘if i had to tell it again’ and relates to her own experience as a caregiver to her father. Gayathri Prabhu’s ‘if i had to tell it again’ is a memoir about two beings who greatly influenced her life and continue to do so even after their passing - her father, SGM Prabhu, who refused to accept or name his illness (clinical depression), and Chinna, a beautiful…
A new study out of Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) provides evidence that yoga and breathing exercises can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in both the short term—with each session as well as cumulatively in the longer term,…
Hi I need help
Hi all! I'm beginning to have to do more work as I am setting up my own social enterprise with a few friends currently. I've been unemployed mostly for the past years. So that's why I never found my drowsiness from Risperidone affecting me. But now…
I just came across this post by Doug Leddin of Dublin. He speaks candidly about his own experience of depression, and how he's been suffering from it for the last 10 years and how he has hidden it from his closest friends. His following statements…
Interesting study from a few years back on how the decline in outdoor play has led to rise in children's mental disorders. Here is the link…; While this study talks about…
Here is an interesting article on apps for meditation: Do you use any of these ? Or any others ?      
If you constantly feel tired or like you don't get enough sleep, it may be time to revisit your sleep techniques. Most of us view sleep as an optional thing - we try and 'grab' some whenever we have time, but the reality is that like eating, we…

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