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  • Diabetes

    Pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, Complications, Diet and Nutrition, Yoga for Diabetes, Personal stories, News and Views, Discussions. Focus on Prevention and Management

  • Diabetic Neuropathy Symptoms and Signs
    The symptoms and signs of diabetic neuropathy depend on the type of neuropathy present with varying severity.  1. Peripheral neuropathy  This presents with numbness or tingling, pain or burning sensations, loss of sensation in the feet or lower legs and sometimes in the hands or arms. This affects the peripheral nerves, most commonly the nerves of the feet and legs.  2. Proximal neuropathy  This presents with one-sided pain in the hips, weakness in the thigh muscles, weight…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment
    The treatment is based on the types of diabetic neuropathy  1. Peripheral neuropathy treatment Manage pain with standard analgesics Maintain HbA1c below 7% Avoid tobacco and narcotics Localised pain can be managed with topical capsaicin, antidepressants (duloxetine, amitriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, venlafaxine), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, gabapentin, phenytoin), or antiarrhythmic drug mexilitine (oral lidocaine). 2. Proximal neuropathy treatment Manage joint pain with…
  • Types of Diabetic Neuropathy
    There are four types of diabetic neuropathy. 1. Peripheral neuropathy  This presents with numbness or tingling, pain or burning sensations, loss of sensation in the feet or lower legs and sometimes in the hands or arms. This is the most common type of neuropathy that affects the peripheral nerves, most commonly the nerves of the feet and legs.  2. Proximal neuropathy  This presents with one-sided pain in the hips, weakness in the thigh muscles, weight loss, difficulty getting up…
  • Diabetic Neuropathy Risks and Causes
    Are you at risk? The following are the risk factors for Diabetic Neuropathy: Persistent hyperglycemia, HbA1c >8%, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and duration of diabetes 
  • Diabetes Prevention
    Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented but onset of Type 2 diabetes in most cases may be prevented by watching your diet, managing your weight and changing your lifestyle. At the very least the progression of Type 2 diabetes can be managed. Simple steps to prevent Type 2 Diabetes Shed the pounds! Lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI to prevent risk of Type 2 Diabetes  Get moving! A daily cardiovascular exercise regime of minimum 30-40 minutes is most beneficial. Watch what you eat! A…
  • Diabetes Management
    You need a healthy meal plan and an exercise regimen. Being active is very important as it helps the body use insulin more efficiently to convert glucose into energy for the cells.  Food and Nutrition  Making the right food choices is very important in managing diabetes. We make it easy for you to eat well and healthily with simple dos and dont’s, tips for creating a healthy plate and examples of low-glycaemic index foods.  Physical Fitness Exercise plays a key role in managing…
  • Diabetes Treatment
    There is a lot you can do to control your diabetes and stay healthy. Take your medication (if prescribed) regularly, whether it is oral medication or Insulin injections. Untreated diabetes is the cause of many complications, such as blindness, heart and blood vessel disease, stroke, kidney failure, impotence in men, nerve damage and diabetic ketoacidosis. Gestational diabetes can cause birth defects.  Complications Unmanaged diabetes can lead to many serious complications that may affect…
  • Diabetes Tests and Diagnosis
    What tests do you need to have done? Your doctor may recommend the following tests: Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG): This is a blood test that is done first thing in the morning. You have to fast for eight hours before the test. You are allowed to drink water.  If your fasting blood glucose is 100 mg/dL - 125 mg/dL you are considered Prediabetic. If it is 126 mg/dL or more in two or more tests, you are considered to have diabetes. Oral GlucoseTolerance Test (OGTT): This test checks your…
  • Types of Diabetes
    There are different types and stages of diabetes Prediabetes: is when your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diabetes. Simply put, prediabetes puts you at risk of developing diabetes unless you change your lifestyle and bring down the amount of glucose in your blood. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 15 to 30 per cent of prediabetics develop Type 2 Diabetes within five years if they do not change their lifestyle. But just…
  • Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes
    You could have no symptoms or you could have one or more of the following symptoms. These symptoms are common for both Type 1 Diabetes (earlier called Juvenile diabetes) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Increased thirst Frequent urination Blurred vision Extreme fatigue  Weight loss Increased hunger Irritability Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet Frequent skin, bladder or gum infections Wounds that don't heal
Can Sugar Free Tablets be consumed as a substitute for sweets like sugar etc.?  Is Jaggery, Coconut etc. harmful for sugar patients ?
I was taking 20 unitsof 40iu insulin by 40 syringe howmuch of 100 iu  by 100iu pen. Can some body advise me.
helloo dr. i want to know if p.p readings of sugar should be taken 1 1/2 hours or 2 hours.after eating break fast ? Can it be taken after lunch or dinner as well !! i m 60 yrs.old female,diabetes, I m taking janumet(sitagliptin&metformin) 50/…
I am useing humunisulin r n 35 35 mitureand ismet 50/1000 in morning and same dose of insulin and ecosprin av 75 and olmezest 20 in morning and my height is 6feet and my weight 115
I am suffering t2diabetic .please sujest me a medicine which I have continue taken. My bsf 190 & bsp 230
One of the recurring themes that have come across in our discussion with people with diabetes is that sometimes friends and family can be very insensitive during meal times. They may either ask you to eat something that you don't want - "Its just a…
My mother has diabetes and she takes Sugar Free and puts it in her cooking as well. Is it safe for all? My father has heart and kidney problems. Also, what is the difference between Sugar Free Natura and Sugar Free Gold?
We received a question from one of our members - can a person with diabetes eat watermelon?  
I Invite the members for a discussion and survey on Diabetes Cure. 1) How many of you have heard a complete cure of Diabetes ? 2) If Yes, by what treatment? 3) How many are of the opinion of Diabetes treatment with Ayurveda than Allopathy? 4) Impact…
Since  last 21 months I am taking raw green veg juice in morning and since last 102 days I am eating sprouted mung ,Chana and peanuts in the break fast and in the snack at 4.00 , stopped my in take of milk from last 10 months and I take almond…

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